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The Representative of the Polisario Front in Russia participates in a round table on the occasion of the centenary of the founder of the Soviet state

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The Representative of the Polisario Front in Russia participates in a round table on the occasion of the centenary of the founder of the Soviet state

Moscow (Russia), February 25, 2024 (SPS) - The Representative of the Polisario Front in Russia, Dr. Ali Salem Mohamed Fadel, participated yesterday in a round table on the occasion of the centenary of the death of the founder of the Soviet state and the Red Army, Vladimir Lenin, at the invitation of the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and Deputy of the Regional Legislative Assembly of the Altai Region, Sergei Malinkovich.

The event was distinguished by interventions by the participating delegations, which focused on the experiences of peoples fighting against colonialism and racial discrimination and the legacy and thought left by the founder of the Soviet state, which shaped the revolutionary approach of the liberation movements, communist parties and the working class in the world.

The event was also an opportunity for the Representative of the Polisario Front to give a presentation on the situation in the occupied part of Western Sahara and the human rights violations carried out by the Moroccan occupation, such as the demolition and burning of rural houses and the confiscation of lands belonging to the Sahrawis to hand them over to foreign investors and Moroccan settlers, aiming to empty the land of its indigenous people and impose the fait accompli colonial policy.

The Communist Party "Russian Communists," through its president, Mr. Sergei Malinkovich, renewed its principled and absolute solidarity with the struggle of the Sahrawi people, adding that it will remain loyal to this covenant until the Sahrawi people get their independence.

In addition to the Sahrawi delegation, a delegation from the Angola Embassy led by the Chargé d'Affaires participated in this solidarity event, in addition to the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Belarus, the Secretary General of the Czech Communist Party, a number of Communist Party activists (Russian Communists), and Russian media figures.