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December 2011

Egyptian PM Receives Some Presidential Powers

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Cairo dec. 8 (SPS) - Egypt's ruling military council has given some presidential powers to interim Prime Minister Kamal el-Ganzouri.


The official news agency MENA reported Wednesday the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces will maintain control of the army and judiciary as it hands over more power to Mr. Ganzouri.


Libyan Leader to Visit Algeria to Rebuild Ties

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Paris dec. 8 (SPS) - Libya's new leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil will pay a visit to Algeria this month in a bid to improve ties between the two North African oil producers following the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi, Foreign Minister Mourad Medelci said on Wednesday.


Speaking to French lawmakers in Paris, Medelci said Libya and Algeria had no choice but to work more closely together.


Libyan demonstrators arrested in Istanbul

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Istanbul, 08 December, 2011 (SPS) -A group of Libyans, received for care in Turkey during the war in Libya, demonstrated Tuesday before their consulate in Istanbul to claim the financial support they were promised.


A group of Libyans, received for care in Turkey during the war in Libya, demonstrated Tuesday before their consulate in Istanbul to claim the financial support they were promised.


New Saharawi Ambassador presents his credentials to president of Rwanda

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Kigali (Rwanda) December7, 2011(SPS) the new ambassador- designate of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) Habib Mahfud A. Boukhreis, Tuesday, presented his credentials to president of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, as extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of SADR to Rwanda with residence in Kampala, According to communiqué from the  Saharawi embassy there.

President of Republic congratulates president of Tanzania

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Bir Lahlue ( liberated territories) December7,2011(SPS) President of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic(SADR) and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, Wednesday,  congratulated , president of the United Republic of Tanzania, Jakaya  Mrisho Kikwete, on the occasion of  the 50th anniversary of independence .

Polisario Front appeals for EU major involvement in resolving Western Sahara conflict

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Brussels, Dec 06, 2011 (SPS) - Minister Delegate in charge of Europe, Mohamed Sidati urged, Monday, for major involvement of European Union in resolving the Western Sahara conflict.


 In interview with “Passim” blog, Minister Mohamed Sidati stressed that "EU should actively engage and have the means to put pressure on Morocco."


New Saharawi ambassador in Rwanda presents his credentials to Foreign Ministry

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Kigali, Dec 06, 2011 (SPS) -The new Saharawi ambassador, Habib Boukhreis presented Monday, copies of his credentials to Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Louise Mushikiwabo, as extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of SADR to Republic of Rwanda, Saharawi Minister of Foreign Affairs indicated.


On this occasion, Mr. Habib Boukhreis informed Foreign Minister of Rwanda on the latest developments of Western Sahara issue.


Minister Louise Mushikiwabo expressed willingness to further strengthen the bilateral bonds of friendship.

“Between the strong sand and the white Snow lives my hope for a free Western Sahara” new book on Saharawi refugees suffering

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Bergen (Norway), Dec 5, 2011 (SPS) - The book “A Norwegian Hope Journey -Between the Strong Sand and the White Snow Lives My Hope for a Free Western Sahara” was launched on Thursday in Bergen, Norway, by the young Saharawi journalist Asria Mohammed Taleb, in the presence of the Chairwoman of Bergan’s Branch of Youth Labor Party.

The 40-pages book sheds light on the difficult conditions which the Saharawi refugees have lived since more than three decades, far away from eyes of the world and in complete disregard by big powers.

Ethiopia hosts International Conference on AIDS

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Addis Ababa, Dec 5, 2011 (SPS) - The international conference on AIDS in Africa opened in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, under the theme “the fight against AIDS and the means employed for taking support.”

The conference will bring together more than 7,000 delegates, including health professionals and scientists on the front lines of the battle against sexually-transmitted infections in order to raise public awareness.

Roughly 22.5 million of the world's 33 million AIDS sufferers are in Africa.

Egypt's Islamists Take Commanding Lead in Elections

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Cairo, Dec. 5, (SPS) - Partial results for Egypt's first round of parliamentary elections reveal Islamist parties leading with 65 percent of the party list votes, a stronger-than-expected showing that puts liberal groups on the defensive.


The figures released Sunday by Egypt's High Election Commission put the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice party in front with 36.6 percent of the ballots cast, followed by the hardline Salafist Nour party with 24.4 percent. The moderate Islamist Wasat party took 4.3 percent.


Establishment of an association for the Saharawi students in Spain

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Barcelona (region of Cataluña), Dec 5, 2011 (SPS) - The founding conference of the Association of the Saharawi Students in Spain held Sunday at headquarters of the Young Republican Left of Cataluña, after holding two conferences in the region of Andalucía and Madrid, informed member of the executive office of the Saharawi Students Union (UESARIO).

The Conference was attended by Saharawi students, representatives of Catalan students and youth organizations as well as sympathizers with the Saharawi cause.

Delegation of WFDY visits the Saharawi refugee camps

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Shaheed Al Hafed (refugee camps), Dec 5, 2011 (SPS) - A delegation of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), comprising of 40 young people, arrived Sunday in Saharawi refugee camps as part of a mission organized by the Organization to closely observe the difficult situation of the Saharawi people, as victims of an uncompleted process of decolonization.

Saharawi Republic participates at the founding summit of CELAC

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Caracas, Dec 4, 2011 (SPS) - The Ambassador of the Saharawi Republic in Venezuela, Mr. Mbeirik Ahmed, has attended the founding summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), hosted Friday and Saturday at the Culture Palace, at an official invitation received by the Saharawi government, according to a statement of the SADR Embassy in Caracas.

AU Conference of Trade Ministers concludes in Ghana

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Accra (Ghana), Dec 4, 2011 (SPS) - A Saharawi delegation has taken part in the Seventh Ordinary Session of the AU Conference of Trade Ministers, taking place from Nov 29 to Dec 3 in Accra (capital of Ghana), informed the SADR Embassy in Ghana.

The Conference of the AU Trade Ministers comes within the framework of the preparation to hold the 18th Summit of the Heads of States and Governments of the African Union, to be held in Addis Ababa on January 23-30, 2012 on the theme: “intensification of the inter trade between African Countries.”

More than thousand foreign visitors to set foot in the Saharawi refugee camps during December (Director of Protocol

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Shaheed Al Hafed (refugee camps), Dec 4, 2011 (SPS) - The Director of the National Foreigners’ Reception Center (Protocol), Mr. Habibuallah Mohamed Kouri, told Saturday SPS “more than a thousand foreign visitors from different parts of the world, especially from Spain, will visit the Saharawi refugee camps during the current month of December.”

Territoire Perdu: documentary film about story and cause of the Saharawi people

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Algiers, December 4, 2011 (SPS) - The documentary film “Territoire perdu (Lost Land)” on Western Sahara conflict by the Belgian writer and director, Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd, screened Friday at Cinematic Hall in Algiers, according to a source of the Algerian Ministry of Culture.

The one and half hour film tells the story and suffering experienced by the Saharawi people since 1975.

Italian NGOs launch solidarity campaign with Sahrawi political prisoners

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Rome, Dec 03, 2011 (SPS) - Italian NGOs in solidarity with the Saharawi cause launched a campaign to release the Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan jails, according to statement of the Polisario representation in Rome.


The NGOs made appeal to the associations defending human rights and organizations in solidarity with the Saharawi people to work for the release of the Saharawi political prisoner  "because they are innocent people refuse the occupation of their country".


Saharawi Ambassador received by Foreign Minister of Nicaragua

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Managua, Dec 03, 2011 (SPS)-The Ambassador of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic in Nicaragua Suleiman Teyeb Henan, was received Thursday in Managua by Foreign Minister Manuel Coronel Kautz.


 During the meeting, Saharawi Ambassador reiterated warmest congratulations of President Mohamed Abdelaziz to President Daniel Ortega and Sandinista Front for overwhelming victory in recent presidential elections.


Polisario denies "false" allegations of Morocco on mass participation of Saharawis in recent Moroccan elections

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Algiers, Dicember01,2011 (SPS) .- The president of the National Council , Jatri Aduho, has denied the "false" allegations of Morocco on a massive participation of the Saharawis under illegal occupation since 1975,in  recent Moroccan elections of 25 last November.

 Speaking to Algeria International Radio, Jatri Aduho, said that "Morocco is always exaggerated numbers especially when it comes to the occupied territories of Western Sahara."