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Unfair sentences against Sahrawi journalists and human rights defenders

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 Tiznit (Morocco) February 21, 2014 (SPS) – The Court of First Instance in Tiznit, Morocco, issued Thursday  harsh sentences ranging of six and four months imprisonment in addition to fines against a group of four Sahrawi journalists and human rights defenders, according to the Ministry of Occupied Territories and Community Abroad.


The four Sahrawi journalists and human rights defenders include Sidi Sibai, Hafed Toubali, Mohammed Jemour and Bashir Buamoud.


Extremadura organises convoy of solidarity with Saharawi people

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Extremadura (Spain), February 21, 2014 (SPS) -  The authorities of the Spanish region of Extremadura supervised Thursday the launch of a convoy of solidarity to the  Saharawi refugee camps, according to the Polisario Front representation in this region.    


The convoy consists of eight trucks, loaded with 143 tonnes of food and medicines, a tank truck and four-wheel drive vehicles. (SPS)



Austrian Health Minister calls for Saharawi people's right to independence

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Vienna (Austria), February 20, 2014 (SPS) - Federal Minister of Health Mr.  Alois Stogr called for the  need to hold a referendum of self-determination in Western Sahara and to enable the Saharawi people to its right to independence, in press release issued by the Minister's office.


The press release was issued after a meeting between the Minister and Dr. Sidi Mohamed Omar, adviser ambassador at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and coordinator of the International Campaign Against the Moroccan occupation wall in Western Sahara. (SPS)


Saharawi Ambassador to Angola presents credentials

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Luanda (Angola) February 21, 2014 (SPS) - Saharawi Ambassador to Angola Mr. Malainin Sadik presented Thursday his credentials as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Sahrawi Republic to the Republic of Angola, during an audience granted to him by the Angolan President Mr. Eduardo Dosantos, at the headquarters of the presidency. 
The Sahrawi  ambassador had arrived on February 17, in the Angolan capital, Luanda, where he was received by senior officials in the Angolan Foreign Ministry.

Moroccan authorities expel Spanish researcher from occupied city of El Aaiun

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El Aaiun (Occupied Territories), February 21, 2014 (SPS) - Spanish national Juan Carlos Gomez, a student at Pablo de Olavide University, in solidarity with the Saharawi cause, was  arrested and  deported Tuesday from the occupied city of El Aaiun airport by Moroccan security forces. 
Juan Carlos Gomez, who had planned to conduct a study on human rights, confirmed he was  arrested for more than 20 hours  and taken to a police station where he was interrogated and his laptop computer and passport were confiscated till he was deported on Wednesd

Sahara Marathon 14th Edition presented in Madrid

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Madrid, February 21, 2014 (SPS) - The 14th Edition of the Sahara Marathon, to be held in the Saharawi refugee camps on the eve of the commemoration of the 38th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the SADR, was presented Thursday in Madrid. 
In a joint press conference with the Polisario Front representative in Spain, Bushraya Beyun, the coordinator of the Sahara Marathon, Diego Muñoz, explained that the purpose of this race held in the Sahrawi refugee camps is make the suffering of the Saharawi people known in different parts of the world.

Polisario Front representative in Paris speaks at French National Assembly

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Paris (France), February 21, 2014 (SPS) - Representative of Polisario Front in Paris Omar Mansour spoke Wednesday for the first time at the French National Assembly (Lower House of Parliament) to “exchange updated information” on the western Saharan conflict, said a Sahrawi official.


The meeting, behind closed doors, was held at the initiative of studies group “Sahara occidental,” created last year in the French National Assembly.


Western Sahara: "Sons of the Clouds" documentary screened in France

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Paris (France), February 21, 2014 (SPS) - Awarded at the film festivals of Berlin (Germany), Toronto (Canada), San Sebastian (Spain) in 2012, and received the Goya Prize of the best documentary in 2013, the Spanish film "Sons of the Clouds," directed by Alvaro Longoria and produced by Javier Bardem, was shown for the first time in France, to domestic and foreign journalists, on Tuesday.


Preparatory conferences for Saharawi Parliament’s elections kicked off

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Feb 17, 2014 (SPS) - The preparatory political conferences for the elections of members of the Saharawi National Council (SNC) kicked off today, Tuesday, in all wilaya and institutions of the Saharawi Republic (SADR).

162 candidates are vying for 52 seats within Saharawi Parliament in 16 electoral districts, including the Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army, mass organizations, as well as national and regional institutions.

Coordinator of international campaign against Moroccan wall on working visit to Austria

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Vienna, Feb 18, 2014 (SPS) - Coordinator of the International Campaign against Moroccan Wall in Western Sahara and Advisor to Saharawi Foreign Ministry Dr. Sidi Mohamed Omar has begun yesterday, Monday, a working visit to Austria, part of an awarness tour for the campaign within Austria.

Dr. Sidi Mohamed Omar, in this regard, met with Ms. Erika Pluhar, vice-president of Austrian Association of solidarity with the Saharawi people.

Not-so-free expression online in Western Sahara, says HRW

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El Aaiun (occupied territories), Feb 18, 2014 (SPS) - Human Rights Watch has confirmed that the Moroccan regime exerts tight pressure on the Saharawi human rights activists to deter them from reporting online about human rights abuses in Western Sahara.

Assessment of mass organizations diplomatic, media work

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Shaheed El Hafed, February 17, 2014 (SPS) - The Secretariat of Political Branches of the Polisario Front held Sunday a meeting to evaluate the diplomatic and media work of the mass organizations (Youth, Women and Workers) over the past year 2013.


The meeting was chaired by Mr. Bashir Mustapha Sayed, in charge of the Political Branches of the Polisario Front, in the presence of the secretaries-general and foreign affairs, information and cooperation officers of the mass organizations.


Polisario Front Representative in Paris accuses France of " blocking" settlement of Western Sahara issue

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Paris, February 17, 2014 (SPS) - The support for the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence is at the heart of the 9th edition of the anticolonial week, where the Polisario Front Representative in Paris, Omar Mansour, inaugurated Saturday this event, accused France of " blocking" the settlement of the question of Western Sahara.    


Polisario Front draws UN attention to casualties high toll in occupied Western Sahara

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Bir Lehlou (Liberated Territories), February 16, 2014 (SPS) -  President of Republic Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mohamed Abdelaziz drew the attention of UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon to the high toll, ‘brutal interventions and blind violence’ suffered by Sahrawi peaceful demonstrators on Saturday in the occupied cities of El Aaiun and Boujdour.
In a letter today to Mr.

Moroccan forces intervene "brutally" leaving dozens injured in El Aaiun occupied city (initial toll)

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El Aaiun (Occupied Territories), February 16, 2014 (SPS) -  The Moroccan forces intervened brutally Saturday in the occupied city of El Aaiun leaving 70 Sahrawis injured, according to a preliminary list received by Sahara Press Service (SPS).   


The intervention came after Sahrawis took to the streets chanting slogans calling for freedom, self-determination and extention of MINURSO prerogatives to include human rights monitoring in Western Sahara.  


The demonstrators were also severely beaten and some homes were raided.  


Spanish judge to extend prosecution against senior Moroccan military officials

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Madrid (Spain), February 16, 2014 (SPS)  - Judge Pablo Rafael Ruz Guitierrez of the Spanish supreme court intends to extend prosecution against senior Moroccan military officials involved in the death of Saharawi citizens in 1976.


The action was brought by Domingo Jose Collado Molinero representing a Spanish human rights group.


The judge has included in the case the findings of an investigation about the responsibility of Moroccans in the execution of eight Saharawi people, discovered last year in common graves in Western Sahara.


Human rights protection in Western Sahara: UN urged to assume its responsibilities

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Bir Lehlou (Liberated Territories), February 16, 2014 (SPS) - Sahrawi President Mohamed Abdelaziz said Wednesday that scenes of violence against defenceless Sahrawi citizens "show the stubbornness of Moroccan occupation authorities in continuing their human rights violation in Western Sahara," calling on the United Nations to intervene for the release of all prisoners and the preservation of the natural resources of this territory.


Demonstrations in Spain to demand inclusion of human rights monitoring within MINURSO mandate

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Madrid, February 16, 2014 (SPS) – The Spanish organizations of Solidarity with the Saharawi people organised Saturday demonstrations in the framework of the international campaign for the inclusion of human rights monitoring in the prerogatives of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), according to media source in Spain.


Foreign Minister of Uruguay stresses need to assign MINURSO to monitor human rights

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Montevideo (Uruguay) February 15, 2014 (SPS) - The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay, Mr. Luis Almagro , emphasized the need to assign the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to monitor human rights, during a meeting Thursday in Montevideo with the Saharawi Ambassador, Mr. Abbas Sheibani .


During the meeting held at the Foreign Ministry headquarters, Mr. Almagro expressed concern about the fact that the mission is the only one in the world that does not carry out the tasks of monitoring and reporting on human rights.