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Ban Ki-moon’s visit to region is great “victory” for Sahrawi issue

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Algiers, 6 March 2016 (SPS) - The participants in the meeting of solidarity with the Sahrawi people in their struggle for self-determination called Saturday, in Algiers, for the implementation of the international law for the organization of a referendum in accordance with the United Nations’ resolutions, underling that the visit of Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to the refugee camps is a “victory” for the Sahrawi cause.


Ban Ki-moon arrives in Shahid El Hafed refugee camp

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Shahid El-Hafed (Refugee Camps), 6 March 2016 (SPS) - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon arrived Saturday in Shahid El-Hafed, the second stage of his visit to Saharawi refugee camps after Smara.


Ban Ki-moon was welcomed upon his arrival in Shahid El-Hafed by Saharawi Prime Minister Abdelkader Taleb Omar, before being received, for high-level discussions, with President of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), Mohamed Abdelaziz, also secretary-general of the Polisario Front.


Ban Ki-moon in Smara: Thousands demand organization of self-determination referendum

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Smara (refugee camps), 6 March 2016 (SPS) - Thousands of Sahrawi refugees greeted on Saturday UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in Smara (Sahrawi refugee camps) to reaffirm their attachment to independence and the exercise of their right to self- determination, bringing the UN to assume it responsibility regarding the settlement of Western Sahara conflict, opposing Morocco and Polisario Front.


Ban Ki-moon arrives in Sahrawi refugee camps of Smara

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Smara (Refugee Camps), 6 March 2016 (SPS) - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon arrived Saturday in Smara (Sahrawi refugee camps) as part of his visit to the region.


During the visit, the UN chief will meet with senior officials of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) and the officials of Polisario Front.


Aboard a helicopter, Ban is accompanied by his Envoy with Western Sahara and UN delegation.


Ban Ki-Moon welcomed by Sahrawi people in refugee camps

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Smara (Refugee Camps), 5 March 2016 (SPS) - The people of the Wilaya of Smara, Sahrawi refugee camps, welcomed Saturday UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-Moon and the delegation accompanying him on his visit in the region to relaunch the peace process stalled due to the Moroccan obstacles.


Ban Ki-Moon arrives in Sahrawi refugee camps

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 Smara (Refugee Camps), 5 March 2016 (SPS) – UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon arrived Saturday in the Sahrawi refugee camps in his first visit to the region.


Mr. Ki-Moon was received in Tindouf airport by the Sahrawi authorities and then he headed to the Wilaya of Smara, Sahrawi refugee camps, where he was greeted by a large gathering of people.


In the Wilaya of Smara, he will visit 17 June School that sponsored by the UN children's organization UNICEF.

Western Sahara: Self-determination referendum, human rights and natural resources on UN chief's agenda

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Shahid Al-Hafed (refugee camps), 5 March 2016 (SPS) - The situation of human rights in Western Sahara, the illegal exploitation of Sahrawi natural resources by Morocco and the holding of the referendum on self-determination will be the main issues that will be discussed by the Sahrawi officials with United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Saturday during his visit, said Sahrawi Foreign Minister Mohammed Salem Ould Salek in Shahid Al-Hafed (Sahrawi refugee camps) on Friday.


Ban Ki-moon expected in Western Sahara refugee camps, liberated territories

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Shahid Al-Hafed (refugee camps), 5 March 2016 (SPS) - The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon starts Saturday a visit to the refugee camps and the liberated territories of Bir Lehlou.


The visit is part of his tour in the region. The UN Chief is expected Sunday in Algeria to complete his report about the situation in Western Sahara, he will submit to the Security Council in next April.


"My visit to region aims at relaunching negotiations for resolution of Western Sahara conflict"

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Nouakchott, 5 March 2016 (SPS) - United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said Friday in Nouakchott that his visit to the region aimed at relaunching negotiations for the resolution of the Western Sahara conflict.


In a statement to the press after his discussions with Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, the UN chief said that he "came to the region to discuss the situation in Western Sahara," adding that he intended to "visit the MINURSO (the UN Mission for Referendum in Western Sahara) and the Sahrawi refugee camps on Saturday."


Western Sahara: Africa “stands” with Sahrawi people

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Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 5 March 2016 (SPS) - A delegation of the African Union Commission (AUC) and some members States as well as international dignitaries brought their support and expressed their solidarity to the people of Western Sahara at the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the proclamation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).


“It is a clear and unequivocal message: Africa will not be free until the last of its colonies, Western Sahara, is released, free and independent,” said the AU Commission in a communiqué.


Strong indignation following “cowardly” assassination of Sahrawi citizen by Moroccan forces

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Boujdour (Refugee Camps)- The “cowardly” assassination of Sahrawi citizen Chamad Bad Djouli by Moroccan occupying forces provoked indignation among the Sahrawi refugees who condemn, once again, the occupant’s barbarism and call on the international community to put an end to the “precarious and vulnerable” situation they suffer from for forty years.


Ban Ki-moon's visit to refugee camps, particular attention to Saharawi cause

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Boudjedour (refugee camps), 5 March 2016 (SPS) -The visit of the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Saturday to the Saharawi refugee camps will reaffirm the special attention granted by Ban to the Saharawi question and shows his commitment to a political solution guaranteeing the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.


Chikoti: Angola underscores urgent need to resolve Sahrawi issue

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Algiers, 5 March 2016 (SPS) - Angola's Foreign Minister Georges Rebelo Chikoti stressed Thursday in Algiers the urgent need to resolve the Western Sahara issue, through the exercise by the Sahrawi people of their self-determination right.


"The Sahrawi issue must be resolved and the international community should spend further efforts for the resolution of this conflict that has lasted more than 40 years," Chikoti the press after his meeting with Algerian Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Ramtane Lamamra.

M'hamed Kheddad: Murder of sahrawi citizen in liberated territories, war crime

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Boudjdour-(Sahrawi refugee camps), March 03, 2016 (SPS) -Coordinator of The Polisario front with the UN mission for the holding of a self-determination referendum in Western Sahara (Minurso) M'hamed Khaled dubbed "war crime" the murder by the Moroccan forces of a Sahrawi citizen in the liberated territories, stating that this crime is a "flagrant infringement of the IV Geneva conventions."


Sahrawi people ready to receive Ban ki-moon, hope to revive negotiations for settlement of conflict

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Boudjedour(Sahrawi refugee camps), March 03, 2016 (SPS) - The Sahrawi people are ready to host the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban ki-moon, expected to visit the Sahrawi refugees camps in Tindouf next Saturday, and hope this visit will visit speed up decolonization of Western Sahara.

Many Sahrawis hope that Ban’s visit to the camps will send a strong message to the Moroccan occupier who undermines the process for the resolution of the conflict, adding that the UN must act to push Morocco to assume responsibilities.

FM receives a congratulatory letter from his South African counterpart

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Chahid El Hafed(Saharawi refugee camps), March 03, 2016 (SPS) - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mohamed Salem Ould Salek, received a congratulatory letter from his South African counterpart Maite Nkoana-Mashabane on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the proclamation of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic.


Saharawi Amateur Radio wins the first rank in the radio frequency SSB 15

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Bir Lahlou(Liberated territories), March 03, 2016 (SPS) - Saharawi Amateur Radio obtained the first rank in the radio frequency SSB 15 at the international competition organized by the leading US magazine "CQ Amateur Radio".


In this competition of amateur radio the Saharawi Republic participates with the indicative "OS" assigned to the Western Sahara since 1989.

Western Sahara : Determination in Boujdour to snatch independence, prepare for post-colonial management

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Boujdour (Sahrawi refugee camps), March 03, 2016 (SPS)- The local authorities of Boujdour province (Sahrawi refugee camps in Tindouf) expressed Thursday their determination to continue struggling for their independence, underlining that they are ready to run this new era and ensure the promotion and development of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).