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Sahrawi Government: France’s stance, escalation with heavy consequences

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Bir Lahlou (Liberated Territories), 28 July 2024 (SPS) - The Sahrawi government roundly condemned the French government’s statements reaffirming its hostile position towards the Sahrawi people and their inalienable right to self-determination, noting that this stance, seen as a serious escalation, will have far-reaching consequences for regional peace, security and stability.

SPLA targets two bases of Moroccan occupation soldiers in Mahbes sector

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Bir Lehlou (Liberated Territories), July 27, 2024 (SPS) - Advanced detachments of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) attacked two bases of the Moroccan occupation soldiers in the Mahbés sector.

The military communiqué issued by the Central Directorate of the Political Commissariat of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army stated that advanced detachments of the SPLA carried out Saturday  a concentrated bombardment targeting two bases where Moroccan soldiers were entrenched in the Mahbes sector.

Paris decision, serious drift, trampling underfoot international legality in Western Sahara

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Algiers, 27 July 2024 (SPS) - French government's decision to recognize the so-called "autonomy plan for the territory of Western Sahara" is a "serious drift" that tramples underfoot international legality and supports Moroccan occupation of Sahrawi territories in defiance of the will of the Western Sahara people, Sahrawi officials said.

Algerian political parties, organisations voice support for Sahrawi people's right to self-determination

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Boumerdes (Algeria), 27 July 2024 (SPS) - Algerian political parties and organisations attending Wednesday the closing ceremony of the summer university of the officials of the Polisario Front and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), hosted by Ahmed Bougara University of Boumerdes (50-km east of Algiers), expressed their full and unconditional support to Western Sahara people's self-determination.

France’s support to Moroccan autonomy plan for Western Sahara: Algeria voices “deep disapproval”

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Algiers, 27 July 2024 (SPS) - Algeria voiced on Thursday its “deep disapproval” of France’s “unexpected, ill-timed and counterproductive” decision to endorse Morocco’s autonomy plan for Western Sahara, affirming that the Algerian government will “consider all the consequences stemming from this French decision” for which the French government “alone assumes complete responsibility.”

Sahrawi Army targets Moroccan occupation forces in Farsya sector

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Bir Lahlou (Liberated Territories), July 26, 2024 (SPS) - Advanced units of Sahrawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) targeted the positions and trenches of the Moroccan occupation forces in the Farsya sector.

According to the military communiqué issued by the Central Directorate of the Political Prefecture of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army, advanced units of SPAL carried out on Wednesday a concentrated bombardment targeting an enemy base in the Al-Feyayen area in the Farsya sector.

Secretary General of General Union of Algerian Workers receives Sahrawi Trade Union’s delegation

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Algiers, July 26, 2024 (SPS) – The Secretary General of the General Union of Algerian Workers Mr. Amar Takdjout, received on Thursday, a Sahrawi delegation led by the Secretary General of the Sahrawi Trade Union (UGTSARIO), Mr. Salama Al-Bashir.

The meeting, which was held at the headquarters of the General Union of Algerian Workers, falls within the scope of cooperation and joint coordination between the Algerian and Sahrawi trade union organizations.

Representative of Polisario Front in Brazil holds meeting with Mayor of Brazilian City of Januaria

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Minas Gerais (Brazil), July 25, 2024 (SPS)- The Polisario Front Representative in Brazil, Ahmed Moulay Ali, accompanied by members of the Brazilian Association for Solidarity with the Sahrawi People, held a meeting with the Mayor of the Brazilian City of Januaria, Mauricio Almeida, where the two parties discussed the most important developments in the Sahrawi issue at various levels and ways to enhance and promote joint cooperation.

Sahrawi ambassador to Algeria participates in International Seminar on African Dimension of Algerian Revolution

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Algiers, July 25, 2024 (SPS) - Member of the National Secretariat, Sahrawi Ambassador to Algeria, Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar, participated, along with a delegation from the Summer University of the Sahrawi Republic's Cadres, held in Boumerdes, in the International Seminar on the African Dimension of the Algerian Revolution and the importance of the shared collective memory.

“Sahrawi people will not accept any approach aimed at undermining their sacred right to self-determination and independence” (President of Republic)

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Boumerdes (Algeria), July 24, 2024 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, explained that the developments "reflect a firm message from the Sahrawi people, led by their sole legitimate representative, the Polisario Front, that it is not possible to accept, neither today nor tomorrow, any approach or maneuver aimed at undermining their sacred right to self-determination and independence, and that they are committed to defending it by all legitimate means, primarily armed struggle".

President of Republic honors family of martyr Aba Ali Hamoudi

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Boumerdes (Algeria), July 24, 2024 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Mr. Brahim Ghali, honored today, the family of the martyr Aba Ali Hamoudi, after whom the Summer University for the Sahrawi Cadres is named.

Sahrawi people are determined to continue struggle against Moroccan occupation until achieving independence

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Algiers, July 24, 2024 (SPS) - The Sahrawi ambassador to Algeria, Member of the National Secretariat Abdelkader Taleb Omar, stressed that the Sahrawi people are determined to continue the struggle against the Moroccan occupation until independence is achieved and sovereignty is completed over all the territory of the Sahrawi Republic, praising Algeria's role in defending just causes in Africa and the world in various international forums.

Minister of Public Health receives specialists in the field of mental health and human rights

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Shaheed Al-Hafid, July 24, 2024 (SPS) - The Minister of Public Health, Mr. Salek Baba Hassana, received on Monday, specialists in the field of mental health and human rights from the Hegoa organization.

The meeting discussed some projects related to supporting and strengthening the role of mental health in health institutions and units. It also addressed the consolidation of the culture of mental health and human rights by conducting several trainings and workshops in this field.

Ministry of Public Health organizes training days on psychosocial support

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Shaheed Al-Hafid, July 24, 2024 (SPS) - The Ministry of Public Health organized training days on psychological and mental health.

The training days were supervised by the Central Department of Psychological and Mental Health in cooperation with specialists in the field of psychological and mental health from the Hegoa organization.