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African and Latin American diplomats reiterate Sahrawi people's right to self-determination

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Algiers, 5 August 2024 (SPS) - African and Latin American ambassadors and diplomats reaffirmed, on Monday in Algiers, the Sahrawi people's right to self-determination and decolonization of the last colony in Africa, reiterating their unwavering support for the Sahrawi people's struggle until they regain their freedom and independence.

France's latest position contradicts global diplomatic practice

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Moscow, 5 August 2024(SPS) - The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Russia condemned France's support for the so-called "autonomy plan" within the alleged Moroccan "sovereignty" in Western Sahara, stressing that this decision "contradicts global diplomatic practice".

Sahrawi people to continue struggle until regaining sovereignty over occupied territories

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Algiers, 5 August 2024 (SPS) - The ambassador of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) to Algeria, Abdelkader Taleb Omar, underlined Monday, in Algiers, that the Sahrawi people will continue the struggle until regaining sovereignty over their occupied territories, affirming that Morocco’s attempts to impose its occupation of Western Sahara were doomed to failure, as the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination is guaranteed by the international law.

South African Diplomat: French Position on Western Sahara Reveals Paris’ Fear of Africa’s Independence

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Pretoria, (South Africa) 4 August 2024 (SPS)— South African Ambassador and ANC member, Phatse Justice Piitso, criticized France's recent endorsement of Morocco's controversial autonomy plan for Western Sahara, in his article titled “Imperial Echoes – The Struggle for Western Sahara and the New Colonialism,” arguing that France's position highlights a deep-seated fear of Africa’s political, social, and economic independence.

SPLA carries out attacks against Moroccan occupation forces in Farsia sector

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Bir Lehlou (Liberated Territories), August 4, 2024 (SPS) - Advanced detachments of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) targeted bases of Moroccan occupation soldiers in the Farsia sector.

The military communiqué issued by the Central Directorate of the Political ommissariat of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army indicated that advanced detachments of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army targeted on Sunday morning the center of the enemy's bases in Grayer Shadshada region in the Farsia sector.

L'île-Saint-Denis closes Morocco stand at Africa Station for "allusion" to Western Sahara

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L'ile-Saint-Denis (France), 4 August 2024 (SPS) - The mayor of L'île-Saint-Denis has announced the closure of Morocco stand at the Africa Station, a venue for celebration during the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, after a Moroccan singer made a "political" comment relating to Western Sahara, "in breach of the rules of neutrality set out in the convention signed by all countries."

Western Sahara: Issue of decolonization, people’s self-determination

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New York, 4 August 2024 (SPS) - The United Nations reaffirmed its position on the Sahrawi issue that it considers as an issue of decolonization and affirmed that Western Sahara’s people have the right to decide their future, according to a report that will be presented by the UN Chief during the 79th session of the General Assembly, scheduled from mid-September.

The Dean of the AU Northern African Region deposits the Moroccan Candidate’s File for the position of AU DCP

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Addis Ababa (African Union) 04 August 2024 (SPS)- The Permanent Representative of the Sahrawi Republic to the African Union, Amb. Lamin Baali, in his capacity as Dean of the North African Group, deposited the candidacy file for Morocco’s nominee for the position of Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission. The elections for the leadership of the Union are scheduled to take place during the summit in February 2025.

The file was submitted Friday 3rd August to the Office of the Legal Counsel of the Union, represented by the Legal Counsel, Dr. Gajer Gueldich.

UN Secretary-General reaffirms Western Sahara is decolonization issue

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New York (United Nations), August 3, 2024 (SPS) - In his report (A/79/229) on Western Sahara submitted to the upcoming session of the General Assembly, the United Nations Secretary-General reaffirmed that the United Nations Security Council addresses the issue of Western Sahara as a matter of peace and security, and that the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) of the General Assembly and the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples a

France's latest position "serious and aggressive escalation towards Sahrawi people"

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New York (United Nations), 3 August 2024 (SPS) - The representative of the Polisario Front at the United Nations and the coordinator with the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), Sidi Mohamed Omar, affirmed that France's move to recognize the so-called "Moroccan autonomy plan" in Western Sahara, presented within the framework of Morocco's alleged "sovereignty", is "a serious escalation in its traditional aggressive stance towards the Sahrawi people and their inalienable right to self-determination and independence".

EU maintains stance on Western Sahara conflict resolution

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Brussels, 2 August 2024 (SPS) - The European Union said on Wednesday that its stance on Western Sahara remains “unchanged,” reaffirming its support for the UN Secretary-General and his personal envoy for Western Sahara to carry on the political process aimed at reaching a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution to the Western Sahara issue.

This EU declaration follows France’s announcement recognizing the so-called Moroccan sovereignty over the Western Sahara territory as “the only basis for reaching a just political solution.”

PS condemns support of autonomy plan for Western Sahara, reiterates commitment to “peoples’ right to self-determination”

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Paris, 2 August 2024 (SPS) - The Socialist Party of France (PS) condemned Thursday “the abrupt diplomatic turn” of France's support to Morocco’s diplomatic autonomy plan for Western Sahara, reiterating its commitment to uphold the principle of “people's right to self-determination."

“The PS condemns the abrupt diplomatic turn executed without consultation,” said in a press release, highlighting that the party “committed to the Franco-Moroccan relations, condemns this unilateral decision, which was taken without any debate or consultation with the parliament.”

France’s recognition of Moroccan plan: “Giving away what is not theirs to those without merit,” says Attaf

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Algiers 2 August 2024 (SPS) – The Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs and the National Community Abroad, Ahmed Attaf, said Wednesday that France’s recognition of the so-called Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara is “giving away what is not theirs to those without merit.”

There is a simple expression to describe the legal value of France’s recognition of Morocco’s so-called sovereignty over Western Sahara, which is “giving away what is not theirs to those without merit,” Attaf said during a press conference at the ministry’s headquarters.

President Tebboune's response to French position, "firm, resolute and precise"

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Algiers, 2 August 2024 (SPS) - The Algerian minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Ahmed Attaf, said Wednesday in Algiers that the response of the president of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, to France's new position on western Sahara issue was "firm, resolute and precise," adding that the French move would not contribute to the revival of the diplomatic process, but would instead fuel the impasse into which the autonomy plan has plunged the Saharawi issue for more than 17 years.

Algeria Lower House condemns French support for Moroccan colonial plan

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Algiers, 2 August 2024 (SPS) - The People’s National Assembly (Parliament’s lower house) condemned on Wednesday in a statement the French Government’s support for the Moroccan colonial plan as part of the so-called Moroccan sovereignty over the territory of Western Sahara, expressing its support for the Algerian State’s decisions in this regard.