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President of Republic calls for Saudi King's mediation to end Western Sahara conflict

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Bir Lehlou( Liberated Territories), May 31, 2012 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, has urged King of Saudi Arabia to intercede with king of Morocco to put an end to the Western Sahara conflict and the suffering of the Saharawi people and the Moroccans.


"Stop focusing on economic relations with Morocco," (MEPs)

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Brussels  (European Parliament) May30,2012(SPS)  - MEPs called in Brussels for countries relying on democracy, including those of the European Union, to stop "focus" on their economic relations with Morocco despite the "failure" by this country to respect human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.


Documentary about repression in Western Sahara screened at European Parliament

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Brussels  (European Parliament) May30,2012(SPS) - "Sons of the Clouds, The Last Colony," a poignant documentary about repression in Western Sahara and the deteriorating situation of human rights in the occupied territories, was shown Tuesday in the European Parliament in Brussels, in the presence of co-producers and Euro deputies members of the EU intergroup "Peace for the Saharawi People."

President of Republic receives Turkish delegation

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 Shahid alhafed, May30, 2012(SPS) President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front,Mohamed Abdelaziz, Tuesday, received in headquarter of the presidency Turkish delegation in a visit to the Saharawi refugee camps and the liberated zone from  last Saturday.

The meeting talked to the last developments of the Saharawi issue in addition to the situation of the Saharawi people in the exile and in the occupied territories under Moroccan occupation.

Turkish associations grant humanitarian assistances to Saharawi refugees

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Dakhla(Saharawi refugee camps)May30,2012(SPS) a Turkish delegation represents  several Turkish humanitarian associations Monday, visited wilaya of Dakhla where handed over to the authorities   some humanitarian assistances in favor of the population of this refugee camp.

The delegation represents the Turkish association for assistances and human rights known in Turkish language as (IHH) and the Turkish association (stone of charity).  

Preparatory committee for commemorating Martyr’s day holds meeting in Dakhla

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Dakhla (Refugees Camps), May 29, 2012 (SPS) - The preparative committee for commemorating National Day for Martyrs (June 09th) held meeting today in Wilaya of Dakla under the chairmanship of Member of National Secretariat, governor of Dakhla, Salem Lbsir.


The preparative committee of the event consists of representatives of Saharawi Youth Union, Ministry of Information, the Political Unit of Saharawi Liberation Army...etc.


Occupied Boujdour: peaceful protest against repression of El Aaiun masses

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Boujdour (occupied territories), May 28, 2012 (SPS) - Activists of the Intifada (uprising) of Independence in occupied city of Boujdour has organized a peaceful demonstration to protest the heinous attack end of last week on the Saharawi masses of occupied El Aaiun, capital of Western Sahara, informed a source of the Ministry of Occupied Territories and Communities Abroad.

The protest came after the brutal and systematic attack by Moroccan occupation authorities against the Saharawi citizens of occupied El Aaiun.

POLISARIO representation to Balearic Islands refutes Moroccan malicious rumors

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Mallorca (Spain), May 28, 2012 (SPS) - Office of the Polisario Representation to Balearic Islands, Spain, has refuted the malicious rumors broadcasted by some media in Morocco claiming that pro-Polisario activists attacked last Friday the Consulate of Morocco in the capital of the Province, in a statement released Monday.

President Mohamed Abdelaziz meets South African figures

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Johannesburg (South Africa), May 27, 2012 (SPS) - President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, has been received at headquarters of the Supreme Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management along with the delegation accompanying him by the Minister of Arts and Culture of South Africa, Mr. Paul Mashatile, accompanied by the Mayor of Johannesburg, on the sidelines of his participation at the Global African Diaspora Summit that took place Thursday and Friday in the same city.

At least 13 injured and 2 arrested following violent attack on peaceful demonstration in occupied El Aaiun

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El Aaiun (occupied territories), May 27, 2012 (SPS) - At least 13 Saharawi citizens were injured varying degrees of severity, as well 2 people were arrested after a violent intervention of the Moroccan occupation forces against a peaceful demonstration organized end of the week by a group of Sahrawi citizens at Tan Tan’s Street in the occupied city of El Aaiun, according to a source from the occupied territories.

Saharawi presidential delegation holds various meetings in South Africa

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Johannesburg, May 26, 2012 (SPS) - On the sidelines of its participation at the Global African Diaspora Summit that wrapped out Friday in South Africa, the Saharawi presidential delegation held several meetings with heads of state, government and delegation, according to a source close to the delegation.

Delegation of Saharawi women attends meeting of ANC Women’s League

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Johannesburg (South Africa), May 26, 2012 (SPS) - On the sidelines of the Global African Diaspora Summit taking place in South Africa, Saharawi women delegation, includes Secretaryb General Ms. Fatma Mehdi and African MP Sueilma Bairuk, has attended the regular meeting of executive bureau of ANC Women’s League.

Anniversary of Africa Day: stand of solidarity with the people of Africa’s last colony

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Algiers, May 26, 2012 (SPS) - On the occasion of the commemoration of Africa day coinciding annually with May 25, a stand of solidarity with the Saharawi people organized Friday at the Wilaya of Algeria, in the presence of a number of dignitaries and representatives from civil society, sympathizers from Europe and Africa with and Saharawi delegation from the refugee camps and occupied territories.

Washington supports efforts of Christopher Ross for Western Sahara

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Washington, May 26, 2012 (SPS) - “The United States supports efforts of the UN Personal Envoy for Western Sahara Mr. Christopher Ross, and calls on Morocco to continue working with the UN,” said Friday Mr. Andy Halos, a spokesman of the U.S. State Department.

President of Republic congratulates his counterpart of Guyana on National Day

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Bir Lehlou (Liberated Territories),  May 25, 2012 (SPS) - President of Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has sent on Friday a congratulatory message to President of the Republic of Guyana, Mr. Donald Ramotar on the occasion of the 46th Anniversary of the Independence of Guyana.

Below is the full text of the President’s letter:

AI condemns Morocco for violating human rights in occupied Western Sahara

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London, May 25, 2012 (SPS) - Amnesty International (AI) has denounced Morocco for continuing to violate human rights in occupied Western Sahara.

“Security forces used excessive force against protesters. Critics of the monarchy and state institutions continued to face prosecution and imprisonment, as did Sahrawi advocates of self-determination for Western Sahara. Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees persisted,” Amnesty International writes in its 2012 annual report on human rights throughout the world that was released Thursday.

President of Republic in South Africa to participate in AU summit

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Johannesburg, May24, 2012(SPS) President of the Republic and secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, Thursday, arrived at Johannesburg, to participate in the Global Africa Diaspora Summit to be held from 23 - 25 May 2012 in South Africa.

The President was received at the airport by South African Minister of communication, Mrs. .Dina Buleh , accompanied by senior officers from SA and African Union.

Sweden expresses concern over situation of human rights in occupied Western Sahara

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Geneva, May 23, 2012 (SPS) – Sweden has expressed concern,Tuesday, over the situation of human rights in occupied Western Sahara, in intervention before UN Human Rights Council commenting on Universal Periodic Review – Morocco.


“Sweden is concerned that people do not enjoy fully freedom of expression, association and assembly is matters pertaining to the situation and status in Western Sahara”, said counselor anna jakenberg brink.


UK calls on Moroccan to respect human rights in Western Sahara as non-self governing territory

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Geneva, May 23, 2012 (SPS) – the United Kingdom has expressed concern Tuesday over Moroccan authorities of occupation to respect human rights in Western Sahara as non-self governing territory, in intervention commenting on Universal Periodic Review – Morocco before UN Human Rights Council.

“The UK continues to be concerned with human rights in the non-self-governing territory of Western Sahara. In line with UNSC 2044 we call on Morocco to work to ensure full respect for human rights there”, said the representative of United Kingdom.

European association urges France to participate strongly in rapid decolonization process of Western Sahara

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Budapest (Hungary)  May23,2012(SPS) the Central and Eastern European Alliance for Solidarity with the Saharawi People, Tuesday, urged France to participate “strongly” to accelerate decolonization process of Western Sahara, the last colony in Africa through a free and fair referendum that enable the Saharawi People to decide their destiny, as learned from a message sent from this association to the France President, Francois Hollande.