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Representative of Polisario Front at UN and Coordinator with MINURSO lectures at Colgate University in New York

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Hamilton (New York), October 19, 2023 (SPS) - The member of the National Secretariat and Representative of the Polisario Front at the United Nations and Coordinator with MINURSO, Dr. Sidi Mohamed Omar, delivered a lecture at Colgate University in the city of Hamilton, New York State, USA, within the framework of the seminar organized by the University’s Peace and Conflict Studies Program and facilitated by Professor Jacob Mundy, the expert on the Western Sahara file.

President Brahim Ghali receives the Mayor of the French Municipality of Cuverville

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Shahid al-Hafed, October 18, 2023 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, received yesterday the Mayor of the French municipality of Cuverville, Mr. Alban Abruno, who is on a visit to the Sahrawi refugee camps to have a look at the Sahrawi state institutions and to sign twinning agreements with Sahrawi municipalities.

UGTSARIO, Algerian counterpart sign eight agreements

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Boumerdes (Algeria), 15 October 2023 (SPS) - Eight cooperation and partnership agreements were signed Saturday, at the University “M'hamed Bougara” of Boumerdes, between the General Union of the Algerian Workers (UGTA) through its affiliated trade union federations, and their counterparts affiliated to the Sahrawi Workers Union (UGTSARIO).

13th International Women's March Conference: Affirming support for liberation struggle of Sahrawi women

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Ankara (Turkey), 14 October 2023 (SPS) - The 13th International Women's March Conference has affirmed its support for the liberation struggle of Sahrawi women in their battle for liberation and nation-building against the Moroccan occupation.

At the conclusion of the conference, held in the Turkish capital, Ankara, the commitment to supporting the just struggle of Sahrawi women was renewed, praising their pioneering role in resisting Spanish colonization and rejecting Moroccan occupation.