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President of Republic begins visit to northern sector of Saharawi army

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Shaheed El-Hafed, Nov. 19, 2016 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Brahim Ghali, began Friday a working and inspection visit to the northern sector of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army (ALPS), according to a statement of the Presidency of the Republic.

41st EUCOCO: President of Republic confirms Morocco jeopardizes peaceful solution to conflict in Western Sahara

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VilanovaiLa Geltru (Spain), 18 November 2016 (SPS) – President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, confirmed that the just and peaceful solution to the Moroccan Sahrawi conflict is in grave danger today due to the Moroccan repeated escalation and provocation, in a speech at the opening of the 41st European Conference for Support and Solidarity with the Sahrawi people.

41st EUCOCO: President of Republic calls on Spain to assume historical responsibility towards Sahrawi people

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VilanovaiLa Geltru (Spain), 18 November 2016 (SPS) – President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, called on Spanish state to assume its historical responsibility towards the Sahrawi people by achieving the decolonization of Western Sahara, in a speech at the opening of the 41st European Conference for Support and Solidarity with the Sahrawi people.

41st EUCOCO: President of Republic notes positive development in Europe regarding Sahrawi cause

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VilanovaiLa Geltru (Spain), 18 November 2016 (SPS) – President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, noted with satisfaction the positive developments that have taken place politically, legally and judicially in Europe in relation to the Sahrawi cause, in a speech at the opening of the 41st European Conference for Support and Solidarity with the Sahrawi people.

41st EUCOCO: Opportunity to seek lasting, democratic solution to Western Sahara conflict

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Algiers,  November 17, 2016 (SPS) -The 41st European conference for support and solidarity with Saharawi people (EUCOCO), which will be held on Friday and Saturday in Vilanova (Spain), will be an opportunity for participants to reaffirm their solidarity and commitment to the Sahrawi cause, and seek a lasting and democratic solution to the Western Sahara conflict.

Signing of cooperation Protocol between Tifariti University and Santiago de Compostela

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Galicia (Spain), November 17, 2016 (SPS) - the University of Tifariti has signed on Wednesday cooperation protocol with the Spanish University of Santiago de Compostela, the agreement was signed by Jatari Hamudi, dean of the University of Tifariti and Mr. Juan Viaño, Head of University of Santiago de Compostela.

East Timor Parliament President reiterates his country's principled and firm position with Sahrawi just cause

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Dili (East Timor), November 17, 2016 (SPS) - the Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of East Timor Mr. Hugo da Costa, reiterated on Wednesday his country principled and firm position with the Saharwi just cause, which translates our joint struggle in order to achieve the same goal which is to end the occupation and achieve freedom and independence."

"Spain must assume its historical responsibility in the conflict of the Western Sahara" (Saharawi ambassador in Algeria)

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Algiers, Algeria, November 16, 2016 (SPS) - The Saharawi ambassador to Algeria, Bouchraya Hamoudi Bayune, on Tuesday in Algiers called on the Spanish government to assume its historic responsibilities in the Western Sahara conflict by promoting a just and Lasting, when it assumes the presidency of the UN Security Council next December

Western Sahara: Ban ki-moon stresses need to push forward UN process

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New York, November 16, 2016 (SPS) - Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon called, in Marrakesh, to push forward the process of the United Nations for the settlement of the conflict in Western Sahara, in accordance with the resolutions of the Security Council.

At COP22 in Marrakesh, the international community must not allow Morocco to sweep the injustices of Western Sahara under the rug (Catherine Constantinides)

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South Africa, November 16, 2016 (SPS) – the international climate activist and humanitarian, Ms. Catherine Constantinides called in her article entitled: In the Quest for Climate Justice, Who's Left Out? The international community must not allow Morocco to sweep the injustices of Western Sahara under the rug.

Sahrawi demonstrators in Paris condemn Madrid shameful Agreement

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Paris (France), November 15, 2016 (SPS) - Saharwi community in France has demonstrated in front of the Spanish embassy in Paris to condemn the signing of the Madrid shameful Agreement in November 14, 1975 in the complete absence of the legitimate owners of the Sahrawi cause under the banner of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Hamra and Rio de Oro (Polisario Front).

Fatima Mahdi organizes lectures on Western Sahara issue in USA

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Washington (USA), November 15, 2016 (SPS) – the Secretary General of the Sahrawi Women Union (UNMS), Ms. Fatma Mahdi Has organized several lectures and round tables to spread Sahrawi issue in framework of her tour to the United States of America.
The chairwoman of UNMS has also held various meetings with prominent figures in political, economic and social fields in the United States of America.

President of National Council begins working visit in Canary Islands

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Canary Islands, 14 Nov 2016 (SPS) The President of the National Council (Parliament), Kharti Addouh, began Sunday a working visit IN the Canary Islands.
Mr. Addouh held a meeting with the Saharawi community in the Canary Islands during which he recalled the main role of this community to amplify the momentum of solidarity with the legitimate struggle of the Saharawi people in Spain.

FLN reiterates support for right of Saharawi people to self-determination and independence

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Algiers, Nov. 14, 2016 (SPS) The Algerian National Liberation Front's Secretary-General, Djamal Ould Abbes, reiterated Sunday his party's support for the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence, during a reception to Sahrawi ambassador to Algeria, Bouchraya Hamoudi Beyoun.
Mr. Ould Abbes affirmed that this position emanates from that of the Algerian people government, recalling the historical relations of struggle linking the Algerian National Liberation Front and the Polisario Front.

Ministry of Health organizes 15th edition of roundtable with partners

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Shaheed El Hafed, 13 Nov 2016 (SPS) The Ministry of Public Health organized Sunday the 15th roundtable among health partners to coordinate cooperation and integration between The different partners.
The meeting was chaired by the Minister of Public Health, Mohamed Lamin Daddi, in the presence of representatives of organizations that fund health projects in the Sahrawi refugee camps.
This roundtable aims to create a framework for consultation and coordination to ensure transparency and identify concerns to find appropriate solutions.

Prime Minister receives UNHCR representative in Algeria

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Shaheed El Hafed, 13 Nov 2016 (SPS) Prime Minister Abdel Kader Taleb Omr received the representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Algeria, Hamdi Bukhari, in the presence of the President of the Saharawi Red Crescent (SRC), Bouhoubeini Yahya.
Boukhari said his visit to the Sahrawi refugee camps aims to inform the Saharawi Prime Minister about the latest developments in the humanitarian field and all recent initiatives undertaken by UNHCR.

Algeria supports negotiation process between Morocco, Polisario

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Algiers, November 12, 2016 (SPS) - Algeria, through Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal, has reaffirmed its support to the negotiation process between Morocco and the Polisario Front in order to find a definitive solution to Western Sahara conflict, allowing Saharawi people to enjoy their right to self-determination.

Cantabria Government reiterates its support to Saharawi people

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Santander (Spain), November 11, 2016 (SPS) - The deputy president and the Minister of Education in the Spanish region of Cantabria affirmed, on Thursday, to the Sahrawi Minister of Cooperation, Bulahi Sid, the maintenance of cooperation with refugee camps and support for a peaceful solution to the Western Sahara conflict, according to a press release from the Saharawi delegation in Cantabria.