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Belgian Committee of support to Sahrawi people calls to refuse “gagging” operated by Morocco

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Brussels, January 17, 2016 (SPS) - President of the Belgian Committee of support to the Sahrawi people Pierre Galand called on Friday to refuse the “gagging” operated by Morocco, after the “cancellation,” in Liège, of the screening of a documentary on the resistance in Western Sahara.


The decision to cancel the screening was taken “following the several pressures exercised by Morocco,” said the communiqué of the committee.


EU to present a new version of agricultural agreement with Morocco

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London, January 16, 2016 (SPS)- The European Union (EU) is considering a revision of the controversial agricultural agreement with Morocco by presenting a new version in accordance with the international law which emphasizes the need for consultation and agreement of the Saharawi people for all activities relating to the exploitation of its natural resources, reports the London newspaper Al Quds Al-Arabi.


Delegations on visit Sahrawi refugee camps

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 Shaheed El Hafed, January 15, 2016 (SPS)– Some foreign delegations will begin as from Saturday working visits to the Saharawi refugee camps, said the Central Directorate of Protocol.


According to the source, delegations including American congressmen and German parliamentarians will visit the camps and hold meetings with Sahrawi personalities and officials of the Polisario Front.


EP recommends extension of MINURSO mandate to Human Rights in Western Sahara

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BRUSSELS, January 14, 2016 (SPS) .-The European Parliament reiterated its call for the extension of the mandate of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to monitor the compliance with human rights likewise the peacekeeping missions.

In a report released Wednesday, the European Parliament expressed surprise that MINURSO remains "the only UN mission in Africa that lacks a mandate to monitor respect of human rights," which "does not allow have a mechanism for reporting violations of human rights."

EP recommends extension of MINURSO mandate to Human Rights in Western Sahara

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BRUSSELSJanuary 15, 2016(SPS).-The European Parliament reiterated its call for the extension of the mandate of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to monitor the compliance with human rights likewise the peacekeeping missions.

In a report released Wednesday, the European Parliament expressed surprise that MINURSO remains "the only UN mission in Africa that lacks a mandate to monitor respect of human rights," which "does not allow have a mechanism for reporting violations of human rights."

Prime Minister oversees the handover ceremony to the new Minister of Information

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Chahid El Hafed, January 13, 2016 (SPS) .- Prime Minister Abdlkader Taleb Omar on Tuesday oversaw the handover ceremony for the new Minister of Information, Mr. Hamada Salma, and the new Secretary General of the Ministry Mr. Mohamed Salek Bulsan pursuant to a decree issued by the Presidency of the Republic, on the formation of the new government.

The ceremony was attended by directors of the branches of the ministry, it should be recalled.(SPS)



The President of Republic oversees the transfer of functions to the new defense minister

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Chahid El Hafed, January 13, 2016 (SPS) .- The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front  and head of the Armed Forces, Mohamed Abdelaziz has overseen Wednesday the transfer of functions of the former defense minister, Mohamed Lamin Elbuhali, to the new minister, Abdlahi Lehbib, pursuant to Presidential Decree for the formation of new government.

The ceremony, held at the Ministry of Defence, was attended by the Staff of the General Command of Saharawi People’s Liberation Army. (SPS)



Morocco condemns a Saharawi journalist to 6 years in prison

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El Aaiun(occupied territories of Western Sahara), January 13, 2016 (SPS) .- The Court of First Instance of the occupying regime in El Aaiun, the occupied capital of Western Sahara, sentenced Tuesday to six years of prison to journalists and Saharawi political prisoner, Mohamed Banbari.

Saharawi Ambassador received by Panamanian National Assembly President

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Panama, January 13, 2016 (SPS)-The Ambassador of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic to Panama, Ali Mahmoud was received Friday by the president of the National Assembly of Panama, the Honorable Deputy Ruben De Leon.

The Republic of Panama is the first Latin American country to recognize SADR, and has historical ties of friendship, solidarity and cooperation with the Saharawi Republic for nearly four decades.


Saharawi Ambassador received by Panamanian National Assembly President

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Panama, January 12, 2016 (SPS) - The Ambassador of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic to Panama, Ali Mahmoud was received Friday by the president of the National Assembly of Panama, the Honorable Deputy Ruben De Leon.

The Republic of Panama is the first Latin American country to recognize SADR, and has historical ties of friendship, solidarity and cooperation with the Saharawi Republic for nearly four decades.


Panamanian Party hails Saharawi Embassy reopening in Panama

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Panama, January 12, 2016 (SPS) The International Relations Committee (IRC) of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) in Panama welcomed the reopening of the embassy of SADR in Panama and the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries said a public statement released Saturday, a copy of which was obtained by the SPS.

The commission also hailed the resumption of diplomatic relations between Panama and the Saharawi Republic established in May 1979 and suspended in November 2013, the statement added


Polisario Front welcomes UN Secretary General's forthcoming visit to region

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Chahid El Hafed(Sahrawi refugee camp), January 11, 2016 (SPS) -The National Secretariat of the Polisario Front welcomed the forthcoming visit of the UN Secretary General to the region while expressing the hope that this visit will allow involvement of the Council Security to enable MINURSO to carry out its core mission, which consists in the holding of a self-determination referendum in Western Sahara.

New appointments in diplomatic corps

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Shaheed El Hafed, January 11, 2015 (SPS) The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, made Sunday new appointments in the diplomatic corps, including the ambassadors of the SADR and representatives of the Polisario Front, according to a communiqué of the Presidency of the Republic.

Announcement of new appointments in civil and military sectors

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Shaheed El Hafed, January 11, 2015 (SPS) The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, made Sunday appointments at the levels of the Walis (governors) and Saharawi People's Liberation Army, said a statement of the Presidency of the Republic.


He appointed Mohamed Yeslem Beissat, the Wali of El Aaiun, Mariem Salek Hmada, the Wali of Awserd, Salem Lebsir, the Wali of Smara, Salek Baba Hassana, the Wali of Dakhla and the Fatma Balla, the Wali of Boujdour.


Crans Montana Forum represents flagrant violation of international law (Polisario Front)

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Shaheed El-Hafed, January 11, 2016 (SPS) - The National Secretariat of the Polisario Front confirmed that "the efforts of the Crans Montana Forum to hold its next session in the occupied territories of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), after the failure of its last session, represents a flagrant violation of international law and contempt of the United Nations Charter."