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Russian figures deplore Moroccan human rights violations against Saharawis

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Moscow, Nov 6, 2014 (SPS) - Several Russian figures on Thursday denounced human rights violations being perpetuated by Morocco against the Saharawi civilians in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, calling for the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.

In a meeting with the Polisario Front’s Representative in Moscow Dr. Ali Salem Mohamed Fadel, Russian personalities said that Morocco is repeating the same violations and practices carried out by old colonialism against peoples of the Third World.

Trial of Saharawi political prisoners adjourned to Nov 19th

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El Aaiun (occupied territories), Nov 5, 2014 (SPS) - Moroccan Court of Appeal in occupied El Aaiun, capital of Western Sahara, on Wednesday ruled to adjourn to November 19th the trial of the Saharawi journalist and blogger, Mahmud Al-Haisan, and political prisoner, Abdelkarim Bouchalga.

According to the Ministry of Occupied Territories and Diaspora, the two Saharawi activists were kept in pretrial detention in Sale 1 Prison for a period of four months.

After Palestine, it is high time for Sweden to recognize Western Sahara state (MP)

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Stockholm, Nov 5, 2014 (SPS) - Swedish MP Johan Büser said that it is high time for his country (Sweden) to recognize the Saharawi state, after it officially recognized the State of Palestine last week, reported the Algerian Press Service (APS).

In a contribution on Tuesday published in the Swedish newspaper “Aftonbladet”, Mr. Büser indicated that the Swedish government has last week taken a “historic decision” to recognize the state of Palestine, to become the first country among the 15 Member States of the European Union to do so.

Saharawi political prisoners start alarming hunger strike

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El Aaiun (occupied territories), Nov 5, 2014 (SPS) - Saharawi political prisoners, currently languishing in Moroccan prisons, on Wednesday launched a 3-day alarming hunger strike in protest of being brought to courts that lack the basic requirements of a fair trial, said the Ministry of Occupied Territories and Diaspora.

President praises Canary’s efforts to alleviate suffering of Saharawi refugees

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Oct 4, 2014 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Frente Polisario Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz on Monday praised the efforts being made by civil society in the Canary Islands to alleviate the suffering of the Saharawi refugees.

During a reception granted to a Canary delegation, President Mohamed Abdelaziz said that such efforts will never go in vain, adding “they will come up with the exercise by the Saharawi people of their inalienable right to self-determination and independence.”

BBC Sheds light on looting of natural resources of Western Sahara

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London, November 3, 2014 (SPS) - British channel BBC shed light Friday on the systematic looting natural resources in the occupied territories of Western Sahara by international companies in complicity with the Moroccan state of occupation through illegal agreements.


UPES calls for end to Moroccan crimes against Saharawi journalists

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Shaheed Elhafed, October 3, 2014 (SPS) - The Union of Saharawi Journalists and Writers (UPES) called Sunday on the United Nations to fulfill its responsibilities and end the crimes committed by Morocco against Sahrawi journalists in the occupied territories of Western Sahara during performance of their duties.  


Conclusion of Congress of African Ministers for Youth, Culture and Sports

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Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) November 3, 2014 (SPS) – The Congress of the African Ministers for Youth, Culture and Sports concluded its work Saturday in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, commenced Monday and devoted the first four days to the meeting of experts and preparation of the ministers' meeting, held Friday and Saturday.


Wilaya of Boujdour hosts 8th edition of ARTifariti

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Boujdour (Refugee Camps) November 3, 2014 (SPS) – The 8th edition of the art demonstration ARTifariti  started Sunday at the Sahrawi school of arts in the Wilaya of Boujdour, refugee camps, and is attended by more than 16 countries, including Algeria, Spain, US, Japan, Canada, Tunisia, Egypt, Mexico, France, Colombia, Germany, Northern Ireland, Norway, Peru.


Saharawi political prisoner Embarek Dawdi starts unlimited hunger strike

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Salé (Morocco) November 2, 2014 (SPS) - Saharawi political prisoner Embarek Dawdi started Saturday  an unlimited hunger strike at Salé 1 prison, in protest against the his mistreatment by prison officers and repeated harassment that he faces by public rightprisoners, according to a Sahrawi human rights source, citing his family.


Transfer of Sahrawi political prisoners to hospital in occupied city of Elaaiun

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Elaaiun (Occupied Territories), November 2, 2014 (SPS) – The local prison authorities in the occupied city of Elaaiun transferred Friday Saharawi political prisoner Abdelfatah  Delal to the hospital due to serious health problems, according to Sahrawi human rights source.


 He was tightly guarded inside the hospital pending undergoing a medical examination which confirmed high blood pressure, added the source.


British Government reaffirms support to Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination

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London, November 2014 (SPS) - The British Government reaffirmed its support to the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination, underlining that it deals with Morocco within its internationally recognized borders. 


In its reply to the questions of the members of the parliament, the British Government said that it deals with Morocco within its internationally recognized borders, reaffirming its support to “the Sahrawi people’s rights to self determination.


Council of Ministers condemns grave human rights violations perpetrated by Morocco against Sahrawi civilians

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Shaheed Elhafed, November 1, 2014 (SPS) – The Council of Ministers has reiterated condemnation of the grave human rights violations perpetrated by the Moroccan occupation state against the defenseless Sahrawi civilians undera tight siege, in a statement issued following its meeting Saturday chaired by President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz.  


Screening of Sahrawi documentary “Roots and Clamor” at British Parliament

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London, November 1, 2014 (SPS) – T he seat of the British Parliament hosted Monday Sahrawi documentary “Roots and Clamor” on the struggle of the Saharawi people,  directed by young Sahrawi Ebbaba Hameida Hafed.


The event was organized by Jeremy Corbyn, Member of the British Parliamentary (MP), in collaboration with British Human Rights organisation “Liberation”, and attended by John Gurr, Western Sahara Campaign, Mark Luetchford Chair of the Western Sahara Campaign, Mohamed Limam, the Polisario Front representative in London.


SADR takes part in meeting of AU Technical Committees Specialized on Youth and Sports

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Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), November 1, 2014 (SPS) - The Minister of Youth and Sports, Mohamed Moloud Mohamed Fadel, accompanied by the SADR Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the AU, Lamine Baali, attended the first meeting of the technical committees specialized on youth and Sports of the African Union, began Thursday at the headquarters of the African Union in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, under the theme "Building interaction between youth, sports and culture ".


President of Republic congratulates Algerian counterpart on First November Day

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Birlehlu, October 31, 2014 (SPS) – The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, has congratulated Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the outbreak of the Algerian revolution on November 1, 1954, in a letter Friday.


Diplomat invites Russians to visit Saharawi refugee camps

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Moscow, Oct 30, 2014 (SPS) - Polisario Front’s Representative in Russia, Mr. Ali Salem Mohamed Fadel, called on Russians to visit the Saharawi refugee camps, in order to closely get to know the reality of the Saharawi people.

The diplomatic made this statement during the periodic meeting of the Rotary Club of Moscow.