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Foreign Minister holds meeting with his Ethiopian counterpart

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Addis Ababa, March 11, 2021 (SPS) - The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mohamed Salem Uld Salek held a meeting today with his counterpart from the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Mr. Demeke Mekonnen, to deliver a letter from the President of the Republic, SG of Frente POLISARIO, Mr. Brahim Gali, addressed to the Prime Minister of his country, Mr. Abiy Ahmed, on the latest developments regarding the question of Western Sahara.

Western Sahara decolonization: President Ghali calls on AU to assume responsibility

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Chahid El Hafed, March 11, 2021 (SPS) -  The president of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), Brahim Gali, called the African Union (AU) on Monday to play a prominent role and assume its historical responsibilities, in line with its principles that provide Western Sahara people the right to independence and self-determination.

President of Republic affirms Morocco breaks African consensus

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Chahid Al-Hafed, March 10, 2021 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Mr. Brahim Gali, stated that Morocco undermines the existing consensus at the African level regarding the issue of Western Sahara and continues to violate the Constitutive Act of the African Union.

Western Sahara: Celebration, in Mexico, of 45th anniversary of SADR proclamation

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Mexico, March 09, 2021 (SPS) - The Embassy of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic organized, in Mexico, an event to celebrate the 45th anniversary of SADR proclamation, the Sahrawi Press Agency reported.
The celebration was marked by the presence of Head of the Department of North Africa at the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Isabel Torres, the Ambassadors of South Africa, Cuba and Algeria, as well as Chargé d'Affaires of Venezuela and Nigeria Embassies.

CONASDH salutes Sahrawi woman struggle

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Chahid El-Hafed, March 09, 2021 (SPS) - The Saharawi National Commission for Human Rights (CONASDH) greeted, Sunday, the struggle and the fight of the Saharawi woman who wrote "with pride" the shining names of chahidate , prisoners and activists, alongside all activists from the Saharawi people in various fields.

Ould Salek denies any contact with Morocco on ceasefire

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Addis-Ababa, 7 March 2021 (SPS) - Sahrawi Minister of Foreign Affairs and member of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front Mohamed Salem Ould Salek said Saturday that "no direct or indirect contact has been established between the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) and the Kingdom of Morocco," stressing that "a new ceasefire remains dependent on full compliance with the principles of the African Union (AU).”

President of Republic supervises graduation of new SPLA fighters batch

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Martyr Al-Wali School, 6 March 2021 (SPS) -  President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mr. Brahim Ghali, supervised the graduation of a new batch of Sahrawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) fighters at the Martyr Wali Military School.

HRW condemns Moroccan security forces for continuing to violate rights of Sahrawi activist Sultana Khaya

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Washington, March 06, 2021 (SPS) - NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Friday denounced the heavy and almost constant surveillance imposed by Moroccan security forces on Sahrawi activist Sultana Khaya for more than three months.
“Without providing any justification, these forces prevented several people, including relatives of the activist, from visiting her,” the Washington-based NGO indicated in a statement.

President Ghali’s letter adopted as official document of Security Council

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New York, 6 March 2021 (SPS) - Sahrawi President Brahim Ghali has denounced, in a letter sent to the UN Secretary General and adopted as an official document of the Security Council, the dire situation of human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara since the breakdown of the cease-fire by Morocco.

EU/Morocco free trade agreement: Polisario Front optimistic about European Court of Justice verdict

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Brussels, 5 March 2021 (SPS) - The Polisario Front is optimistic about the new verdict of the European Court of Justice concerning the motion for annulment of the agreement on the extension of the EU/Morocco free trade and association agreements in the territory of Western Sahara, the representative of the Polisario Front in Europe and EU Oubi Bouchraya Bachir said on Thursday.

Germany recognizes Western Sahara's right to independence

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Algiers, March 04, (SPS) - Abdul Massih Al-Shami, the coordinator of Arab-European relations in the German Parliament said on Tuesday that Morocco's decision to suspend diplomatic relations with the German embassy in Rabat is an "anti-diplomatic act," affirming that Germany recognizes the right of Western Sahara to independence.
In a statement to Radio Algeria International (RAI), Al-Shami ruled out any response from Germany to the attitude of Morocco on this issue.

London "closely follows" situation in Western Sahara

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London, March 04, (SPS) - James Cleverly, Minister for Middle East and North Africa at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) said on Tuesday that the United Kingdom is closely following the situation in occupied Western Sahara.
He added that his country had constant contact with the parties to conflict (Frente POLISARIO and Moroccan Kingdom) and conducted regular discussions with the UN and members of the Security Council on this matter.

Aminatou Haidar to the UN HRC: escalation of Moroccan human rights violations in Western Sahara and UN remains silent

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Geneva (UN Human Rights Council) 03 March 2021 (SPS)- Ms. Aminatou Haidar, President of the Saharawi Organ against Moroccan Occupation and 2019 Right Livelihood Laureate, denounced the excalation of Moroccan human rights violations against the people of Western Sahara, in a statement she delivered Monday before the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council through video-conference.

Geneva Group asks UNHRC to dispatch an observer mission to occupied Western Sahara

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Geneva, March 02, 2021 (SPS) - The Geneva Support Group for Western Sahara asked the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) to send an observer mission to the occupied Sahrawi territories to investigate the situation on the ground, drawing attention to the "human rights abuses" committed by the Moroccan occupation authorities.

CJEU begins hearing lawsuit filed by Frente POLISARIO against the EU Council

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Luxembourg, March 02, 2021 (SPS) - The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) today began the oral hearing for the appeals filed by the Frente POLISARIO against Council Decision (EU) 2019/2017 of 28 January 2019, including the occupied areas of Western Sahara within the scope of the EU-Morocco Association Agreement, and the European Union-Morocco fisheries agreement, as well as against the regulation that distributes fishing opportunities among the Member States set by the fishing agreement. Both lawsuits were filed in June 2019.SPS

Foreign Minister receives congratulations from Cuban counterpart

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Shaheed Al Hafed, 1 March 2021 (SPS) - Member of the National Secretariat, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mohamed Salem Ould Salec, on Sunday received a letter of congratulations from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the sisterly country of Cuba, Mr. Bruno Rodríguez, on the occasion of the forty-five anniversary of the proclamation of the Saharawi Republic.
Head of Cuban diplomacy seized this important occasion to reiterate his country’s support to the Saharawi people’s just cause. (SPS)

President of Republic inaugurates new facilities at Information Ministry

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Shaheed Al Hafed, 28 February 2021 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Gali , on Sunday inaugurated the new headquarters of the National Radio and the Union of Saharawi Journalists and Writers (UPES).
The two ceremonies were also attended by some members of the National Secretariat, Government, National Council and Advisory Council, as well as personnel of the Ministry of Information.