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Mugabe to UNGA: Africa remain seized with Western Sahara issue

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New York, Sept 25, 2014 (SPS) - President of the Republic of Zimbabwe H.E. Mr. Robert Mugabe on Thursday said before the UN General Assembly that Africa remains “seized” with the issue of Western Sahara, the last colonial vestige in the continent.

In his speech before the 69th session of the UN General Assembly, underway in New York, Zimbabwe President underlined that Africa remains “seized with the issue of Western Sahara, the last colonial vestige in Africa.”

Speaker of National Council sends congratulatory letter to Mexican counterpart

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Bir Lehlou (liberated zones), Sept 25, 2014 (SPS) - Speaker of the Saharawi National Council (Parliament) Mr. Khatri Addouh on Wednesday sent a letter of congratulation to the President of the Mexican Senate, Miguel Barbosa Huerta, on the 204th anniversary of the independence of the United Mexican States.

UK Labour Party for self-determination and respect for human rights in Western Sahara

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London, Sept 25, 2014 (SPS) - British Labour Party has reaffirmed, support to the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination, calling for the respect of human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

In a meeting held in the presence of international participants, the press and diplomatic corps accredited to the UK, the Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Douglas Alexander, renewed the Labour Party’s position of support to the Saharawi people’s right to self-determination.

Ould Salek congratulates Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs on National Day

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Bir Lehlou (liberated territories), Sept 24, 2014 (SPS) - The Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mohamed Salem Ould Salek has sent a congratulatory letter to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Dr. José Antonio Meade Kuribreña, on the 204th anniversary of the National Day of the United Mexican States.

Moroccan police break up sit-in in occupied Smara

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Smara (occupied territories), Sept 24, 2014 (SPS) - Morocco occupation police on Tuesday broke up a sit organized in the occupied city of Smara by the Saharawi citizens to demand that the Saharawi people have advantage of the natural resources of their land.

Moroccan used all forms of violence and force to disperse the Saharawi protesters, who was calling for thee halt of the illegal exploitation of Saharawi natural resources.

President felicitates Mexican counterpart on Independence Day

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Bir Lehlou (liberated zones), Sept 24, 2014 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Frente Polisario Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has congratulated H.E. Mr. Enrique Peña Nieto, President of the United States of Mexico, on the occasion of the 204th anniversary of the independence of Mexico.

SADR takes part at parliamentary meetings on AU legal mechanisms

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Nouakchott, Sept 23, 2014 (SPS) - The Saharawi Republic (SADR) will partake in parliamentary meetings on the legal mechanisms of the African Union (AU), to be hosted by Nouakchott, capital of Mauritania, on 24-26 September 2014.

SADR will be represented at this meeting by a delegation, led by the Minister of Justice and Religious Affairs Mr. Hamada Selma.

The meeting will tackle the domestication of AU legal instruments and ratification of the AU legal mechanisms.

Saharawi Red Crescent launches urgent appeal for relief to rainfall victims

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Sept 23, 2014 (SPS) - Saharawi Red Crescent (SRC) has appealed to the donor countries, international organizations, NGOs, associations of friendship and civil societies across the globe to provide “urgent humanitarian aid” to the victims of the heavy rainfall and strong winds, hit the Saharawi refugee camps on Sunday.

Rainfall, wind cause human and material losses in refugee camps

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Wilaya of Elaaiun (Refugee Camps), September 22, 2014 (SPS) - A heavy rainfall and strong winds on Sunday evening hit the Wilaya of Elaaiun in the refugee camps, close to the Algerian town of Tindouf, causing human and material losses.  


According to a statement of the Ministry of Interior, 10 citizens have been injured, 3 of them in serious conditions are being now treated in hospital.   


Concerning the material losses, the source indicated that 1400 tents were destroyed in addition to a similar number of mud houses as a result.   

Sahrawi delegation attends Annual Conference of British Labour Party

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Manchester (England), September 22, 2014 (SPS) - A Sahrawi delegation, including Secretary General of the Sahrawi Women Union Fatma Mehdi and First Secretary of the Polisario Front Representation in Britain Sidy  Braika, is attending the Annual Conference organized by the British Labour Party, September 22-24, in Manchester city.


More than 10.000 British delegates belonging to various branches of the Labor Party and 300 from other parties, organizations and personalities friends of the Labour Party are participating in the Conference.  

President of Republic demands cease of repressive practices against Sahrawi civilians

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Birlehlu, September 22, 2014 (SPS) - The President of the Republic Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mohamed Abdelaziz has urged the international community to immediately intervene and impose all necessary pressure and sanctions on the Moroccan State in order to put an end to the increasing repressive practices against the Saharawi civilians in the occupied territories of Western Sahara. 
In a letter to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, the President of the Republic indicated that on September 15, various Moroccan forces carried o

Western Sahara: MINURSO cannot become occupation supporter body, says Ould Salek

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Algiers, September 21, 2014 (SPS) - Saharawi Foreign Minister Mohamed Salem Ould Salek said Sunday, in Algiers, that it is "inconceivable that the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) becomes a body backing occupation instead of a peace mission."


"The credibility of the United Nations is put to the test with this issue, as the very essence of UN existence is at stake, namely people's right to self-determination," the Saharawi official told a news conference.


Mennucci deplores Sahrawi people’s “difficult” conditions in refugee camps

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Algiers, September 21, 2014 (SPS) - Head of the French delegation of Algeria-France parliamentary friendship group Patrick Mennucci deplored Sunday in Algiers the “difficult” humanitarian conditions of the Sahrawi people in the refugee camps in Tindouf.


In a joint press conference with his Algerian counterpart Belkacen Belabes, Mennucci underlined that the “unacceptable” situation and the “difficult” humanitarian conditions in which the Sahrawi people live in the camps.


Belize reiterates support for struggle of Saharawi people to self-determination

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 Belmopan, September 21, 2014 (SPS) - The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belize, Wilfred Peter Erlington, reiterated his country's support to the struggle of the Saharawi people to self-determination, indicated a Sahrawi diplomatic sources in Nicaragua.


The Foreign Minister of Belize, speaking on the occasion of the celebration of the XXXIII anniversary of independence of Belize in the presence of the Saharawi Ambassador in Nicaragua, Suleiman Hennan Tayeb, expressed the willingness of his Government to strengthen bilateral relations with the SADR.

Landmine explosion killed one person and injured four others

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Mehbas (Liberated Territories), September 20, 2014 (SPS) - A landmine explosion hit a four-wheel drive vehicle carrying 5 members of the Sahrawi border g uards, in the area of Bukerba, where they were performing their daily duty, resulted in the death of one of them and injuring the other four which required transferring them to the hospital in Tindouf, reported the Sahrawi Association of Mines Victims in a statement Saturday.  


AI launches urgent appeal to protect Sahrawi prisoners in occupied El Aaiun Local Prison

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London, September 20, 2014 (SPS) -  Amnesty International (AI) initiated Thursday an appeal to protect seven Sahrawi prisoners on hunger strike against torture at the Local Prison in the occupied city of El Aaiun, on its official site.   


The organization indicated that the seven Sahrawi prisoners were “severely” beaten on 17 September in El Aaiun Local Prison and they have gone on hunger strike in protest.


French delegation of Algeria-France parliamentary friendship group visits Sahrawi refugee camps

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Smara (Refugee Camps), September 20, 2014 (SPS) - A French delegation of Algeria-France Parliamentary Friendship Group, led by its head Patrick Mennucci, has started Friday a visit to the Sahrawi refugee camps to enquire about their situation.


The visit "is an opportunity to enquire about the situation of the Sahrawi refugees and the difficult humanitarian conditions in which they are living in the camps, far from anything read in book or reported by the media or on the Net," said Mennuci upon his arrival.