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Mozambique supports candidacy of Saharawi Youth to the presidency of WFDY in Africa

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Maputo (Mozambique) January 24, 2015 (SPS) the president of the World Federation of Democratic Youth in Africa Mr. Dalfino Guila, announced that Mozambique supports the candidacy of the Saharawi Youth to the presidency of WFDY in Africa.


Mr. Dalfino Guila renewed, during a meeting with the Saharawi Ambassador to Mozambique Mr. Wadadi Sheikh Ahmed Heiba, unconditional support of Mozambique to the “just” and “legal” cause of the Saharawi people.


Claiming EU aid to Sahrawi refugees is being diverted, amounts simply to taint image of Polisario Front (Mohamed Sidati)

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Bruxelles, January 24, 2015 (SPS) – “A recent article by French news agency AFP, claiming EU aid to Sahrawi refugees is being diverted, amounts simply to a manipulative and ill-informed attemptto taint the image of the Polisario Front and the Sahrawi refugees, as well as their hostcountry Algeria, which assists the refugees and facilitates the delivery of the humanitarian aid,” said Friday Mohamed Sidati, the Minister Delegate for Europe, in a statement.

Sahrawi president denounces Morocco's attempts to undermine UN missions in Western Sahara

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Birlehlu (liberated territories), January 24, 2015 (SPS) - The president of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), Mohamed Abdelaziz denounced Thursday Morocco's attempts to undermine the work of the United Nations' representatives and missions in Western Sahara, warning against any attempt to swerve the decolonization process in the region from its objective.


AU sub-committee says situation in Western Sahara still at standstill

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Addis Ababa, Jan 23, 2015 (SPS) - The AU Permanent Representative Committee’s Sub-Committee on Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa on Thursday indicated that the situation in Western Sahara is still at standstill, while the Saharawis continue to live in refugee camps in Algeria for nearly 40 years.

The Sub-Committee said, in a report, that the Saharawi refugees continue to live in refugee camps in Tindouf, Algeria, since nearly 40 years amid a continuous decrease in humanitarian aid.

Tifariti University signs twinning agreement with universities in Valencia

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Alicante (Valencia, Spain), Jan 22, 2015 (SPS) - The University of Tifariti on Wednesday signed a twinning agreement with public universities in Valencia, Spain, providing for the exchange of experiences between these institutions.

The agreement was signed from the Saharawi party by the Dean of Tifariti, Jatari Hamudi, and from the Spanish party by Mr. Manuel Palomar, dean of Alicante University, Esteban Morcillo, dean of Valencia University, Mr. Vicente Climent, dean of the University of Castellon.

SADR takes part at conference of AU ministers of women affairs

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Addis Ababa, Jan 22, 2015 (SPS) - The Saharawi Republic (SADR) takes part at the conference of AU ministers responsible for women affairs, which kicked off Wednesday in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia.

The SADR is represented in this meeting by a delegation comprising of Ms. Mahfuda Mohamed Rahal, minister of social affairs and woman’s promotion, and Ms. Fatma Mehdi, general-secretary of women union.

Decolonization of Western Sahara: SADR demands actual contribution from AU

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Addis Ababa, Jan 21, 2015 (SPS) - The Permanent Representative of the Saharawi Republic (SADR) to the African Union, Mr. Lamine Baali, on Tuesday urged the AU to contribute effectively to the decolonization of Western Sahara, demanding an international pressure on Morocco so to abide by international legitimacy.

Pretoria joins international campaign of solidarity with Saharawi cause

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Pretoria (South Africa), Jan 21, 2015 (SPS) - Mayor of Pretoria, Kgosientso Ramokgopa, has recently revealed the city’s readiness to join the international campaign of solidarity with the Sahrawi people, in a meeting with the chargé d’affair of Sahrawi embassy in South Africa.

Saharawi prisoners enter open-ended hunger strike

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Eit Melloul (Morocco), Jan 21, 2015 (SPS) - A group consisting of 80 Saharawi detainees, of which political prisoners, currently held in the Moroccan local prison of Eit Melloul, on Monday entered an open hunger strike.

The group has already filed several complaints confirming their intention to enter an open-ended hunger strike.

Vigil in occupied El Aaiun to protest marginalization policy

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El Aaiun (occupied territories), Jan 20, 2015 (SPS) - Moroccan occupying forces on Monday dispersed by force a peaceful sit-in organized by a group of unemployed young Saharawi people advocating for their right of have a job.

The intervention left several injuries of varying severity and a 26-year-old young boy being arrested.

On other hand, other group of unemployed Saharawis on Sunday staged a sit-in to protest the policy of marginalization and deprivation pursued against them by Moroccan state. (SPS)

Preparatory meetings for AU Summit kicks off in Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa, Jan 20, 2015 (SPS) - Permanent Representatives’ Committee of the African Union has started its preparatory meetings ahead of the 24th summit of heads of state and government of the AU, to be celebrated in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, from 23 to 31 January 2015.

Joint meeting between UESARIO and Public Health Ministry

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), January 20, 2015 (SPS) - The Sahrawi Students Union (UESARIO) on Friday held a meeting with members of the Saharawi Doctors Council to discuss the ways of joint cooperation between the two sides.

This meeting is the outcome of a previous one gathered the UESARIO with the minister of public health.

The meeting was attended by the UESARIO General-Secretary, Mr. Mulay Emhamed, and head of the council, Mr. Jalil lassiad, as well as members from the two organizations.

Sahrawi Students Union receives member of Norwegian Association of Solidarity with Saharawi people

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Chahid Al Hafed, January 19, 2015 (SPS) - A member of the Norwegian Association of Solidarity with the Saharawi People Ola John, was received on Saturday by the Sahrawi Students Union (UESARIO),who aims to prepare photographic gallery on the Saharawi people's struggle for freedom and independence.


The visit comes within the solidarity work of the Norwegian Association, who will document the struggle of the Saharawi people through a photographic gallery, according to "Ola John".

FiSahara 12th edition takes place from 28 April until 3 May

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London, January 19, 2014 (SPS) - The 12th edition of the Sahara International Film Festival - known as FiSahara - will take place from 28 April until 3 May, in the Wilaya of Dakhla, Sahrawi refugee camps.


The dates were announced at a London launch event Sunday in the same week as renowned Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodovar told an audience at the British Film Institute that he is “a great supporter of FiSahara.”


Polisario representative in Spain on working visit to Cantabria

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Cantabria (Spain) January 19, 2015 (SPS) - the National Secretariat, representative of the Polisario Front, in Spain, Mr. Bashraya Hamoudi Baiun, started, on Friday, a working visit to the province of Cantabria, Spain, during which he discussed with the president of the regional government Mr. Ignacio Diego, a set of issues relating to the movement of solidarity in Cantabria with the Saharawi people.