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October 2011

Arab media is deficient in the just cause of the Saharawi people (Lebanese media figure

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Algiers, Oct 30, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Lebanese National Audiovisual Media Council, Mr. Abdel-Hadi Mahfouz, has recognized that the Lebanon and predominantly the Arab media “is deficient in the right of the Saharawi people and its just cause,” underlying that many in the Orient do not know much about the situation of the Saharawi people, in an interview with the Algerian newspaper “Al-Khabar”.

Adduction of the humanitarian cooperators: terrorist act targets the Saharawi people

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Algiers, Oct 29, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, underlined Saturday that the kidnapping of the three European aid workers from the Saharawi refugee camps “is a terrorist act targeting the Polisario Front and Saharawi people,” renewing strong condemnation to this cowardly attack.

Saharawi pilgrims condemn kidnapping of three European aid workers

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Al Madinah Al Munawwarah ( Saudia Arabia), Oct 29, 2011(SPS) -The Saharawi pilgrims have denounced from Al Madinah Al Munawwarah the kidnapping of the European aid workers in the Sahrawi refugee camps last Suturday.

In Statement reached Saturday SPS, the Saharawi pilgrims underlined that this attack “contradicts with the Islamic values which forbid treachery, aggression, terrorize the innocents and all forms of corruption in earth.”

Young Saharawi found dead in the suburbs of occupied Smara

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Shaheed Al Hafed (Saharawi refugee camps), Oct 29, 2011 (SPS) - The young Saharawi, Abba Najem Ould Mohamed Rgeibi, has been found hanged after 10 months of disappearance at Wain Salwan, in the suburbs of the occupied city of Smara, informed Thursday a statement of the Ministry of Occupied Territories and Communities Abroad.

Self-determination of Saharawi people: President Mohamed Abdelaziz calls for pressuring Morocco

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Algiers, Oct 29, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, called Saturday in the Algerian capital for speedily imposing pressures and sanctions on the Moroccan government to stop thwarting the holding of a referendum on self-determination for the Saharawi people, in a speech to the participant of Algiers conference on peoples’ right to resistance: case of the Saharawi people.

All peoples of the free world called to support peaceful resistance of Sahrawi people in face of Moroccan occupation, says SADR president

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Algiers, Oct 29, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, called Saturday on all peoples of the free world to support the peaceful resistance of the Saharawi people in face of the policy of harassment and terror perpetrated by the Moroccan occupation authorities.

The 2nd international conference on peoples’ right to resistance opens its works in Algiers

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Algiers, Oct 29, 2011 (SPS) - The 2nd international conference on the peoples’ right to resistance: cases of the Sahrawi people opened its works Saturday with the participation of 1200 delegates from 35 nationalities and distinct media presence.

In his inaugurating speech, the President of the Algerian National Committee of Solidarity with Sahrawi People (CNASPS), Mr. Mahrez Lamari, considered the conference as an opportunity for the Algerian civil society to shed light on the peoples’ right to freedom and independence.

NANS renews solidarity with struggle of the Saharawi people

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Abuja, Oct 29, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the National Association of Nigeria Students (NANS), Mr. Dauda Mohammed, renewed “unwavering solidarity of NANS with the struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and independence, from its historic commitment in supporting the causes of the African peoples.”

During a meeting held last week with the Saharawi ambassador in Abuja, the Saharawi official expressed “determination of the Association to support cause of the Saharawi people, according to a statement of the SADR Embassy in Nigeria.

Saharawi National Council granted observer membership in the Andino Parliament

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Bogotá (Colombia), Oct 29, 2011 (SPS) - The Latin American Parliament (Andino) has decided to grant an observer membership to the Saharawi National Council, dispatched Thursday the Department of State in the Saharawi Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The membership decision has reached during the 34th ordinary session of the Andino Parliament held on Wednesday Oct 26, 2011 in the Colombian capital, Bogotá, in order to “strengthen ties of friendship and cooperation between the two institutions.”

There is no evidence of involvement of Saharawi elements on abduction of the European aid workers (Spanish government

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Madrid, Oct 29, 2011 (SPS) - Spanish government sources has indicated that there is no solid evidence about the involvement of Saharawi elements on the kidnapping of members of European humanitarian organization on Oct 22, 2011 in the Saharawi refugee camps, reported the Spanish radio “Cadena Ser”.

The same source noted that Spanish government sources confirmed “there is no solid evidence until now that indicates the involvement of Saharawi elements in the kidnapping incident.”

SADR takes part at 50th session of AU Commission on Human and People's Rights in Gambia

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Banjul (Gambia), Oct 29, 2011 (SPS) - The Saharawi Republic (SADR) is taking part in the works of the 50th ordinary session of the African Union Commission on Human and People's Rights (ACHPR) held in the Gambian capital, Banjul, from Oct 25 to Nov 4.

Speaking during the opening session, Mr. Abba Haisan, secretary general of the Saharawi Jurists Union, informed the AU Commission about the criminal act on three foreign cooperators working in the humanitarian field in the Saharawi refugee camps, who kidnapped by an armed terrorists on Oct 22, 2011.

Conclusion of an international conference on trade union solidarity with Saharawi workers in Lisbon

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Lisbon (Portugal), Oct 29, 2011 (SPS) - The fifth international conference on trade union solidarity with the Saharawi workers wrap out Friday, by voicing support to the Saharawi cause.

During their interventions in the closing ceremony, Member organizations from Portugal, Spain, Italy and France in the preparatory committee stressed on the need to put the decisions and terms taken by the Conference into action.

AU strongly condemns the kidnapping of humanitarian aid workers in Sahrawi refugee camps

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Addis Ababa, Oct 29, 2011 (SPS) - The Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AU), Dr. Jean Ping, has strongly conmdemned the kidnapping of three humanitarian aid workers in the Saharawi refugee camps by terrorist group.

“The AU continues to follow developments relating to the kidnapping, on 23 October 2011, by militants of Al‐Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), of three European aidworkers (two Spanish and one Italian) in Rabouni in the Sahrawi Refugee camps in Tindouf,” said Firday Dr. Ping in a press release.

Sahrawi Government and companies signing agreements with SADR hold annual meeting in London

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London, October 28, 2011 (SPS) - The annual meeting between the SADR and the oil and gas companies which have signed agreements with the Saharawi government took place this year in London on 28 October 2011.


The meeting was an occasion to review the relationship between the Saharawi Republic and the companies as well as to assess the latest developments of the issue of Western Sahara.


The Saharawi delegation included Mr. Emhamed Khadad, member of the Saharawi leadership and Mr. Kamal Fadel, Polisario Representative to Australia.


Morocco hinders holding of new round of negotiations with Polisario Front (Ross)

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New York (UN), October 28, 2011 (SPS) - The Personal Envoy of the Secretary General of the United Nations to the Western Sahara, Christopher Ross, told Wednesday the UN Security Council that Morocco "blocks" a UN new round of negotiations between the parties to the conflict (Front Polisario and Morocco) since 2007 to enable the Saharawi people to self-determination, according to a diplomatic source.


Security measures to protect people in solidarity with the Sahrawi people

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Shaheed El Hafed (Refugee camps), October 28, 2011 (SPS)  – The Sahrawi Council of Ministers decided to take a series of security measures to protect people in solidarity with the Sahrawi people in the Sahrawi refugee camps and liberated areas, said a statement released following an emergency meeting held late Tuesday under the chairmanship of Mohamed Abdelaziz President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) and Secretary General of the Polisario Front.


US-Western Sahara Foundation Calls for Increased Cooperation with Sahrawi Republic over Recent Abduction of Humanitarian Workers

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Washington, DC, October 27, 2011 (SPS) - The US-Western Sahara Foundation called for increased cooperation from the international community to work with the Sahrawi Republic to gain the release of three humanitarian aid workers abducted from the refugee camps on Saturday and to respond to this act of terrorism with an increased commitment to help the refugees.


President of Republic congratulates his Argentinean counterpart on her re-election

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Bir Lehlu (Liberated Territories), October 27, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Mohamed Abdelaziz, sent Tuesday a congratulatory message to Mrs.Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner on her re-election as the President of the Argentine Republic.


"It is my pleasure to convey to you my warmest congratulations for winning the Sunday presidential elections in this brotherly country," wrote President Mohamed Abdelaziz in his letter to Mrs. Cristina Fernandez, a copy of it received by SPS.