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SPLA units attack a Moroccan military base in the Auserd sector

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Bir Lehlu (Sahrawi Republic), Oct 12, 2021 (SPS) - The units of the Saharawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) attacked the Moroccan military base No. 19 located in the Adeim Um Ajlud region, in the Auserd sector on Monday, according to War Report No: 334 issued by the Ministry of National Defense.
The War Report also reported that our army units bombed various enemy positions in the Gararat Lahdid region, in the Farsia sector.

Frente POLISARIO representative at UN meets with Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Western Sahara

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New York (United States), Oct 12, 2021 (SPS) - The Representative of the Frente POLISARIO at the UN, Dr. Sidi Mohamed Omar, met Saturday with Mr. Alexander Ivanko, Special Representative of the Secretary UN General for Western Sahara.
The meeting, held at the headquarters of the United Nations General Secretariat, represented an opportunity for both parties to address the latest developments regarding the role of the United Nations Mission for the referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) and the position of the Frente POLISARIO on this role.

Sahrawi political prisoner goes on hunger strike to protest medical malpractice

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Occupied  Aaiún, Oct  12, 2021 (SPS) - The Sahrawi politician Sid-Albachir Alali Butenguiza, who is in the Kenitra jail, north of Morocco, entered this Monday on a 24-hour warning hunger strike hours in protest of the medical negligence and the failure to fulfill the promises made by the prison authorities to attend to his deteriorating state of health.SPS

Sahrawi people celebrate the 46th Anniversary of National Unity

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Wilaya de Dajla, Oct 12, 2021 (SPS) - The Saharawi people celebrate this Tuesday, October 12, the 46th Anniversary of National Unity amid circumstances characterized by the resumption of the armed struggle, since the Moroccan violation of the ceasefire established since 1991.

"National Unity thwarted the colonial maneuvers to erase Saharawi people from existence" President Gali

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Wilaya de Dajla, Oct 12, 2021 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the frente POLISARIO, Mr. Brahim Gali, affirmed that “national unity made the dirty colonial maneuvers to erase the Sahrawi people of existence”.
During his speech at the said event, the President declared “of course, if that meeting frustrated the despicable and imminent colonial maneuvers that sought to definitively eliminate the Saharawi people, as people and as a country ”.

Algeria welcomes NAM position in favor of Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination

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Belgrade (Serbia), 11 October 2021 (SPS) - Prime Minister of Algeria, Minister of Finance Aïmene Benabderrahmane welcomed Monday, in Belgrade, the “consistent and principled” position of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in favor of the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination, calling on the United Nations and the Security Council to revive the UN process for the settlement of Western Sahara conflict.

President Tebboune: UN called upon to fulfill its role in decolonization of Western Sahara

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Algiers, 11 October 2021 (SPS) - President of Algeria, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, said Sunday that the United Nations (UN) was called upon to fulfill its role in the decolonization of Western Sahara.
“Algeria was the first country to welcome the proposal to appoint De Mistura as Personal Envoy of the UN SG for Western Sahara," said President Tebboune at his regular meeting with national media.
He offered De Mistura his best wishes for success.

Int’l community must stop Morocco’s occupation of Western Sahara – Envoy

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 Abuja (Nigeria), 11 October 2021 (SPS) - The Ambassador of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (Western Sahara) to Nigeria, Brahim Salem Buseif, has called on the United Nations(UN) the European Union(EU), the African Union (AU) and international institutions to prevail on Morocco to stop the aggression and occupation of his country and respect international law regarding the rights of the Saharawi to determine their independence through a referendum.

UN called to pronounce on opening consulates in Western Sahara

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Algiers, 10 October 2021 (SPS) - The former African Union (AU) Commissioner for Peace and Security (PSC), Smaïl Chergui, considered it imperative for the UN Legal Counsel to pronounce on the opening by some states of consulates in occupied Western Sahara cities at the instigation of the Moroccan occupation.

Ould Salek: UN credibility is in question, attempt to rob Sahrawi people right are doomed to failure

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Bir Lahlou, 10 October 2021 (SPS) - The Sahrawi Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Salem Ould Salek, said that any possible political process in Western Sahara will have to guarantee the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination in accordance with the settlement plan unanimously adopted by the UN Security Council and accepted by both parties in the conflict, namely the Polisario Front and Morocco.

UN 4th Committee: Petitioners call for end to colonisation in Western Sahara

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New York (UN), 09 October 2021 (SPS) - Pro-Saharawi petitioners pleaded Thursday before the UN Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) in New York for an end to Morocco's illegal occupation of Western Sahara, calling on the United Nations to "act without further delay.
The Polisario Front's representative at the UN, Sidi Mohamed Omar, condemned Morocco's "illegal occupation" of the Sahrawi territory since 1975 and its attempts to impose a "fait accompli" and to "oppose its decolonisation".

Timorese political parties and CSOs declare their solidarity with Sultana Khaya

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Dili (Timor Leste), Oct 08, 2021 (SPS) - Several political parties, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and human rights activists from Timor Leste have expressed their unconditional solidarity with the Sahrawi activist Sultana Sidbrahim Khaya, who continues to suffer a siege with his family in the occupied city of Bojador.

SPLA attacks Moroccan occupation forces at various points along the Wall of Shame

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Bir Lehlu (Sahrawi Republic), Oct 08, 2021 (SPS) - Units of the Saharawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) launched new attacks against various entrenchment points of the Moroccan occupation forces along the Wall of Shame.
According to War Report No. 330 issued by the Ministry of National Defense, Thursday, units of our army carried out intense and concentrated bombardments, which caused panic and fear in the ranks of enemy soldiers in the following positions:
- The Udei Echderiya region, in the Farsía sector.

Algeria notes “with interest” appointment of UN envoy for Western Sahara

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Algiers, 7 October 2021 (SPS) - Algeria has noted with interest the decision of the United Nations Secretary General to appoint Staffan De Mistura as personal envoy for Western Sahara and will support his efforts for the effective reopening of direct negotiations between the two sides to the conflict, Morocco and the Polisario Front, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad said on Wednesday.

US Sen. Jim Inhofe confirms that the decision taken by the CJEU marks another step in Western Sahara’s fight for self-determination

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Washington, October 06, 2021 (SPS)- The US Senator. Jim Inhofe confirmed today on his twitter account that the decision of the European Union’s general court which decided to annul its approval of agriculture and fishing agreements that allow Morocco to export goods from Western Sahara marks another step in Western Sahara’s fight for self-determination and the ability to garner economic wealth from its own resources.

Sessions of the UN Fourth Commission kicks off

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New York (United States), Oct 05, 2021 (SPS) - The Fourth Committee (Committee on Decolonization) of the United Nations General Assembly in charge of decolonization and special policy issues will carry out its work, starting Monday in New York to debate a series of issues related to the status of Non-Self-Governing Territories and the implementation of the Declaration of Independence of Colonial Countries and Peoples.

Foreign delegations expect at October 12 celebrations

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Chahid El-Hafed (Refugee Camps), Oct 0 5, 2021 (SPS) - The Sahrawi people await the arrival of more than 250 guests who will participate in the celebrations of the Forty-sixth Anniversary of National Unity, which will be held October 12 in the Wilaya of Dakhla, Saharawi Refugee Camps.

SPLA units attacks Mahbes sector

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Bir Lehlu (Sahrawi Republic), Oct 05, 2021 (SPS) - The units of the Saharawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) have attacked Tuesday the positions of the Moroccan occupation forces in the Mahbes sector.
According to War Report No. 328 issued by the Ministry of National Defense, our army units have carried out the following operations:
- Attacks against the General Cartel of the 43rd Battalion located in the Ameitir Lamjeinza region, in Mahbes.