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Human rights protection in Western Sahara: UN urged to assume its responsibilities

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Bir Lehlou (Liberated Territories), February 16, 2014 (SPS) - Sahrawi President Mohamed Abdelaziz said Wednesday that scenes of violence against defenceless Sahrawi citizens "show the stubbornness of Moroccan occupation authorities in continuing their human rights violation in Western Sahara," calling on the United Nations to intervene for the release of all prisoners and the preservation of the natural resources of this territory.


In a letter to the UN chief, President Abdelaziz dubbed "heinous and despicable" the acts committed on a territory which is under the direct responsibility of the UN, represented by its Mission for Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO)."


"We can't talk about UN serious and responsible efforts while the Moroccan occupying authorities continue to ignore the international law and escalate its repression and human right abuses against defenceless Sahrawi civilians," said President Abdelaziz.


In this regard, he called on the UN to take urgent actions to stop these violations and exert pressure on the Moroccan occupation authorities to annul the unfair sentences decided by the Moroccan military court against the Gdeim Izik group. (SPS)

