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New president of Peace for the Saharawi People’s Parliamentary Intergroup pledges to works for securing EU support to international efforts in Western Sahara

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Vienna (Austria), 21 February 2021 (SPS) - the newly elected chairman of the European parliamentary intergroup “Peace for the Saharawi People”, Mr. Andreas Cheddar, has pledged to ensure that EU would lead the international efforts to resolve the question of Western Sahara, by exerting more pressure on Morocco within their bilateral agreements.
MEP Cheddar, also chairman of the Austria Social Democrats Bloc, emphasized the need for the EU to pressurize Morocco to punt an end to its policy of illegal settlement and occupation of Western Sahara.

WMW calls on AU and UN to intervene to protect Sahrawis in occupied territories

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Shaheed Al-Hafed, 19 February 2021 (SPS) - International Coordinator of World March of Women (WMW), Ms Graca samu, has called on the African Union and the United Nations to urgently intervene to ensure the protection of human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.
She urged the African Union and the United Nations to end human rights violations in Western Sahara and to support the Sahrawi women's struggle for freedom and independence.

Front Line Defenders criticizes Moroccan occupation forces' harassment of Sahrawi human rights activists in OOTT

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Dublin (Ireland), Feb 18, 2021 (SPS) - Front Line Defenders has strongly condemned the increased harassment by Moroccan authorities against Sahrawi human rights defenders living in Western Sahara over the past few months.
Front Line slammed the physical surveillance of prominent human rights defenders, and the use of Excessive force to disperse peaceful protests, ill-treatment of political prisoners and impose arbitrary disciplinary measures against human rights defenders during their work.SPS

Democracy Now relates brutal assault on Sahrawi activist Sultana Khaya

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New York (United States)  Feb 18, 2021 (SPS)  - US non-governmental organization Democracy Now on Monday shed light on the "brutal" assault on Sahrawi activist Sultana Khaya last weekend by Moroccan police agents at her home, in the occupied city of Boujdour, showing Morocco's violent campaign of repression in the occupied Sahrawi territories.

Moroccan occupation prohibit Sahrawi activists from entering the occupied city of Bojador

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Occupied Bojador , Feb 17, 2021 (SPS) - The Moroccan occupation authorities prevented a group of Sahrawi activists from entering the occupied city of Bojador on Wednesday morning.
This group of activists, made up of Sidi Mohamed Dadach, Mohamed Luali, Abdelaziz Beyay and Suleimán Breh, wanted to pay a visit to the family of activist Sultana Khaya and her family, living under tight Moroccan security forces siege were prevented from entering the city and forced to return to the occupied city of El Aaiún.SPS

Spanish Basque Socialist Party slams HR situation in occupied parts of Western Sahara

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Donostia , Feb 17, 2021 (SPS) - The Spanish Basque Socialist Party (ESB) has condemned the campaign of repression by the Moroccan occupation forces against Saharawi militants in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.
The party denounced the barbaric repression against the activist Sultana Khaya and her sister El Ouara within their own house and the international silence towards the Sahrawi population in the occupied cities.

Moroccan HRC Statement a maneuver to cover up its occupation crimes in Western Sahara (CONASADH)

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Bir Lehlu (Sahrawi Republic), Feb17, 2021 (SPS) - The Saharawi National Commission for Human Rights (CONASADH) affirmed that the statement published by the so-called Moroccan Council for Human Rights about its meeting with the human rights activist Sultana Khaya "It is nothing more than a maneuver to cover up the savage crimes suffered by the activist and her family at the hands of the Moroccan security forces."

Several solidarity demonstrations with HR activist Sultana Khaya take part at Occupied Aaiun

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Occupied El Aaiún, Feb 17, 2021 (SPS) - Several peaceful demonstrations took part in the streets of the capital of occupied Western Sahara, El Aaiún, in solidarity with activist Sultana Khaya.
The protesters raised flags of the Sahrawi Republic and chanted slogans demanding the end of the occupation, expressing their support to the Sahrawi human rights activist Sulatana Khaya and her family, despite the tight military blockade and the repression in the occupied areas.

Hysteric escalation of repression against civilians in occupied territories of Western Sahara

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Occupied Aaiun, Feb 17, 2021 (SPS) - -Sahrawi human rights activists and journalists report a “hysteric escalation” of systematic repression by Morocco against unarmed Sahrawis.
The Moroccan occupation forces "hysterically accentuate human rights violations against unarmed Sahrawis in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, subjected to an unprecedented security measures deter Sahrawi citizens to go out to demonstrate to demand freedom and independence," told APS Hayat Khatri, correspondent of Sahrawi Television and Radio in the occupied cities.

President of Republic stresses legitimate right to respond to Morocco's violation of safety of Sahrawi civilians

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Bir Lahlou (SADR) 16 February 2021 (SPS) -  President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, has affirmed in a letter to the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, and the rotating president of the Security Council, Barbara Woodward (United Kingdom), the legitimate right of the Sahrawi people to respond firmly to any action that jeopardizes the security and safety of any Sahrawi citizen wherever they are. 

Huge marches backing Saltana in Sahrawi Refugee Camps

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Chahid El Hafed, Feb 16, 2021 (SPS) - Hundreds of people from the Sahrawi civil society have marched this Tuesday in a massive demonstration in solidarity with the well-known Sahrawi activist human rights activist Saltana Khaya in Sahrawi Refugee Camps.
The participants condemned the serious violations of human rights and the escalation of repressions and attacks on Sahrawi activists in the Occupied Zones of Western Sahara.SPS

HR situation in Western Sahara, a humanitarian catastrophe

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Madrid, Feb 16, 2021 (SPS) - The charge d'affaires of the occupied Sahrawi territories, Abdallah Souilem, indicated on Monday that the "Moroccan occupying forces have intensified their repressive actions against Sahrawi civilians in order to intimidate them ", adding that the" degraded human rights situation in the occupied Sahrawi cities portends a humanitarian catastrophe if the international community does not intervene to dissuade the Moroccan regime ".

EH-Bildu criticizes Moroccan violence against Sahrawi civilian in the Occupied Areas

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Donostia (Gipuzkoa), Feb16, 2021 (SPS) -The political organization Eh-Bildu has denounced the violence and harassment against human rights defenders in the occupied areas of Western Sahara by the occupied Moroccan regime.
EH-Buldu denounces that "members of the Moroccan occupation army have brutally attacked the Sahrawi activists Sultana Khaya and her sister Elwaara Khaya at thier home in the occupied city of Bojador."

Swedish government called to recognize SADR as independent state

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Stockholm, Feb 16, 2021 (SPS) - The National Youth Council of the Swedish Left approved a resolution at its latest conference calling on the government in Stockholm to recognize the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) as an independent state and to end all economic agreements, covering the occupied Sahrawi territories, concluded with the Kingdom of Morocco.

Western Sahara: Two kids abducted by Moroccan forces in occupied El Aaiun

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Occupied El Aaiun, Feb 16, 2021 (SPS) - Morocco's repressive forces have kidnapped two minor children in the district of Iraq, in the Western Sahara occupied city of El Aaiun, Sahrawi media said Monday.
According to the sources, "Moroccan occupation soldiers, in plain clothes, abducted two minor children and took them to an unknown destination."
The two children, "Zakaria al-Rijibi and Akram al-Hanafi, were kidnapped by a group led by the executioner Ali Boufri," the Saharawi media said.

SPLA continues to shell enemy positions for 96th consecutive day

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Bir Lahlou (Liberated Territories), February 15, 2021 (SPS) - Units of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) carried out new attacks targeting the entrenchment sites of the Moroccan occupation army, constantly under bombardment along the walls of humiliation and shame, according to communiqué No. 96 of the Sahrawi Ministry of Defense.
On Sunday, February 14th, units of SPLA targeted the enemy positions in the area of Galeb-Ness in Auserd sector, and the area of Ross-Oued-Tenueshad in Mahbas sector.

President Brahim Gali receives a message of gratitude from his Cuban counterpart

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Chahid El Hafed, Feb 15, 2021 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Mr. Brahim Gali has received a message of gratitude from his Cuban counterpart, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Republic of Cuba, for the cordial congratulations on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution.
The Cuban president confirmed the will of his Government of to strengthen relations of friendship and cooperation between Cuba and the SADR.

Sahrawi activist Soltana Khaya more than ever committed to struggle

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Brussels, Feb 15, 2021 (SPS) -  -The Sahrawi human rights activist Soltana Sid Ibrahim Khaya, seriously injured in the face and eye following a barbaric attack by the Moroccan police, is more than ever willing to continue the struggle, said Sundaye member of the National Secretariat of the frente POLISARIO in charge of Europe and the European Union (EU) Oubi Bouchraya Bashir.