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August 2013

President of Republic receives gratitude letter from Spanish PM

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Madrid, Aug 4, 2013 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has received a message of gratitude and esteem from the President of the Spanish Government Mr. Mariano Rajoy.

This message comes in response to another one sent by the Saharawi President to Spanish PM, in which he condoled him on those killed in a train derailment in Santiago de Compostela.

Minister of Public Health holds talks with his South African counterpart

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Johannesburg, Aug 4, 2013 (SPS) -The Minister of Public Health Mr. Mohamed Lamin Dadi held Friday talks with the Minister of Health of the Republic of South Africa Mr. Aaron Motsoaledi, on the sidelines of the International Conference on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health in Africa, hosted by South Africa from 1 to 3 August 2013.

The two sides exchanged views on various issues and challenges facing the governments of the two countries, particularly regarding the improvement of mothers and children’s health.

PTB supports Saharawi people’s right to self-determination and independence

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São Paulo (Brazil), Aug 4, 2013 (SPS) - The Chairman of the Brazilian Ruling Labour Party (Portuguese acronym: PTB) Mr. Luiz Falcão has called for the respect of the Saharawi people’s right to self-determination and independence, during the opening ceremony of São Paulo’s 9th Forum, informed a source of the Saharawi delegation present at the event.

Establishment of Mexican parliamentary friendship group with Saharawi people

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Mexico City, Aug 3, 2013 (SPS) - A parliamentary group of friendship has been formed in the Mexican Parliament to strengthen relations and deepen friendship between the Mexican and Saharawi people, according to a press release issued Friday by SADR embassy in Mexico.

This parliamentary group composed of members of prominent political parties represented at the Mexican Parliament.

The group will meet in the coming days to put a calendar of action. (SPS)


Ahead of 6th regular session: POLISARIO National Secretariat’s Bureau holds a meeting

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Aug 3, 2013 (SPS) - Bureau of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front held today, Saturday, a meeting at the Presidency of the Republic to focus on the upcoming ordinary session of the National Secretariat and external action achievements, according to a statement issued at the end of the meeting.

U.S. Congress forms parliamentary group “Western Sahara caucus”

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Washington, August 3, 2013 (SPS) - The U.S. Congress has formed the parliamentary group of solidarity with the Saharawi people called “Western Sahara Caucus,’’ which aims to defend the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and the protection of human rights of Saharawi citizens in the territories of Western Sahara occupied by Morocco, according to a statement of the POLISARIO Office in Washington.

Organization of Solidarity Conference with UGTSARIO next October in Nigeria

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Abuja, August 01,2013 (SPS) - The Trade Union Movement in Nigeria under the chairmanship of the Nigerian Labour Congress and in collaboration with civil society organizations and the General Union of Saharawi Workers (UGTSARIO), announced on Thursday the organization of an International Conference of Solidarity with the UGTSARIO in Abuja, capital of Nigeria, on 28, 29 and 30 October 2013.


Active Saharawi participation in the forum of Sao Paulo

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Sao Paulo (Brazil),August 01, 2013 (SPS) - Works continue at the XIX Forum of Sao Paulo with the opening of the V meeting of Youth and Africa - Latin America Seminar, with outstanding participation of the Saharawi delegation , reported Thursday SADR Embassy in Mission in Brazil.