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Woodcraft Folk issues findings of exploratory visit to Western Sahara

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London, Sept 24, 2014 (SPS) - The UK movement Woodcraft Folk has launched a report on the findings of an exploratory visit to the Saharawi refugee camps and liberated zones of Western Sahara from 28 December 2013 to 4th January 2014.

Presented at the annual gathering of the UK movement, convened on 19-20 September 2014, the report contains some remarks made by 10 members of Woodcraft Folk, who took part at the 8th congress of the Saharawi Youth Union (UJSARIO), held in parallel with the celebrations marking the 40th anniversary of the Polisario Front.

The 35-page report speaks about some of the activities and events the Woodcraft Folk’s members attended, and the visits hey made to some institutions and facilities in the Saharawi refugee camps.

The report sheds light on the activities the UJSARIO is doing inside the Saharawi refugee camps, especially those related to children from the age of 8 to 16.

It also focuses on a visit made by the UK group to the liberated zones of Western Sahara, where they took part at a vigil denouncing the Moroccan Wall of Shame, which divides Western Sahara.

The document presents to the reader an explanatory note about the Saharawi natural resources, being systematically plundered by Morocco in the aim to entrench its illegal occupation of Western Sahara.

The report comes up with a number of recommendations:

- Call on UK and international organizations to host Saharawi children during summer vacations, as has done Woodcraft Folk in the recent years.

- Write to British parliamentarians on the topics relevant to the issue of Western Sahara, of which the illegal exploitation of Western Sahara’s natural resources.

- Call to boycott Moroccan goods in order to pressurize the Moroccan Government.

- Support the Saharawi organizations, of which the UJSARIO and the Association of Families of Saharawi Prisoners and Disappeared (AFAPREDESA).

- Organize visits in the Saharawi refugee camps to be updated about the difficult conditions experienced by the Saharawi refugees.

Woodcraft Folk is a movement for children and young people, open to everyone from birth to adult. It offers a place where children will grow in confidence, learn about the world and start to understand how to value their planet and each other. (SPS)
