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Saharawi ambassador in Addis Ababa welcomes African states' position based on AU principles

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Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), January 25, 2017 (SPS) - The ambassador of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) in Ethiopia and permanent representative at the African Union, Lamine Baali, welcomes African countries' positions over Western Sahara people's just struggle for their right to self-determination, noting that the African States are "in line with the principles and foundations" of the African Union. 

Sahrawi delegation takes part in 9th African Ministers on Equality Issues Congress

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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, January 25, 2017 (SPS) - A delegation of the SADR led by the Minister of Social Affairs and the Promotion of Women, Ms.  Mahfoudha Mohamed Rahal attended the Ninth Congress of AU Ministers on Issues Gender Equality in preparation for the upcoming summit this year focusing on "making the most of the dividend demographic of Africa by investing in youth".
This congress will debate the empowerment of young people, especially girls for leadership and civic participation.

POLISARIO’s PB praises political prisoners of Gdeim Izik ‘s steadfastness

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Chahid El Hafed (Saharawi Refugee Camps), January 25, 2017 (SPS) -.The Permanent Bureau of the National Secretariat of the Frente POLISARIO praised the courage and steadfastness of Saharawi political prisoners, calling the UN to provide protection to these defenceless citizens and to create a mechanism to monitor and report human rights in Western Sahara.

New SADR ambassador presents his credentials to the President of South Africa

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Pretoria, South Africa, January 25, 2017 (SPS) - The new ambassador of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Mr. Radhi al-Bashir Asgayar has presented his credentials on Tuesday as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Sahrawi Republic to the Republic of South Africa to His Excellency Mr. Jacob Zuma.

Africa Solidarity for Sahrawi calls UNSG for immediate release of the Sahrawi political prisoners

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Pretoria, January 24, 2017 (SPS) - the South African movement Solidarity For Sahrawi has called the Secretary General of the United Nations Organization - (UNSG), Mr. Antonio Guterres  to exercise power for the  immediate release of the Sahrawi political prisoners from Moroccan jails and for helping thousands of Sahrawi citizens in refugee camps to gain their independence in letter sent issued Monday to UNSG.

Morocco’s AU membership request, "major asset" for Sahrawi cause

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Algiers, January 24, 2017 (SPS) - President Sahrawi Brahim Gali said Tuesday in Algiers the request made by Morocco to join to the African Union was a “major asset” for the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, recalling Western Sahara and the Frente POLISARIO were determined to further entrench their diplomatic assets until the Sahrawi people enjoys the right to self-determination.

Demonstrations in Madrid for release of Sahrawi political prisoners

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Madrid, January 24, 2017 (SPS) -Tens of Sahrawis and Spanish of the movement of solidarity with the Sahrawi people demonstrated Monday before Morocco’s embassy in Madrid to require the “release of the Sahrawi political prisoners” and “cessation of the Moroccan repression in the occupied territories.”

Sahrawi rally in Paris for release of Gdeim Izik political prisoners

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Paris, January 23, 2017 (SPS) - Some sixty Sahrawi people, backed by representatives of French associations, staged Monday afternoon a rally in Trocadero, in Paris, followed by another outside Morocco's Embassy.
The protesters demanded the "immediate and unconditioned" release of Sahrawi political prisoners, whose trial is taking place in Rabat, as well as the "end of repression" in the occupied Sahrawi territories.

SADR acknowledges ratification of AU Constitutive Act by Morocco

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Algiers, January 23, 2017 (SPS) - Sahrawi President Brahim Ghali said Monday in Algiers the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) had acknowledged the ratification of the Constitutive Act of the African Union (AU) by Morocco, which he called on to respect international borders.

POLISARIO calls on EU Council to implement the ECJ ruling

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Bir Lahlou (Liberated Territories), January 22, 2017 (SPS) - The President of the Republic,Secretary General of the Frente POLISARIO, Mr. Brahim Gali, sent a letter this week to European leaders following the ruling of the European Court of Justice on 21 December 2016 that found "that the association agreements and liberalization between the EU and Morocco are not applicable to Western Sahara" .

Western Sahara: Adala UK denounces "arbitrary expulsion" by Morocco of foreign observers

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London, January 22, 2017 (SPS) - The British organization for human rights defence in Western Sahara, Adala UK, denounced the "arbitrary expulsion" by the Moroccan occupation authorities of international observers from Western Sahara.
The non-governmental organization said that "at least 85 people, including foreign observers, human rights activists, journalists and other supporters of the Sahrawi cause," adding that those repressive actions aim at "silencing human rights activists in the occupied Sahrawi territories."

PAP Bureau strongly condemns inhuman treatment received by her Vice-President in Morocco

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Midrand, January 22, 2017 (SPS) - The Bureau of the Pan-African Parliament, meeting on 20 January 2017 in Midrand, South Africa, has strongly condemned the "inhuman and degrading treatment" to the the Honorable, Ms.  Suilma Haj Enhamed Saleh, Vice-President of the Pan-African Parliament, who was set to attend COP 22 held in Marrakech in November 2016.

Key Bay tanker case: Polisario lodges complaint with French Customs

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Paris (France), January 21, 2017 (SPS) -   Western Sahara people's legitimate representative Frente POLISARIO has filed a complaint with the Regional Customs Department of Rouen, France, against the shipping of marine oil imported illegally from Western Sahara.

Any admission to AU membership must be in accordance with its Constitutive Act

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Algiers, January 19, 2016 (SPS) - Countries wishing to join the African Union (AU) must comply with its Constitutive Act and "respect the sovereignty of Member States," said Thursday Kenya's Ambassador to Algeria Moi Lemoshira.
"Kenya complies with the AU Constitutive Act and we support any call to comply with the Act on countries wishing to accede to the Pan-African organization," the Kenyan ambassador told the press.

Ecuadorian trade union federations strengthen ties of friendship and cooperation with Saharawi workers

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Quito (Ecuador), January 19, 2017 (SPS) -The Ecuadorian Confederation of Clasists Organizations For Workers’ Unity (CEDOCUT), the General Union of Workers of Ecuador (UGTE) and the Popular Front, reiterated their commitment and support to the demands of the Saharawi people and, in particular, to the demands of the General Union of Saharawi Workers (UGTSARIO), to accompany and promote the defence of the right to self-determination and full independence and Saharawi sovereignty over Western Sahara, which majority party of its territory has been illegally occupied by the

POLISARIO reaffirms its commitment to work with UN SG and praises the African Union's principled position in support of the just Saharawi cause" (M'hamed Khadad)

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Rome (Italy), January 18, 1017 (SPS) - The Saharawi coordinator with the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara MINURSO and member of the National Secretariat, Mr. M'hamed Khadad reaffirmed the commitment of the Frente  POLISARIO To work with the new Secretary-General of the UN, Mr.

A high-level SADR delegation is received by Salvador Republic President

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San Salvador, January 18, 1017 (SPS) - The Salvadoran President, Mr. Salvador Sánchez Ceren received a high-level SADR delegation on Monday in the Salvadoran capital, headed by the Speaker of The Saharawi National Council, Jatri Adduh, accompanied by the Saharawi Ambassador in Nicaragua and a Concurrent to the Government of El Salvador, Suleiman Tieb Henan.
The Saharawi delegation delivered a message from Sahrawi President Brahim Ghali to Salvadoran President Salvador Sánchez Ceren.