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Establishment of an association for the Saharawi students in Spain

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Barcelona (region of Cataluña), Dec 5, 2011 (SPS) - The founding conference of the Association of the Saharawi Students in Spain held Sunday at headquarters of the Young Republican Left of Cataluña, after holding two conferences in the region of Andalucía and Madrid, informed member of the executive office of the Saharawi Students Union (UESARIO).

The Conference was attended by Saharawi students, representatives of Catalan students and youth organizations as well as sympathizers with the Saharawi cause.

Envoy and Member of the Executive Office of UESARIO, Bachir Mohamed Lahsen, pointed out to the objectives behind the establishment of an Association of the Saharawi students in Spain, stressing on the need to unite the efforts to publicize the Saharawi cause as to contribute to framing a programme of work in order to activate UESARIO’s political activities in Spain.

Interventions of the Saharawi students focused on the ways to unify the students’ rows, to benefit from the previous experiences and to activate the Saharawi Students Association in Spain.

They expressed readiness to engage in the Association and in framing its branches in different Spanish regions in the aim of raise awareness about the Saharawi cause throughout Spain. (SPS)
