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U.S. Congress forms parliamentary group “Western Sahara caucus”

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Washington, August 3, 2013 (SPS) - The U.S. Congress has formed the parliamentary group of solidarity with the Saharawi people called “Western Sahara Caucus,’’ which aims to defend the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and the protection of human rights of Saharawi citizens in the territories of Western Sahara occupied by Morocco, according to a statement of the POLISARIO Office in Washington.

The parliamentary group “Western Sahara caucus” is co-chaired by Mr. Joseph R. Pitts, the elected Republican of Pennsylvania, and Ms. Betty McCollum, elected Democrat from Minnesota, and consists of several other elected Democrats and Republicans in the lower house of Congress.

The statement said that the group was formally approved within the U.S. House of Representatives last week.

The two presidents issued a press release on the occasion focusing on the nature and objectives of the parliamentary group.

“Working together with Congressman Pitts, the Western Sahara Caucus will be a forum to share information with our colleagues and staff to promote a peaceful, just solution to this unresolved international dispute,” said McCollum. 

“The people of the Western Sahara should be able to voice their opinions, assemble peacefully, and live free without fear. Human rights protections for the Sahrawi people will be a priority for this Caucus,” added Ms. McCollum.

“As a past co-chairman of the Western Sahara Caucus, I’m very proud to help restart it in the 113th Congress,” said the Republican Congressman Mr. Pitts. 

“The graveness of human rights violations in the country and the security environment in the region compel our government to address this longstanding crisis. I’ve been encouraged by the Obama Administration’s renewed engagement on this issue, and look forward to continuing to act as an advocate for self-determination and human rights for the Sahrawi people,” he pointed out. 

Western Sahara caucus, composed of Republicans and Democrats deputies, was formed in an appropriate time in order to contribute to the enlightening of the public opinion and decision makers in the U.S.A about the Saharawi cause.

From his part, Polisario Representative in Washington expressed the Saharawi Government’s sincere gratitude for the MPs, who established this group, expressing intention to working with them for the interest of peace, justice and international law.

The group being formed after the establishment recently of a U.S. Association of Friends of the Saharawi People. (SPS)
