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February 2024

South African delegation meets with Sahrawi officials

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Shaheed El Hafed, February 26, 2024 (SPS) - The Chargé d'Affaires at the South African Embassy to Algeria and the Sahrawi Republic, Mr. Patrick Rankhumise, accompanied by the First Secretary, Mr. Bernard Legodi, met Monday with Sahrawi officials as part of the working visit of this delegation to the Sahrawi Republic and the Sahrawi refugee camps.

Address by Mr Brahim Ghali, President of the Sahrawi Republic, Secretary-General of the Frente POLISARIO, to mark the 48th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic 27 February 2024

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In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Compassionate

Sahrawi people everywhere,

Today, we celebrate forty-eight years of the establishment of the Sahrawi State, which was the culmination of a long history of resistance and continued hard struggle, through which the Sahrawi people have created a unique and distinguished experience in the history of peoples and national liberation movements.

An important Italian delegation visits Sahrawi refugee camps

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Awserd, February 26, 2024 (SPS) - An important Italian delegation from the Tuscany region arrived today, Monday, in the Wilaya of Awserd, where it was received by the Member of the National Secretariat and the governor of the Wilaya, Mrs. Khira Bullahi Abad.

The Italian delegation, which is accompanied by the Representative of the Polisario Front in the Tuscany region, Mr. Abdallahi Boucheiba, is headed by the President of the Solidarity Network and Friendship with the Sahrawi People, Ms. Nadia Conte, and includes politicians and doctors.

The President of the Republic chairs a meeting of the Permanent Bureau of the National Secretariat

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Shahid al-Hafed, February 26, 2024 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and the Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, chaired yesterday a meeting of the Permanent Bureau of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front.

During the meeting, a presentation of field developments in military action was presented, as Sahrawi People's Liberation Army fighters are continuing their heroic combat work, causing heavy losses to the Moroccan occupation forces in lives and equipment.

Namibian President reaffirms Namibia's firm support for the right of the Sahrawi people to independence

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Windhoek (Namibia) February 25, 2024 (SPS) - The new Namibian President, Nangolo Mbumba, renewed his country’s support for the Sahrawi people’s inalienable right to freedom and independence, in his speech on Saturday, during the memorial service for the late Namibian President, Haji Geingob, in front of dozens of delegations from various countries, at Independence Stadium in the Namibian capital, Windhoek.

The Representative of the Polisario Front in Russia participates in a round table on the occasion of the centenary of the founder of the Soviet state

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Moscow (Russia), February 25, 2024 (SPS) - The Representative of the Polisario Front in Russia, Dr. Ali Salem Mohamed Fadel, participated yesterday in a round table on the occasion of the centenary of the death of the founder of the Soviet state and the Red Army, Vladimir Lenin, at the invitation of the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and Deputy of the Regional Legislative Assembly of the Altai Region, Sergei Malinkovich.

Algeria: Organizing a symposium in solidarity with the Sahrawi and Palestinian issues

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 Algeria, February 24, 2024 (SPS) - The New Algeria Front, together with a group of Algerian parties, organized a symposium in solidarity with the Sahrawi and Palestinian issues, in Algiers, under the title of "The repercussions of the Al-Aqsa flood and the Sahrawi issue on national security and activating solidarity mechanisms”.

The 15th Congress of the Portuguese Trade Union issues a recommendation on Western Sahara

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Lisbon (Portugal) February 24, 2024 (SPS) - The Fifteenth Congress of the Portuguese Trade Union, CGTP-IN, issued a recommendation on Western Sahara, urging the United Nations to hold a referendum in Western Sahara and calling on the international community to put pressure on Morocco to respect human rights in the occupied part of Western Sahara and open the territory for international observers and press.

The Prime Minister attends the graduation of a new batch of the National Police

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Shahid al-Hafed, February 24, 2024 (SPS) - The Prime Minister, member of the National Secretariat, Mr. Boushraya Hamoudi Bayoun, attended today, at the headquarters of the Girls’ Military School, “The School of the Martyr Al-Za’ara Hamdi Abdel Rahman,” the graduation of a new batch of members of the National Police, after they benefited from a training period in different specialized fields.

Moroccan repressive forces continue to besiege Sahrawi houses and confiscate their rights

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Occupied Laayoune, February 24, 2024 (SPS)- Moroccan repressive forces besieged yesterday the houses of the family of the martyr Said Abdel Wahab Dambar in the occupied city of Laayoune, since the early morning, and prevented a group of Sahrawi solidarity activists from reaching the house and participating with the family in the commemoration of the 158th month of the assassination of the martyr Said Abdel Wahab Dambar, using live bullets by the occupation police, according to what was reported by the Sahrawi Association ASVDH

Commissioned by the President of the Republic, Hamma Salama participates in the funeral ceremony of Namibian President Hage Geingob

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Windhoek (Namibia), February 24, 2024 (SPS) - Commissioned by the President of the Republic, the Member of the National Secretariat and President of the National Council, Mr. Hama Salama, participated in the funeral ceremony of Namibian President Hage Geingob, who passed away following a severe illness.

The late African leader served for many years for the benefit of Namibia and Africa, where he was a loud voice in the skies of a continent torn by conflicts and wars, defending the freedom and independence of its people.

ISACOM and Right Livelihood Condemn some States' Support to the Illegal Occupation and Human Rights Violations in Western Saharaa

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Geneva (UN Human Rights Council) 23 February 2024 (SPS)- The Sahrawi Organ Against the Moroccan Occupation (ISACOM) and the Right Livelihood Foundation, which annually awards the "Alternative Nobel Prize" to individuals and organizations defending human rights, expressed their strong condemnation of attempts by some state representatives in Geneva to support the illegal Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara and consequently supporting the systematic human rights violations in this last colony on the United Nations list for decolonization in the African continent.

President of Republic to Sputnik: Referendum is compromise solution for Western Sahara question

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Addis Ababa (African Union), February 23, 2024 (SPS) - The President of the Republic , Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, stressed in an interview with the Russian news agency Sputnik, published Tuesday, that the referendum of the Sahrawi people to self-determination is the compromise solution for decolonizing Western Sahara.

UGTSARIO participates in 15th Congress of Portuguese trade union

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Lisbon (Portugal), February 23, 2024 (SPS) - A  delegation from the General Union of Workers of Saguia El Hamra and Rio de Oro (UGTSARIO), participated in the 15th Congress of the Portuguese Trade Union CGTP-IN.

The congress, which began on Thursday with the opening of an international conference, is held under the slogan "Unity of Workers in the Struggle for Rights, Peace and Solidarity" and will continue from the 22nd to the 24th of this month.

SPLA targets rear position of the Moroccan army in the Mahbas sector

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Bir Lahlou (liberated territories), February 22, 2024 (SPS) - Sahrawi People's Liberation Army units targeted a rear position of the Moroccan occupation army in the Mahbas sector, causing heavy losses in lives and equipment.

The military communiqué issued today, confirmed that detachments of SPLA carried out a concentrated bombing, targeting a rear position led by a brigade affiliated with the cowardly Royal Army, in the occupied town of Mahbas, where plumes of smoke were seen rising from the target location.


Dr. Sidi Mohamed Omar: The steadfastness of the Sahrawi people and their clinging to their land and rights will fail all the policies of the occupying state

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New York (United States), February 22, 2024 (SPS) - Dr. Sidi Mohamed Omar, member of the National Secretariat, Representative of the Polisario Front to the United Nations, and Coordinator with MINURSO, stressed, in an interview with RASD TV, that the resumption of the Sahrawi people’s legitimate struggle in November 2020 remains the priority of the current stage, for which the Sixteenth Conference of the Polisario Front defined its horizons by adopting the escalation of the fight against the occupation as a theme and framework for all aspects of Sahrawi national action.

Sahrawi civilian prisoner starts a hunger strike

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Occupied Laayoune, February 21, 2024 (SPS) - The Sahrawi civilian prisoner within the Gdeim Izik group and the honorary president of the Association for the Protection of Sahrawi Prisoners in Moroccan prisons, Ahmed Al-Bashir Ahmed Al-Sibaai, began a 24-hour hunger strike today, Wednesday, in protest against the negligence policy of Moroccan authorities, which banned him from receiving medicine and treatment, according to what was reported by the Association for the Protection of Sahrawi Prisoners.