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August 2024

World Politics Review: The U.S., France and Spain Are Deluding Themselves on Western Sahara

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Washington (U.S.) 18 August 2024 (SPS)- World Politics Review, published an analysis by Dr. Jacob Mundy, in which he criticized the latest positions adopted by France, Spain and the US supporting the Moroccan illegal occupation of Western Sahara, considering that this Western stance only makes the situation worse not only in Western Sahara but in the whole region and the Sahel.

Namibia condemns the French endorsement of the Moroccan stance on Western Sahara

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Windhoek (Namibia) 18 August 2024 (SPS)- the Government of the Republic of Namibia issued a Press Release last Friday 16 August, condemning the French Government’s endorsement of the Moroccan colonial fait accompli in Western Sahara, considering this decision as a “blatant disregard of the principles of international law particularly the right to self-determination.”

Following is the full text of the Press Release:

16 August 2024


Sahrawi government condemns Chad's decision to open fictitious "consulate" in occupied Dakhla

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Shaheed Al Hafed (Sahrawi Republic), August 17, 2024 (SPS) - The Sahrawi Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its deep astonishment at the unilateral step taken by the Chadian government on August 14th, 2024, announcing, alongside the Kingdom of Morocco, the opening of a fictitious "consulate" of Chad in the city of Dakhla, which is considered part of the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

The Sahrawi government considers this decision illegal, contradicting international and African law, and violating international diplomatic norms and conventions.

Documentary film on Sahrawi women's struggle and suffering under Moroccan occupation screened in Argentina

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Cordoba (Argentina), August 17, 2024 (SPS) - As part of the "Invicines rodante" social film festival organized Thursday by the Faculty of Arts at the National University of Cordoba, the documentary film "Insumisas" was screened. The film addresses the struggle of Sahrawi women and their suffering under the Moroccan occupation and its repressive apparatus.

Mr. Santiago and Mr. Rodrigo Del Canto, organizers of the festival and friends of the Sahrawi people, seized this opportunity to call for support for the Sahrawi cause.

ISS Analysis: Moroccan Autonomy Plan for Western Sahara Unlikely to prevail and Self-Determination Remains the Key

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Pretoria (South Africa), 16 August 2024 (SPS) — An article published today by the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), authored by Peter Fabricius, critically examines Morocco's recent diplomatic efforts to impose its illegal autonomy plan for Western Sahara. The analysis concludes that this plan is unlikely to prevail, emphasizing that self-determination for the Sahrawi people remains the only viable solution.

Sahrawi army targets Moroccan army headquarters in Mahbes sector

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Bir Lahlou (Liberated Territories), August 16, 2024 (SPS) - Sahrawi People's Liberation Army fighters targeted the Moroccan army headquarters in Mahbes Sector.

The military communiqué issued by the Central Directorate of the Political Prefecture of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army explained that advanced units of SPLA fighters carried out on Thursday, a concentrated bombardment targeting the Moroccan army headquarters in the Mahbes Sector, causing significant losses among the ranks of the Moroccan occupation army and its rear bases. .

Chadian National Associations Union Condemns Chad's Opening of a Consulate in Occupied Western Sahara

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N'Djaména (Republic of Chad), 15 August 2024 (SPS) – The Union of National Associations for Unity and Solidarity of the Republic of Chad issued a strong statement yesterday, Wednesday, signed by its president, Mr. Ahmed Bachir Ahmed, condemning the Chadian government's opening of a consulate in the occupied city of Dakhla on the same day, describing this action as "excessive and reckless" and as a "poisoned dagger" intended to harm the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.

International Conference for Eradication of Colonialism calls on African Union to implement decision of  African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights on Western Sahara

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Abuja - (Nigeria), August 15, 2024 (SPS) - The International Conference for Eradication of Colonialism called on the African Union " to implement the decision of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights on Western Sahara issued in September 2022, which calls on African countries, individually and collectively, to support the Sahrawi people in their just struggle to complete sovereignty over the territory of the Sahrawi Republic, which is subject to military occupation by the Kingdom of Morocco".

Sahrawi association condemns continued closure of its headquarters by Moroccan occupation authorities

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Occupied Laayoune, August 15, 2024 (SPS) - The Sahrawi Association of Victims of Grave Human Rights Violations Committed by the Moroccan State (ASVDH) condemned on Wednesday, the continued closure of its headquarters in occupied city of Laayoune by Moroccan occupation authorities, and the prevention of the association's members and victims of human rights crimes from reaching its headquarters.

Ministry of Cooperation organizes Twinning National Symposium

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Shaheed Al-Hafid, August 14, 2023 (SPS) - The Ministry of Cooperation organized on Wednesday, a National Symposium on Twinning in the presence of Prime Minister Mr. Boushraya Hamoudi Bayoun, members of the Sahrawi government, governors, the National Council, the Advisory Council and representatives of the ministry's extensions

The symposium witnessed the presentation of a detailed report by the Central Directorate of Twinning, in which it addressed the reality challenges of twinning, followed by reports presented by the regional directorates in each wilaya.

Zimbabwean President reiterates his country's firm support for just struggle of Sahrawi People

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Harare (Zimbabwe), August 13, 2024 (SPS) - The President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Emmerson Mnangagwa, received today, at the Presidential Palace in the capital, Harare, Mr. Mohamed Yeslam Beisat, Ambassador to South Africa in Charge of the African File, in his capacity as Envoy of the President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali.

Sahrawi Ministry of Information Mourns the Passing of One of the Greatest Friends of the Sahrawi Cause

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Shahهd El-Hafed (Sahrawi Republic), 13 August 2024 (SPS) – The Ministry of Information of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic issued a statement mourning the passing of one of the staunchest friends of the Sahrawi people and a fierce advocate for their right to self-determination and independence, Swiss doctor, politician, and writer Emmanuel Martinoli, who passed away on Sunday, August 11.

Below is the full text of the statement:

Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic

Ministry of Information

Algerian diplomat: Sahrawi people look forward to implementing Security Council resolutions within framework of decolonizing Western Sahara

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New York (United Nations), August 13, 2024 (SPS) - The Secretary-General of the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Lounes Magramane, renewed Algeria's conviction that the Security Council needs the African voice today, stressing the need to lift the historical injustice suffered by the continent due to the absence of effective representation in the Council.