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President of Republic praises Angola's "historic" position in favor of Sahrawi cause

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Luanda, 17 September 2022 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, has hailed the "historic" position of Angola in support of the struggle of the Sahrawi people for its just cause.
A statement made during a press briefing held Thursday in Luanda, by the Sahrawi President, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, with Angolan media, on the sidelines of his participation in the inauguration ceremony of the Angolan President re-elected for a second term, Mr. Joao Lourenço.

SADC reiterates support to Saharawi people’s right to self-determination and independence

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Gaborone (Botswana) 16 September 2022 (SPS)- The Deputy-Executive Secretary of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), Ambassador Joseph Nourrice, reiterated SADC support to the Saharawi people’s right to self-determination and independence.
The Deputy Executive Secretary received the Saharawi Ambassador to Botswana and Permanent Representative to SADC, Mr. Malainin Mohamed, who paid him a Courtesy Call to bid farewell to the organisation’s leadership, last Wednesday 14th September,.

The Peruvian Ministry of External Relations reaffirms diplomatic relations with the Sahrawi Republic

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Lima (Peru) September 16, 2022 (SPS) - The Peruvian Ministry of External Relations issued an official communiqué, Thursday evening, reiterating the country's sovereign decision to establish diplomatic relations with the Sahrawi Republic, in accordance with Resolution 1514, and the principles and requirements of international law.
The following is an English translation of the original text of the communiqué published on the website of the Peruvian Ministry:
Official Communiqué from the Ministry of External Relations

Saharawi Ministry of Foreign Affairs congratulates Peru for upholding to international legality

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Bir Lahlou (liberated territories) September 16, 2022 (SPS) - The Saharawi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, congratulated the Republic of Peru, in an official Communiqué Today, for its devotion to international legality and to the brotherly and friendly relations between the two countries and peoples, .
The reaction of the Sahrawi Ministry of Foreign Affairs follows a communiqué issued by its Peruvian counterpart yesterday evening, in which the Peruvian Ministry affirmed the will of Peru to renew its diplomatic relations with the Sahrawi Republic.

President of Republic arrives in Luanda to participate in the inauguration of President João Lourenço

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Luanda (Angola), September 15, 2022 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, arrived in the Angolan capital, Luanda, to participate in the inauguration ceremony of President João Lourenço.
President Brahim Ghali was received at “Quatro de Fevereiro International Airport” of Luanda by the Angolan Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Teté António, who was accompanied by the Director of Africa, the Middle East and Regional Organizations at the Angolan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Crossing of "Africa Eco Race" Rally through Western Sahara, support to Moroccan occupation

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Brussels, 12 September 2022 (SPS) - Member of the national Secretariat of the Polisario Front for Europe and the European Union (EU), Abbi Boushraya Bashir, affirmed that the crossing of the Rally “Africa Eco Race” through the occupied Sahrawi territories without the authorization of the Polisario Front is a “clear support to the objectives of the forces of the Moroccan occupation aimed at annexing Western Sahara by force.”

SPLA carries out new attacks against positions of Moroccan occupiers in Haouza and Oum Drega sectors

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Birlahlou (Liberated Territories), 11 September 2022 (SPS) - Units of the Saharawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) carried out new attacks against positions of the Moroccan occupying forces in the sectors of Haouza and Oum Adrega, indicated the Ministry of Defense in a communiqué.
SPLA units bombarded occupying forces in the areas of Arbib El Gaa, Argane, Legtitira and Fedra El Ouch in the sector of Haouza, noted the communiqué N 627.

National Secretariat holds extraordinary session in preparation for 16th Congress of Polisario Front

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Shahid Al Hafid, 10 September 2022 (SPS) – The National Secretariat of the Polisario Front held Saturday an extraordinary session chaired by President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, in preparation for the 16th Congress of the Polisario Front.
In his opening speech, President Brahim Ghali pointed out that the extraordinary session comes in preparation for the 16th Congress of the Polisario Front, with the aim of providing all conditions and means to ensure its success at all levels.

SPLA units bombard Moroccan occupation soldiers in different sectors

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Bir Lahlu (liberated territories) September 10, 2022 (SPS) - The units of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army carried out focused attacks targeting the Moroccan occupation forces' entrenchments in separate points in the sectors of Smara, Hawza, Farssia and Mahbas, according to the military communiqué No. 625, issued by the Sahrawi Ministry of Defense.
The communiqué said that the SPLA units targeted, on Friday the forces of the Moroccan enemy with concentrated bombardments in the Emghli Abnaghir and Aghraret Al-Akrish areas, in Smara sector.

President Brahim Ghali offers condolences after the death of Queen Elizabeth II

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Bir Lahlu (Liberated Territories) September 10, 2022 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and the Secretary-General of the POLISARIO Front Mr. Brahim Ghali, sent a condolence message to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom the Rt Hon. Elizabeth Truss MP after the death of the Queen Elizabeth II.
President Brahim Ghali said in his condolence message “It was with deep sadness that we learnt of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II today aged 96”.

Peru: President reaffirms defense of SADR sovereign self-determination

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Lima (Peru), September 9, 2022. (SPS)- The President of the Republic of Peru Mr. Pedro Castillo, on Thursday reiterated his commitment to persist in the defense of the sovereign self-determination of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), stated the official news agency of Peru "ANDINA".
The same source added that the head of the State of Peru made this statement via his official Twitter account, one year after having established diplomatic relations with the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic.

Brhim Ghali congratulates William Ruto on his election as new president of Kenya

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Bir Lehlu (liberated territories), September 6, 2022 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary-General of the POLISARIO Front Mr. Brahim Ghali congratulated his Kenyan counterpart Mr. William Ruto after being elected as a new president of Kenya after his predecessor Mr. Raila Odinga.
Mr. Brahim Ghali congratulated his Kenyan counterpart, on behalf of the Sahrawi people, on his election as a new president of the Republic of Kenya.

Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs receives UN SG personal envoy for Western Sahara

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Algiers, 5 September 2022 (SPS) - The Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Mr. Ramtane Lamamra, received on Monday the personal envoy of the UN Secretary General for Western Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, who is visiting Algeria, according to a statement of the Ministry.
The meeting took place in the presence of the Special Envoy for Western Sahara and the Maghreb countries, Mr. Amar Belani.

Morocco plays with international legality

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Shahid El Hafed (refugee camps), 5 September 2022 (SPS) - The head of the Sahrawi negotiating delegation, Khatri Addouh, affirmed Sunday that Morocco is playing with international legality and all efforts undertaken to settle the conflict in Western Sahara.

SPLA carries out new attacks against Moroccan occupation forces in Farsia and Mahbes sectors

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Birlahlou (Liberated Territories), 5 September 2022 (SPS) - Units of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) carried out new attacks against positions of the Moroccan occupying forces in the two sectors of Farsia and Mahbes, indicated Sunday the Sahrawi Ministry of Defense in its communiqué N 622.
According to the communiqué, SPLA units bombarded occupying forces in the regions of Oudiat Echedida (Farsia sector), Laakad and Agouira Ould Abelal, Oudi Dhamran and Akrara Fersik (Mahbes sector).

Will of Sahrawi people, essential reference for resolution of conflict

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Shahid Al Hafid (Refugee Camps), 4 September 2022 (SPS) - The Chief of Staff of the Sahrawi Army, Mohamed El-Ouali Akeik, said Saturday in Shahid El Hafid, Sahrawi refugee camps), that the will of the Sahrawi people "constitutes an essential reference for the resolution of the conflict in Western Sahara".