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Aragonese families host Sahrawi children with disabilities

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 Aragon, 6 July 2015 (SPS) - A group of Saharawi children with disabilities have been taken this summer by Aragonese families for their holidays, and will be given pediatric checks in health centers.


The group of Saharawi children with disabilities consists of eight children, five of them live in residences and resorts of associations for the disabled in Huesca province, while three are taken by families, according to news from the region.


 The Association of Friends of the Saharawi People (Alouda) contacted the Coordination of Associations of People with Disabilities (Cadis) in Huesca province to lead a program that would allow hosting these children during the summer months.


The Association of Friends of the Saharawi people warns that people with disabilities even suffer more from the difficult conditions in the Saharan refugee camps. (SPS)

