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Creation of International Committee for Support of the Sahrawi People's Right to Self-determination

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Algiers, 29 November 2021 (SPS) - The head of the National Federation of Algerian Diaspora, Tarek Benbouza, announced the creation of the International Committee for the Support of Sahrawi People's Right to Self-determination, with a view to gaining international support for this just cause and allowing Western Sahara people to exert their inalienable right to self-determination, in line with the international legality.

IYFSWS Final Declaration calls on UN to organize a referendum in Western Sahara and on AU and other parties to assume responsibility in decolonising it

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Malaga (Spain) 29 November 2021 (SPS)- The International Youth Forum of Solidarity with Western Sahara (IYFSWS) adopted a Final Declaration yesterday calling on the UN to organise a self-determination referendum in Western Sahara, while urging the AU, EU and other international actors to assume their responsibility in implanting 

International energy companies must exit occupied Sahrawi territories immediately

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Brussels, 28 November 2021 (SPS) - The international energy companies established in the Sahrawi territories must exit the occupied Sahrawi territories immediately, said the Western Sahara Resource Watch (WSRW) in its latest report on the Moroccan renewable energy projects in Western Sahara.
In this report entitled “Green washing occupation,” the NGO asks the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) and its State Parties to “challenge Morocco’s systematically erroneous climate reports.”

UJSARIO urges IYFSWS to adopt concrete initiatives to put an end to the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara

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Malaga (Spain) 26 November 2021 (SPS)- UJSARIO’s Officer in Charge of International Relations, Mr. Hamdi Aomar Taubali, urged the participants in the Second Edition of the International Youth Forum for Solidarity with Western Sahara (IYFSWS), currently being held in Malaga, Spain, to stand firmly in the face of the Moroccan occupation, and in the face of countries and parties that obstruct the eradication of colonialism from Western Sahara, by adopting concrete initiatives and measures.

Polisario calls on participants to the IYFSWS to intensify support towards the decolonisation of Western Sahara

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Malaga (Spain) 26 November 2021 (SPS)- Polisario Front Representative in Europe and the European Union, Mr. Oubi Bouchraya Bachir, urged the participants to the International Youth Forum for Solidarity with Western Sahara (IYFSWS), during its opening session yesterday evening in Malaga, Spain, to intensify efforts aimed at supporting the Saharawi people and to push for the fulfillment of the right to self-determination and independence of Western Sahara.

More than 90 youth organizations from 41 countries participate to the 2nd edition of the IYFSWS Forum in Malaga

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Malaga (Spain) 26 November 2021 (SPS)- The Second Edition of the International Youth Forum for Solidarity with Western Sahara (IYFSWS) will start shortly, in Molina Town, Malaga, Spain, with the participation of representatives of more than 90 youth organizations, under the supervision of representatives of the Saharawi Youth Union (UJSARIO) and in the presence of an official Saharawi representation in the opening session of the forum.

Morocco, Zionist entity sign first security agreement

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Rabat, 25 November 2021 (SPS) - The Makhzen regime and the Zionist entity concluded Wednesday a framework agreement aimed at “strengthening the security cooperation between the Moroccan and Israeli intelligence services,” nearly one year after the normalization of their relations, amidst broad popular disagreement.  

Algerians Collective in France alerts on Saharawi people suffering

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Paris, Nov 24, 2021 (SPS) - The Citizen Collective of the Algerian Community established in France has warned of the injustice and suffering endured by the Saharawi people in the occupied territories, calling on the UN Security Council to "apply international law and exert pressure on Morocco so that it puts an end to its colonialist and repressive policy ".

SPLA attacks against the occupation forces in the sectors of Mahbes and Um Dreiga

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Bir Lehlu, Nov 23, 2021 (SPS) The units of the Saharawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) have carried out new attacks against the Moroccan occupation forces positioned in the sectors of Mahbes and Um Dreiga.
According to War Report No. 376 issued by the Ministry of National Defense, detachments of our army carried out concentrated bombardments against enemy positions in:
- The Tajalit region, Um Dreiga sector.
- The Guerat Uld Blal region, Mahbes sector.

The Prime Minister chairs a meeting of the Governing Council

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Chahid El-Hafed, Nov 23, 2021 (SPS) - The Prime Minister of the Republic and a member of the National Secretariat, Mr. Bucharaya Hamudi Beyún, chaired a meeting of the Governing Council on Monday at the headquarters of his ministry.

Sahrawi Army carries out new attacks against Moroccan occupation forces

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Bir Lahlou (Liberated Territories), 22 November 2021 (SPS) - The forces of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) carried out on Monday new attacks against the entrenchments of the Moroccan occupying forces in the Haouza, Bakari and Mahbes sectors, said the Sahrawi Ministry of Defence in its military communiqué No. 375.

Polisario Front urges foreign companies to leave Western Sahara

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Shahid Al-Hafed, 21 November 2021 (SPS) - The Polisario Front has called on all foreign companies to "immediately withdraw" from Western Sahara, as their presence in the region constitutes a "flagrant violation" of international law provisions.

Washington "very focused" on supporting de Mistura’s efforts in Western Sahara

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Washington, 20 November 2021 (SPS) - The United States (US) Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, assured that Washington is "very focused" on supporting the efforts of the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General (SG)’s Personal Envoy for Western Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, and the UN process to achieve a "durable and dignified" solution to the conflict.

Sultana Khaya: I call on the UN and ICRC to protect my life and that of Saharawi civilians under Moroccan occupation

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Occupied Bojador (Saharawi Republic) 20 November 2021 (SPS)- Saharawi Human Rights Defender, Ms. Sultana Chaya, called on the UN and the ICRC to assume their responsibility in protecting her life and that of Saharawi civilians under Moroccan occupation, in her statement before the Webinar of Solidarity with Sultana Khaya, organized Yesterday by Saharawi Commission of Human Rights (CONASADH).

Tone Moe: UN, states and ICRC failure to act on abuses in Western Sahara encourages Morocco to escalate violations

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Oslo (Norway) 20 November 2021 (SPS)- Norwegian human rights expert and member of the International Team of Lawyers defending Sultana Khaya, Tone Sørfonn Moe, asserted in her statement before the Webinar of Solidarity with Sultana Khaya, organized Yesterday by Saharawi Commission of Human Rights (CONASADH), that the failure of the international Community to act and stop Moroccan human rights violations is encouraging Rabat to persist and esclatae these abuses.

CONASADH President to Solidarity webinar: “Moroccan Monarchic regime commits crimes of war in Western Sahara under International Community’s complicit silence

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Chahid El Hafed (Saharawi Republic) 19 November 2021 (SPS)- The President of the Saharawi National Commission for Human Rights, Mr. Abba El Haissan, affirmed that the Moroccan Monarchic regime is committing crimes against humanity and war crimes against Saharawi civilians in occupied territories, including against Saharawi activist, Sultana Jaya and her family.

Solidarity Webinar with Sultana denounces Crimes against humanity and war crimes in Western Sahara and calls for protection of civilian victims of abuses

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Chahid El Hamed (Saharawi Republic) 19 November 2021 (SPS)- The participants in the Webinar of Solidarity with Sultana Brahim Jaya, organized this Friday morning by the Sahrawi National Commission for Human Rights, denounced crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by the Moroccan regime against Jaya family, holding the UN bodies and the International Red Cross fully responsible for the fate of the victim.