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President of the Republic and Chief of the Armed Forces chairs the Saharawi People's Liberation Army General Staff meeting

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Chahid El Hafed, January 28, 2020 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, General Secretary of the Frente POLISARIO and Chief of the Armed Forces, Brahim Ghali, headed last Sunday, a meeting of the General Staff of the Saharawi People's Liberation Army (ELPS) at the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense.
The President of the Republic commended, at the meeting, the efforts made by the units of the Saharawi army to protect the liberated territories and the work done to complete sovereignty over the entire territory of the Saharawi Republic.

President of Republic makes new appointments at level of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and diplomatic missions abroad

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Bir Lahlou, 26 January 2020 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, on Saturday issued a presidential decree in which he made appointments at the level of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and diplomatic missions abroad (embassies and representations).
The appointments at the level of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were as follow:
Salek Sghayer, Ambassador and Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Podemos denounces Morocco’s expansionist maneuvers

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Canary Islands, January 25, 2020 (SPS) – Spanish political party Podemos has denounced "the expansionist policies of Rabat" in Sahrawi territorial waters, while urging the Spanish government in collaboration with the government of the Canary Islands to launch actions to curb "this Moroccan maneuver ".
"We will not allow our marine waters to be affected by Morocco, and we demand that the median established to date be respected," the political party said in a statement released Thursday.

NMLWS condemns attempt by Morocco to host FUTSAL Cup of Nations in occupied city of El-Aaiun

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Abuja, 24 January 2020 (SPS) -  The Nigerian Movement for the Liberation of Western Sahara (NMLWS) has expressed its strong condemnation to the deliberate attempt by Morocco in collaboration with the Confederation of African football (CAF) to host the FUTSAL 2020 Cup of Nations in El-Aaiun, the occupied capital of Western Sahara, from 28 January to 7 February 2020.

President of Botswana congratulates President of the Saharawi Republic for re-election

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Gaborone (Botswana) 22 January 2020 (SPS)- The President of the Republic of Botswana, Dr. Mokgweetsi E.K Masisi, sent a message of congratulations to the President of the Saharawi Republic, Mr. Brahim Ghali, on the occasion of the later election as Secretary General of Polisario Front and President of the Saharawi Republic.
The letter, which was initially sent to the Saharawi President on December 30th 2019, comes following the successful organization of the 15th Polisario Congress held from the 21st to 25th December 2019.

Eidda Brahim Hmeim assumes his duties as Water & Environment Minister of the Saharawi Government

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Chahid El Hahed, January 22, 2020 (SPS) - In a protocol ceremony held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Water and Environment, the outgoing Minister, Brahim Mojtar, has transferred the portfolio to the new Minister, Eidda Brahim Hmeim, in the presence of seniors officials of  the said Ministry
During the handover ceremony, the outgoing Minister has highly expressed his thanks to the work team for their dedication and efforts during his term, renewing his best wishes for success to the new Minister in his new mission.

Serious deterioration of the health situation of the Sahrawi civilian prisoner, Sidi Abdullah Ahmed Sidi Abhah

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The local prison of Tiflet 2 (Morocco), January 22, 2020 (Was) - The family of the Sahrawi civil prisoner, Sidi Abdullah Ahmed Sidi Abha, within the Gdeim Izik group, located in the local prison, Tiflet 2, east of Rabat, the Moroccan capital, stated that the health situation of their son is alarming in the absence of any medical follow-up to his chronic diseases.

Saharawi representative in La Rioja and the president of the Autonomous Community express commitment to strengthening cooperation projects

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La Rioja (Spain), January 22, 2020 (SPS) - The President of the Autonomous Community of La Rioja, Concha Andreu, received this morning at the headquarters of the Autonomous Government the representative of the Frente POLISARIO in the region, Abdalahe Hamad Ahmed , with whom he addressed relations with the delegation and the initiatives promoted by the community towards the Saharawi people and their struggle for self-determination and independence.

President of the Republic announces new appointments at the level of the Frente POLISARIO Political Secretariat

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Chahid El Hafed, January 22, 2020 (SPS) - The president of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Secretary General of the Frente POLISARIO, Brahim Gali, has signed, on Tuesday, the presidential decree that includes new appointments at the level of Frente POLISARIO Political Secretariat
According to the powers conferred on it by the Constitution of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, the President appoints:
Jatri Aduh responsible for the Political Secretariat of Frente POLISARIO.

Organization of Africa Futsal Cup of Nations in occupied El-Aaiun widely condemned

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Algiers, 20 January 2020 (SPS) - Several countries and organizations have denounced Morocco's persistence in organizing the 2020 Africa Futsal Cup of Nations in the occupied Sahrawi city of El Aaiun, vigorously opposing an approach that ignores the international law and UN resolutions on the settlement of Western Sahara conflict.

President of Republic makes appointments at level of Ministry of National Defense

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Shaheed Al-Hafed, January 20, 2020 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Frente POLISARIO, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Brahim Ghali, has issued a presidential decree through which he made appointments at the level of the Popular Liberation Army and the National Police, based on the powers conferred on him by the constitution.
The military appointments were as follow: 
Beidela Mohamed Brahim, Coordinator of the General Staff of the Popular Liberation Army.

Unilateral decisions of Guinea, Gabon to open consulates can never legitimate territory’s colonization

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Algiers, 20 January 2020 (SPS) - Algeria underlined Saturday that the serious unilateral decisions taken by Guinea and Gabon to open consulates in Western Sahara can under no circumstances legitimate the occupation of this territory nor question the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination.
“Algeria was informed of the unilateral decisions taken by the governments of Guinea and Gabon to open consular representations at Dakhla and al-Aaiun, two occupied cities of Western Sahara,” said a communiqué of Western Sahara.

South Africa boycotts regional tournament over Morocco’s occupation of Western Sahara

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The South African Football Association (SAFA) on Wednesday announced its decision to withdraw from the 2020 Africa Futsal Cup of Nation due to the tournament being hosted in the city of Laayoune in the disputed Western Sahara region.
SAFA in their decision said this was in line with the South African government and African Union (AU) resolution, hence, displaying their solidarity with the Sahrawi to fulfil its agreement with the AU.

President of Republic makes appointments at level of Presidency of Republic and other institutions

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Shaheed Al-Hafed, 19 January 2020 (SPS) -  President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Frente POLISARIO has issued a decree containing appointments at the Presidency of the Republic and other national institutions, based on the powers conferred on him by the constitution
At the Presidency of Republic, the following appointments were made:
Mohamed-Lamine Al-Buhali, Minister at the Presidency of the Republic in charge of the Auxiliary Brigade.