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Ahead of 6th regular session: POLISARIO National Secretariat’s Bureau holds a meeting

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Aug 3, 2013 (SPS) - Bureau of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front held today, Saturday, a meeting at the Presidency of the Republic to focus on the upcoming ordinary session of the National Secretariat and external action achievements, according to a statement issued at the end of the meeting.

Presided over by the President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz and attended also by members of the National Secretariat and Government, as well as other cadres, the meeting focused on two major points, namely the next regular session of the Polisario National Secretariat and the most important benefits of external action.

The meeting also recorded the normal and convenient procession 2013 summer programme, which has seen regular scheduled events and good participation by youth and students.

Stopped at the developments of the Intifada of Independence in the occupied territories and south Morocco, the statement called on the international community and international NGOs to intervene for the release of Saharawi political prisoners, unjustly, incarcerated in Moroccan jails.

The Bureau decided to hold the 6th Regular Session of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front on August 18th, 2013. (SPS)
