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WSRW welcomes the decision of the Dutch government

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London, March 18, 2013 (SPS) the Western Sahara Resource Watch (WSRW), welcomed the new Dutch government's decision not to consider the products originating in the Western Sahara as Moroccan products.

The new Dutch government has reiterated the position of their predecessors: Products from Western Sahara cannot enter the EU market labelled as from Morocco.

Presidency of Republic expresses condolences over the death of Saharawi Ambassador to Angola, Luchaa Mohamed Lamin

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Shahid Alhafed, March16, 2013(SPS) (SPS) - The Presidency of the Republic has expressed its condolences over the death of the Saharawi Ambassador to Angola, Luchaa Mohamed Lamin Millad, "With great regret and dismay, we have received today the sad news of the death of the SADR ambassador in the Republic of Angola, Mohamed Lamin Luchaa Meilad,

Ross on visit to region to resume talks

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New York,March16,2013(SPS) - UN Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy for Western Sahara Christopher Ross will start a visit from March 20 to April 3 to the region, including the occupied Western Sahara, said Friday UN Spokesman Eduardo del Buey.

Eduardo del Buey, stated that. Ross will hold discussions with the parties to the Western Sahara negotiations, Morocco and the Frente Polisario, and visit Western Sahara.  He will also hold consultations with the neighbouring states, Algeria and Mauritania. 

FM received by his Mexican counterpart

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Mexico, March17,2013(SPS) Member of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front, Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohamed Salem Salek, was received by his Mexican counterpart José Antonio Meade Kuribreña,  at the Headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico ,as learned from the Saharawi Embassy there.

Saharawi Coordinator with MINURSO received by Swedish Foreign Ministry

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Stockholm (Sweden) March16,2013(SPS) the Saharawi Coordinator with the MINURSO,Mhamed Khadad, accompanied by the Representative of the Polisario to Sweden ,Alien Alkentawi , was received on Friday at the headquarters of  the Swedish Foreign Ministry, in the framework of awareness visit for several days.

The delegation met with members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Swedish Parliament, representatives of political parties and Swedish Committee of Solidarity with the Saharawi People in addition to held interviews with the media.

Human rights situation in Western Sahara: Italian MPs urges EU action

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Rome (Italy) March14,2013(SPS) - A delegation of the Italian parliamentary inter-group of friendship with Sahrawi people called on Italy’s Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi on the "need" for an urgent action of the European Union (EU) to face the human rights situation in Western Sahara, the Sahrawi representation in Rome told Thursday.

New Saharawi ambassador presents his credentials to Venezuelan President

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Caracas, March 13, 2013 (SPS) - Mr. Mohamed Salem Daha,on Tuesday  presented his credentials to the Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro Moros,as a new ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

 in the ceremony which attended by the Venezuelan foreign Minister Elías Jaua, and high officials, the president Maduro, retreated  the position of Venezuela in supporting the Sahrawi People’s to self-determination and independence.

Sons of the clouds screened in the Australian Federal Parliament

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Canberra (Australia) March13, 2013(SPS) the Australian Parliamentary Friends of Western Sahara organized an event in support of Western Sahara at the Federal Parliament on 12 March 2012, according to Polisario representation to Australia

The event included a special screening of “Sons of the Clouds – The Last Colony”, a documentary presented by award-winning Spanish actor Javier Bardem about the conflict over Western Sahara, the last remaining colony in Africa.

Young Algerians settled in France visit Sahrawi refugee camps from Thursday

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Algiers,March13,2013(SPS)- A delegation of one hundred Algerians settled in France will start a three-day visit to the Sahrawi refugee camps in Tindouf (around 2000-km west of Algiers) on Thursday, as part of the "Caravan of Independence," said Tuesday the Algerian National Committee of Solidarity with Sahrawi People (CNASPS).

The programme of their visit comprises several activities, events and meetings with senior Sahrawi officials, in addition to artistic evenings.

Conference on Western Sahara issue at Norwegian University of Bergen

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Bergen (Norway), March 12, 2013 (SPS) A conference on the question of Western Sahara, violations of human rights in the occupied territories, and  the plunder of Saharawi natural resources, was held Monday at the Norwegian University of Bergen, according to   the organizers.

At the Conference the SG of the Sahrawi students union (UESARIO), Ahmed Habib Abdi and his staff presented lectures on the role of Saharawi students in the struggle for national liberation and action of the Union in the camps and in all areas.

Norwegian MP boycotts Council of Europe’s meetings in Morocco in protest to trial of Gdeim Izik prisoners

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Oslo, March 11, 2013 (SPS) - The Norwegian MP Ms. Karin S. Woldseth, Progress Party and Second Vice-Chairperson of the European Democrat Group in the Council of Europe has announced that she boycotted meetings of the Council of Europe held in Rabat, Morocco, on March and April 2013, as a sign of protest to the unjust trial against Gdeim Izik detainees and the lack of progress in addressing the issue of human rights in Morocco.

Morocco expelled MEPs to hide its crimes against humanity in Western Sahara, says MEP

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Brussels, March 11, 2013 (SPS) - The Spanish-European MP Mr. Vicente Miguel Garcés, European Socialist Bloc, confirmed that the reason behind Morocco’s expulsion of MEPs is to hide the crimes against humanity committed by its forces against Saharawi civilians in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, during a press conference held Thursday by the group of MEPs, recently expelled from Casablanca’s airport, in their way to occupied El Aaiun.

SRC warns of deteriorating situation in Saharawi refugee camps

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Algiers, March 10, 2013 (SPS) - The President of the Saharawi Red Crescent (SRC) Mr. Bouhebeini Yahia has warned of the deteriorating situation of Saharawi refugees, urging the international community to act “urgently” to help these people, during the announcement Sunday in Algiers of an Algerian humanitarian caravan to be launched on May.

“We appeal to the international community in general and donors in particular to act quickly to provide emergency aid for the Saharawi refugees, before it is too late,” said Mr. Bouhebeini.

Algerian humanitarian caravan for Saharawi refugees to launch next May

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Algiers, March 10, 2013 (SPS) - A humanitarian caravan for the benefit of Saharawi people in the refugee camps in Tindouf will be launched next May, announced Sunday in Algiers the President of the Algerian National Committee of Solidarity with the Saharawi People (CNASPS ) Mr. Mahrez Lamari.