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Morocco imposes "prohibitive conditions" to hinder settlement of Sahrawi cause

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Algiers, April 01, 2021 (SPS)- Ambassador of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) in Algiers, Abdelkader Taleb Omar, said Tuesday that Morocco imposes "prohibitive conditions" to hinder the settlement of the Sahrawi cause, calling on the United Nations (UN) to assume its responsibilities and compel Morocco to comply with international legality.
"The Moroccan occupation exaggerates in hindering the settlement of the Sahrawi cause by imposing prohibitive conditions, especially regarding the appointment of a new personal envoy of the UN

Western Sahara Campaign asks UNSC to set a date for the referendum in Western Sahara

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London (United Kingdom), April 01, 2021 (SPS) - The British non-governmental organization Western Sahara Campaign asked the United Nations Security Council to “set a date for the referendum in Western Sahara, criticizing the failure of the highest body to comply with the 1991 peace plan as well as the unwillingness to support the UN Secretary in appointing a new Special Envoy since the resumption of the war in Western Sahara.

Blinken calls on Guterres to speed up new personal envoy appointment to Western Sahara

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New York, March 31, 2021 (SPS) - US Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to speed up the appointment of a personal envoy to Western Sahara, underscoring United state support to a political negotiations between the two parties (Morocco and Frente POLISARIO), sponsored by the UN.

Coronavirus: 45 new confirmed cases in last 72 hours

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Chahid El Hafed (Refugee Camps), March 30, 2021 (SPS) - Forty-five (45) new cases of Coronavirus infections have been confirmed in the Sahrawi refugee camps, , announced Tuesday the Spokesperson for the Scientific Committee in charge of monitoring the coronavirus pandemic evolution, Dr Mohamed Salem Chej.

President of Republic slams terrorist attack in northern Mozambique

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Bir Lehlu (Saharawi Republic), March 31, 2021 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Frente POLISARIO, Mr. Brahim Gali, has condemned the terrorist attack occurred in the Cabo Delgado region, which had several victims fatalities and destruction of public facilities.

Human Rights in Sahrawi occupied territories: Polisario Front warns against "deplorable situation"

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Geneva, 29 March 2021 (SPS) - Oumeima Mahmoud Abdessalem, the Polisario Front representative to the United Nations Human Rights Council (CDH) and international organizations in Geneva, called for urgent intervention of the international community and Human Rights organizations to put an end to the deplorable and dangerous human rights situation in Western Sahara occupied territories.

Western Sahara: Over 270 organizations alert OHCHR on Morocco's human rights violations

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Geneva, March 24, 2021 (SPS) - A group of 270 organizations has alerted the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)) on Morocco's human rights violations in Western Sahara, urging it to submit, as soon as possible, a proposal for a programme on technical assistance and capacity building in favor of the legitimate representative of Western Sahara people, the Frente POLISARIO.

SPLA: New attacks against multiple positions of Moroccan occupation forces

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Bir Lehlou, March 24, 2021 (SPS) - Units of the Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) pursued their attacks against positions of the Moroccan occupation forces behind the wall of sand, said Monday the Sahrawi Defence Ministry in the military communiqué No 131.
"Units of the SPLA have targeted on Sunday and Monday the positions of the Moroccan occupation army in the areas of Rous Fedret Aziz in the sector of Houza, Larene and Abiret Tnuched in the Mahbés sector," said the military statement quoted by the Sahrawi News Agency (SPS).

“CPS decision o on Western Sahara is an achievement for the establishment of peace" (Sabri Boukadoum)

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Algiers, March 23, 2021 (SPS) - Foreign Minister Sabri Boukadoum on Monday called the latest decision of the African Union Peace and Security Council on Western Sahara as "very important" and an achievement for establish security and stability in North Africa.
In a statement to APS, Boukadoum said that the AU CPS, at the end of its last meeting at the level of heads of state and government on the conflict in Western Sahara, had made a "very important" decision.

AU decision torpedoed Moroccan strategy (Ould Salek)

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Addis Ababa, 22 March 2021 (SPS) - Sahrawi Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Salam Ould Salek, said Saturday that the decision of the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) on the conflict in Western Sahara had "torpedoed the Moroccan strategy and destroyed its ambitions to defeat the UN process of decolonization of Western Sahara."

Minister of Public Health calls on citizens to exercise caution

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps), 21 March 2021 (SPS) -  Minister of Public Health, National Secretariat member, Khaira Balahi Abbad, has called on citizens to exercise caution.
The Minister, accompanied by a government delegation, in a tour that led her Saturday to the wilaya of Dakhla in the refugee camps, called on citizens to exercise caution, be vigilant and apply preventive measures, especially with the registration of new cases of the Coronavirus.

SPLA continues attacks on Moroccan occupation forces positions for 129th day in row

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Bir Lahlou (Liberated Territories), 21 March 2021 (SPS) - The units of the Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) have launched new attacks against the positions of the Moroccan occupation army along the berm, according to the military communiqué released Saturday by the Sahrawi Ministry of Defense.

President Brahim Ghali sends condolences to Tanzanian government and people for the loss of President Magufuli

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Bir Lehlou (Saharawi Republic) 19 march 2021 (SPS)- The President of the Saharawi Republic and Secretary general of Polisario front, Brahim Ghali, sent a letter of condolences to Mrs. Samia Suluhu Hassan, Vice-President of the Republic of Tanzania, on the sad occasion of the passing of the late President John Pombe Joseph Magufuli, who passed away on March 17th.

RMTU calls for end of "blood Phosphate" imports after New Zealand High Court judgment

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Willington (New Zealand) 19 March 2021 (SPS)- The Rail and Maritime Transport Union (RMTU) reiterated its call, in a press release published on “Scoop” Today, to end imports of “blood phosphate” from Western Sahara following New Zealand High Court judgment last 15 March, in which it clearly established that Morocco neither has sovereignty nor administrating power over the occupied territory.

AUPSC adopts a strong Communiqué on the conflict in Western Sahara (Text of the Communiqué)

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Addis Ababa (African Union) 18 March 2021 (SPS)- African Union’s Peace and Security Council published Today a new Communiqué (resolution) on western Sahara following its meeting held last March 9.
Following is the complete text of the Communiqué as published on the AU Peace and Security Council’s official webpage:
Communiqué of the 984th meeting of the PSC held on 9 March 2021, on the follow up on the implementation of paragraph 15 of the decision on Silencing the Guns of the 14th Extraordinary Summit

Tanzanian President John Magufuli dies at 61

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Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), March 18, 2021 (SPS) -The Vice President of Tanzania, Samia Suluhu Hassan, has reported that the President of Tanzania, John Magufuli, died Wednesday at the age of 61 in Dar es Salaam, as a result of heart problems.
Samia Suluhu, in a television message to the nation, said: "Dear Tanzanians, it is with great regret that I inform you that today, March 17, 2021, at 6:00 p.m., we lost our brave leader, the President of Tanzania, John Pombe Magufuli. "Vice President Samia Suluhu Hassan announced on television. SPS

Argentina La Plata University organizes a conference on the decolonization of Western Sahara

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La Plata (Argentina), March 15, 2021 (SPS) - The University of La Plata, in Argentina, will organize from April 2 to May 20 a course on the unfinished decolonization of Western Sahara.
The conference coincidence with the festivities commemorating the 45th anniversary of the proclamation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), in collaboration with the University of Tifariti and the Center for Western Sahara Studies of the University of Santiago of Compostela.

Two international NGOs expresse concern over human rights situation in Western Sahara

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Geneva, March 16, 2021 (SPS) - The United Nations International Youth and Students Movement and the Federation for the Protection of Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities expressed, Monday, their concern over the human rights situation in Western Sahara and the ongoing occupation of the Saharawi territories by Morocco.
"The human rights situation is deteriorating at various levels, as reported by reports from human rights organizations," both organizations affirmed during the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council, held by videoconference.