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Settlement of Western Sahara conflict: President Ghali denounces deadlock

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Tifariti (Liberated Territories), 16 December 2019 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, denounced in Tifariti (liberated territories), against the blockade of the settlement process of Western Sahara conflict, denouncing the role of France in maintaining such a situation.

'Blood phosphate' imports from Western Sahara may prompt illegal port strikes - union

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Fertiliser companies importing so-called "blood phosphate" from Western Sahara could face illegal strike action by port workers in future, warn unions.
A ship chartered by Ravensdown, the Federal Crimson, is currently unloading the last of 51 tonnes of phosphate at Port Chalmers, after earlier docking in Napier and Lyttleton.
At each port, it has been boarded by members of the Rail and Maritime Transport Union, who have handed protest letters to the captain.

President of Republic felicitates Tanzanian counterpart on Independence Day

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Bir-Lahlou, 9 December 2019 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Frente POLISARIO, Brahim Ghali, has felicitated his Tanzanian counterpart, Mr. John Pombe Magufuli, on the occasion of the 58th anniversary of the Independence  of Tanzania.

New Zealand protesters stand up against “stolen blood phosphate” illegally mined from occupied Western Sahara

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Christchurch (New Zealand) 09 December 2019 (SPS)- New Zealand protesters organised a campaign and water flotilla in Christchurch, on Monday, to stand up against New Zealand company (Ravensdown) boat, “the Federal Crimson” carrying 55,000 tonnes of stolen “blood phosphate” from the illegally occupied territory of Western Sahara, the group of protesters indicated in various information they posted on their facebook pages.

R.F. Kennedy Foundation congratulates Aminatou Haidar for Alternative Nobel Award and calls for respect of human rights in Western Sahara

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Washington, D.C. (USA) 07 December 2019 (SPS)- Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Foundation congratulated Mrs. Aminatou Haidar, on receiving last December 4th the prestigious 2019 Right Livelihood Award (Alternative Nobel Peize) in Stockholm, Sweden in an international celebration attended by more than 1200 human rights defenders, NGOs and politicians from all over the world.

British Foreign Office warns British citizens against terrorist attacks in Morocco

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London (UK) 7 December 2019 (SPS) - The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office has warned British citizens, against the dangers they could face if they visit Morocco, especially terrorist attacks.
“Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Morocco,” the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office warned British citizens, on its official page.
The Office explained that the warning it issued was based on the information and advice provided by UK Counter Terrorism Policing.

Aminatou Haidar receives alternative Nobel Prize, achievement for Sahrawi people

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Stockholm, 7 December 2019 (SPS) - Sahrawi human rights activist Aminatou Haidar on Wednesday was awarded the "2019 Right Livelihood Award", also known as the "Alternative Nobel Prize,” during an official ceremony attended by more than 1200 activists from around the world.
During the ceremony, the Sahrawi activist made a statement in which she called for respect for international law and human rights in occupied Western Sahara.

Aminatou Haidar receives 2019 Rights Livelihood Awards and calls for respect of Saharawi people’s rights

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Stockholm (Sweden) 05 December 2019 (SPS)- Saharawi Human Rights Defender, Aminatou Haidar, was awarded the 2019 Rights Livelihood Award, Wednesday evening in Stockholm, in an official ceremony attended by more than 1200 activist from all over the world.
During the ceremony, the Saharawi activist gave a statement in which she called for the respect of international law and human rights in Western Sahara.
Here is the full text of the statement:
"Good evening

Aminatou to Swedish Parliament: “Your decision to recognize SADR delighted us, but failing to implement it was regrettable”

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Stockholm (Sweden) 04 December 2019 (SPS)- Saharawi human rights defender and winner of 2019 Rights Livelihood Awar, Mrs. Aminatou Haidar, emphasized in the Swedish Parliament on Monday that the Parliament’s decision to recognize the Saharawi Republic in 2012 was delightful but failing to implement it by the Swedish government in 2016 was regrettable.

Haidar in an act in Sweden: “the Saharawi cause is the responsibility of all those who fight for peace and justice”

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Stockholm (Sweden),  December 03, 2019 (SPS) -. The Alternative Nobel Prize 2019, Aminetu Haidar, has asked international organizations and the entire European civil society to mobilize to end the serious human rights violations in the Occupied Areas of Western Sahara.
"The Saharawi cause is the responsibility of everyone who fights for peace and justice," Haidar said during the conference held at the event held by Emmauss and the Saharaui People Support Committee, in coordination with other Swedish organizations.

Pandor: African Countries must condemn Morocco's occupation of Western Sahara

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Jean-Jacques Cornish
PRETORIA (SOUTH Africa)- Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor on Monday said African countries should join South Africa in stressing that Morocco’s continued illegal occupation of Western Sahara was unacceptable.
She was speaking at a memorial service she hosted for the Western Sahara ambassador Radhi Bashir who died last week.
Tributes to the late Bashir came from Pandor and the dean of the diplomatic corps, Congolese ambassador Bene M’poko, among others.

'Gandhi of Western Sahara' warns time running out to avoid war

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Geneva (AFP)- Aminatou Haidar, a champion of peaceful resistance to Morocco's annexation of Western Sahara, is demanding urgent -international action to prevent the frozen conflict from devolving into war.
The 52-year-old Sahrawi human rights activist, who on Wednesday will receive a top human rights award in Stockholm, said she feared that youth in the disputed region have given up hope of achieving self-rule through non-violent means.

Frente POLISARIO denounces expulsion of Basque MPs from occupied Western Sahara by Moroccan authorities

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New York (UN), 2 November 2019 (SPS) - The Frente POLISARIO has condemned the expulsion of four members of the regional Parliament of the Basque Country in Spain from Western Sahara by the Moroccan authorities of occupation.
Ms Eva Juez, Mr Carmelo Barrio, Mr Iñigo Martínez and Mr Josu Estarrona on Sunday were expelled upon their arrival at the airport of El Aaiún, the capital of the occupied Western Sahara. The group intended to see first-hand the situation of human rights in the Territory and to meet Sahrawi human rights and civil society activists.

UJSARIO congratulates SWAPO’s Youth League for successful elections in Namibia

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Chahid El Hafed, 02 December 2019 (SPS)- Polisario Front's Youth Union (UJSARIO) congratulated SWAPO Youth League, in a letter on Monday, for the successful general elections that took place in the country on November 27th and largely won by SWAPO.
“UJSARIO would like to heartily congratulate SWAPO Party Youth League (SPYL) for the sounding and well-deserved victory in Namibia’s 2019 Presidential and National Assembly elections, which were once again a proof on the steadfast and robust democracy of Namibia,” the letter reads.

Ambassador Bachir has always been a feverous Pan-Africanist and fighter for Saharawi people’s freedom

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Pretoria (South Africa) 02 December 2019 (SPS)- The Charges d’Affaires of the Saharawi Embassy in South Africa, Louali Moussa Zaoui, emphasized that the late Saharawi Ambassador to South Africa, Bachir Radhi, was a feverous Pan-Africanist and fighter for Saharawi freedom and independence, in a speech he gave Monday morning during an official Memorial organized today by the South African Ministry for External Relations in tribute to the late Ambassador.

Moroccan authorities prevent Basque MPs from entering occupied Western Sahara

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El-Aaiun (Occupied Territories), 2 December 2019 (SPS) – The Moroccan authorities on Sunday prevented a group of Basque parliamentarians from entering the occupied capital of Western Sahara, El-Aaiun, and forced them to return on board the plane that took them from the Canary Islands.
The parliamentary group comprises Carmelo Barrio (PP), Josu Estarrona (EH Bildu), Íñigo Martínez (Elkarrekin Podemos) and Eva Juez (PNV).