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African Mechanism on Western Sahara holds first meeting in Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa, February 10, 2019 (SPS) -  Scheduled for Sunday evening in Addis Ababa, the first meeting of the African Mechanism on Western Sahara will culminate in a roadmap that enables the African Union (AU) to “significantly contribute” to the efforts made by the United Nations (UN) and fully play its role in the resolution of this conflict that “has lasted far too long,” President of the AU Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat announced Sunday in Addis Ababa.

First meeting of African mechanism on Western Sahara

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Addis Ababa, February 10, 2019 (SPS) - The African Mechanism on Western Sahara holds on Saturday, in the Ethiopian capital, its constitutive meeting to address the conflict in Western Sahara and to set up an efficient approach to enable the United Nations to reach a solution to this lingering conflict.
The African Union (AU) has decided to hold, on Saturday, the first meeting of the African Mechanism on Western Sahara.

Sahrawi Ambassador holds discussions with Western Cape Provincial Minister of Community Safety

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Western Cape (South Africa), February 9, 2019 (SPS) - The Ambassador of the Sahrawi Republic to South African, Bashir Asaghir, on Friday held discussions with Mr. Alan Richard Winde, Western Cape Provincial Minister of Community Safety, a Member of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament, on the bilateral relations between the two countries, the Sahrawi Republic and South Africa.

Western Sahara’s conflict: AU reiterates support to settlement process

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Addis Ababa, February 9, 2019 (SPS) - The African Union (AU) reiterated its support to the efforts conducted, under the auspices of the United Nations, through the African mechanism established in Nouakchott Summit to reach a solution to the conflict in Western Sahara, said Thursday, in Addis Ababa, the head of AU Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat.

Norwegian Parliament creates friendship committee with Sahrawi people

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Oslo, February 9, 2019 (SPS) - The Norwegian Parliament announced the creation of a friendship committee with the Sahrawi people, comprising nine political parties represented at the Parliament to show solidarity with Western Sahara and defend its people’s right to self-determination.
Set up on Tuesday at the Norwegian Parliament, this friendship group, which is the only one to activate outside Norway, is part of the solidarity with the Sahrawi people occupied by Morocco since 1975.

110 MEPs want EU-Morocco fish deal referred to Court

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On 13 February, the European Parliament will vote on the newly proposed EU-Morocco Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement (SFPA). In spite of two rulings from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) concluding such an agreement could not be applied to Western Sahara as that would constitute a violation of the right to self-determination, the geographical scope of the proposed deal refers explicitly to the last colony in Africa - rendering its legal foundation highly questionable.

AU reiterates support to settlement process of Western Sahara conflict

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Addis Ababa, Feb  07, 2019 (SPS) - The President of the Commission of the African Union (AU), Mr. Moussa Fakih Mohamed, reaffirmed the position of the African Union as guarantor of the solution in Western Sahara together with the United Nations in accordance with the decisions and charters of the two organizations

Head of Foreign Affairs heads Saharawi delegation in the 34th ordinary session of the AUExecutive Council

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Addis Ababa, Feb 07, 2019 (SPS) – the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) represented by a high-level delegation headed by the minister of Foreign Affairs,  Mohamed Salem Ould Salek will attend The 34th ordinary session of the Executive Council of the African Union (AU) to be held on 10 and 11 February. The session is expected to adopt the theme of the new year "2019, year of refugees, displaced and deported: towards sustainable solutions for forced deportation in Africa".

Occupied Western Sahara, non-free territory

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Washington, Feb 07, 2019 (SPS) - - Occupied Western Sahara remains a non-free territory where the respect of political and civic rights is significantly declining, according to the non-governmental organization Freedom House.  
In 2018, the Sahrawi territories illegally occupied by Morocco recorded no progress in terms of democratic liberties, said the American NGO in its 2019 report on democracy in the world, presented Tuesday in Washington.

TVRASD condemns maltreatment by the Moroccan police against his correspondent in OOTT

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Chahid El Hafed (Saharwi Refuhee Camps), Feb 06, 2019 (SPS) -. The national channel TVRASD has condemned the mistreatment of his  correspondent in the Occupied Territories (OOTT), Hammoud al-Laili while he  tried to cover the development of a peaceful sit-in in the occupied part of Western Sahara.
In a statement released on Tuesday, the Saharawi national channel condemns the serious violations of Human Rights, in particular the veto of free expression and the media blockade imposed by the Moroccan authorities on the territory.

OOTT: CONASADH asks UN for an independent and complete investigation into Saharawi citizen death circumstances in occupied Dakhla

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Bir Lehlu (Liberated Territories of the Saharawi Republic), 05 Feb, 2019 (SPS) - The National Saharawi Commission for Human Rights (CONASADH) asked the United Nations for an independent and complete investigation into the circumstances of the death of Saharawi citizen Sidahmed in occupied Dakhla, accusing the Moroccan occupation government of the legal and criminal responsibility of this atrocious crime and of all the deliberate murders committed against the Sahrawi citizens.

Fatima El Mehdi assures VIII UNMS will be a platform to inform foreign participants on Saharawi State experience in various fields

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Chahid El Hafed (Saharwi Refugee Camps), 05  Feb 2019 (SPS) - the Secretary General of the of Sahrawi Women Union (UNMS), Fatima El-Mehdi, affirmed this Sunday that the VIII Congress of the Union of Saharawi Women will take place in Auserd from February 23 to 25 under the theme "Together we march towards victory and liberation" will be a platform to raise awareness about the Sahrawi cause and to let the foreign delegations know the experience of the Sahrawi State in various fields.

Settlement of conflict in Western Sahara: Optimistic about peace process

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Algiers, February 4, 2019 (SPS) - Ambassador of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) to Algiers Abdelkader Taleb Omar affirmed Sunday that the Sahrawi side is very optimistic about the “positive atmosphere” marking the peace process conducted by the United Nations (UN) for the settlement of the conflict in Western Sahara.

Government presents its 2019 program of action before National Council

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National Council, February 4, 2019 (SPS) - Prime Minister, Mohamed Alwali Akeik, on Monday presented the project of the Government’s program of action for 2019 before the National Council in an open session chaired by the Speaker of the National Council, Khatri Adduh, in the presence of members of the legislative and executive bodies.

Sahrawi Republic participates in presidential elections of El Salvador

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San Salvador, February 4, 2019 (SPS) - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Sahrawi to El Salvador, Suliman Tayeb Hannan, on Sunday participated in the presidential elections held in El Salvador as an international observer, at the invitation of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal of El Salvador, according to a statement of the Sahrawi Embassy in Nicaragua.

Southern Community denounces assassination of Sahrawi citizen Aswaddah Omar Ballah

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Shaheed Alhafed, February 3, 2019 (SPS) - The Sahrawi Southern Community has denounced the brutal assassination of Saharawi citizen Aswaddah Omar Ballah by a Moroccan settler in the occupied city of Dakhla.
In a statement on Saturday, the Community condemned this “shameful barbaric act,” which is “contrary to moral, humanitarian and human rights values.”
The statement called for active and intensive participation in the demonstrations on February 6, in the occupied city of El-Aaiun and Brussels. (SPS)

Young Sahrawi sets himself on fire at Guerguerat crossing

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Guerguerat (Western Sahara), February 3, 2019 (SPS) - Young Sahrawi, Ahmed Salem Ould Ahmed Ould Lemgheimeth, on Saturday set himself on fire at the Moroccan Customs Service at Guerguerat crossing, in the Buffer Strip, Southern Western Sahara, to protest against the ill-treatment that he has suffered at the hands of Moroccan officers. Because of his serious injuries, he was transferred to the hospital where his condition remains very critical.

Ministry of Occupied Territories and Communities calls for sit-ins

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Shaheed Alhafed, February 2, 2019 (SPS) - The Ministry of the Occupied Territories and Communities has called for sit-ins on February 6, in front of the European Parliament in Brussels and the Occupied city of El-Aaiun, and another sit-in on February 12, in Strasbourg.
The sit-ins are to express the rejection of the agreements signed between the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco, including the territories, coasts and riches of Western Sahara, in flagrant violation of international law and the ruling of the European Court of Justice.