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Government presents its 2019 program of action before National Council

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National Council, February 4, 2019 (SPS) - Prime Minister, Mohamed Alwali Akeik, on Monday presented the project of the Government’s program of action for 2019 before the National Council in an open session chaired by the Speaker of the National Council, Khatri Adduh, in the presence of members of the legislative and executive bodies.
The program project takes into account the completion of the implementation of the decisions of the 14th Congress of the Polisario Front, mainly the National Program of Action, and the objectives set by the National Secretariat at its 8th session after its comprehensive assessment of the situation and its developments internationally, regionally and nationally.
It also takes into account the conclusions and findings contained in the evaluation of the Government's 2018 program submitted to the National Council in its autumn session as well as the concerns expressed in the field during the interaction between the legislative and executive bodies. (SPS)