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We make peace offer to Morocco to end occupation of Western Sahara

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Shahid El Hafed (Refugee camps)- Sahrawi Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohamed Salem Ould Salek affirmed Friday that the Sahrawi people are making an offer of peace to Morocco to end its occupation of Western Sahara.
“The Sahrawi people and leaders want that the Moroccan regime stops this adventure which cost Morocco and the entire region a lot,” said the Sahrawi minister in a statement to APS on the sidelines of the funeral of Sahrawi President Mohamed Abdelaziz.

President Mohamed Abdelaziz buried in liberated town of Bir-Lehlou

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Bir-Lehlou (Liberated Zones), June 04, 2016 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Martyr Mohamed Abdelaziz, was buried Saturday in the town of Bir-Lehlou, the liberated zones of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR.
The Interim President, Khatri Addou, attended the funeral of martyr Mohamed Abdelaziz in presence of members of the Polisario Front's National Secretariat and the Government of the SADR, the General Staff of SPLA, members of the National Council, as well as foreign delegations.

Finland Communist Party: President Mohammed Abdelaziz’s death is loss for all staunch defenders of human rights and principle of self-determination

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Helsinki, June 4, 2016 (SPS) – The Communist Party of Finland expressed that President Mohammed Abdel Aziz death is an enormous loss, not only for the Polisario Front and the Sahrawi people but also for all the staunch defenders of human rights and the principle of self-determination of peoples throughout the world, in a letter of condolences to the Polisario Front Representative in Finland, Menna Lehbib.
The full text of the letter:

Sinn Féin extends condolences after death of President Mohamed Abdelaziz

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Dublin, June 4, 2016 (SPS) - Sinn Féin’s spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Seán Crowe TD, has extended his personal condolences to the family and friends of Mohamed Abdelaziz, the secretary general of the Polisario Front.
Deputy Crowe said:
“I would like to extend my personal condolences to the family and friends of Mohamed Abdelaziz.
“Mohamed was the secretary general of the Polisario Front and the President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.

Norway Red Party expresses great sorrow over passing away of President Mohamed Abdelaziz

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Oslo, June 4, 2016 (SPS) - The Norway Red Party has expressed great sorrow over the passing away of President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed abdelaziz, on Tuesday after long illness, in a letter to Frente POLISARIO Representative to Norway, Dr Limam El Jalil.
Bellow is the full text of the letter:
”The Norway Red Party shares the great sorrow of the passing away of Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, Secretary General of Frente POLISARIO, President of Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, May 31th.

Bensalah pays tribute to memory of late Saharawi president Mohamed Abdelaziz

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Shahid El Hafid (Refugee Camp)- The speaker of the Algeria Council of the Nation (upper house of Parliament), Abdelkader Bensalah on Friday paid tribute, in the Saharawi refugee camps of Shahid El Hafid, to the memory of president of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) and secretary general of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, passed away Tuesday following a long illness.

Bensalah holds discussions with Saharawi acting president Khatri Addouh

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Shahid El Hafid (Refugee Camps)- The speaker of the Algerian Council of the Nation (upper house of Parliament), Abdelkader Bensalah, held discussions Friday with Shahid El Hafid (Saharawi refugee camps), with the acting Saharawi president, Khatri Addouh.

Bensalah handed over a message from President of the Republican Abdelaziz Bouteflika to Khatri Addouh.

Death of Saharawi President: Bensalah signs condolence book

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Shahid El Hafed (Refugee Camps)- The speaker of the Algerian Council of the Nation (upper house of Parliament), Abdelkader Bensalah, on Friday signed the book of condolence, at Shahid El Hafed, on behalf of President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika, following the death of the president of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (DADR), Mohamed Abdelaziz, reiterating the support of Algerian people and leadership to Western Sahara people in their struggle for liberty.

Algeria will always back just Saharawi cause, says Bensalah

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Shahid El Hafed (Refugee Camps), June 4, 2016 (SPS) - Algeria will always support Western Sahara cause until Saharawi people fulfill their objectives, the speaker of the Council of the Nation (upper house of Parliament), Abdelkader Bensalah, said Friday in Chahid El Hafed.
"We will never stop backing the just Saharawi cause until the achievement of Saharawi people's expectations," Bensalah told reporters following discussions with the acting Saharawi president, Khatri Addouh.

Sahrawi people pay last homage to late leader

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Shahid El Hafid (Refugee Camps), June 4, 2016 (SPS) – The Sahrawi people paid, on Friday in Shahid El Hafid a last homage to their late president Mohamed Abdelaziz, died last Tuesday following a long illness.
The body of the deceased was welcomed by thousands of Sahrawi refugees expressing rejecting to "all alternatives but self-determination to the Sahrawi people."
The body was presented at the headquarters of the Sahrawi Presidency to allow the local population and the foreign personalities to pay final tribute to the late Front Polisario leader.

Tribute to fallen POLISARIO Leader Mohamed Abdul-Aziz

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Makwaia Wa Kuhenga/ 03 June 2016/ Daily News-Tanzania
BREAKING news: “The leader of Western Sahara Independence Movement has died after a long illness. Mohamed Abdul-Aziz (68) was Secretary General of the Polisario Front, which fights for an end of Moroccan rule in Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony annexed by Morocco in 1975.”

Mohammed Abdelaziz will be remembered for his unalloyed dedication and strenuous efforts towards the self determination and liberation of the Sahrawi people (President of the republic of Ghana)

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Accra, June 02, 2016 (SPS) – the President of the republic of Ghana H. E. Mr. John Dramani Manama, has expressed his deepest condolences to the Saharawi people on the passing away of President of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz.
¨I have learnt with deep sadness and sorrow, the demise of H. E. Mohammed Abdelaziz, President of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic and Secretary-General of the POLISARIO Front, on Tuesday, 31st May.¨ said the President of the republic of Ghana