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April 2015

SADR takes part in preparatory meeting for 3rd UN Conference on Housing

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Nairobi, April 14, 2015 (SPS) - The Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) took part on Monday in the Ministerial Preparatory Meeting for the third session of the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III), to be held in Quito, Ecuador, in October 2016.

SADR elected to Bureau of African Technical Committee on Health, Population and Drug Control

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Addis Ababa, April 14, 2015 (SPS) - The Saharawi Republic (SADR) on Monday elected to membership of the Bureau of the African Specialized Technical Committee on Health, Population and Drug Control, representing North Africa region, consisting of 6 countries.

In a meeting of AU member states’ experts on health, population and drug control, Dr. Jalil Lasid, from the SADR, was elected as the 3th deputy chair of the aforementioned specialized committee.

Algerian People’s National Assembly Speaker renews support to self-determination of Saharawi people

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Algiers, April 14, 2015 (SPS) - Speaker of the Algerian People’s National Assembly, Mr. Mohamed Larbi Ould Khelifa, has reiterated his country’s solid position of support to the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence.

During a reception granted to a group of Saharawi young journalists, Ould Khelifa reaffirmed Algeria’s strong support to the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination, through a free, just and impartial referendum.

UN reaffirms importance of referendum on self-determination in Western Sahara

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New York, April 14, 2015 (SPS) - United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has reaffirmed, in a new report, the importance of holding a referendum on self-determination in Western Sahara on the basis of the negotiation process and under the aegis of the UN.

The report on the situation in Western Sahara was presented to the members of the UN Security Council on 10 April, in accordance with the resolution 2152 on the expansion of the mandate of the UN Mission for a Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) until 30 April 2015.

Danes demand human rights in Western Sahara

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Copenhagen, April 13, 2015 (SPS) - In a letter, Danish solidarity organization Afrika Kontakt, along with Danish MEP Rina Ronja Kari and other Danish organizations, has urged the President of the United Nations Security Council to give the UN peacekeeping mission in Western Sahara, MINURSO, a mandate to monitor the human rights situation in Africa’s last colony. The letter also urges the President to protect the natural resources of the indigenous population in Western Sahara, the Saharawis.


Western Sahara: Security Council, international community have “decisive” role

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New York (UN), April 13, 2015 (SPS) - The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon affirmed that the Security Council and the international community could play a “decisive” role in resolving the conflict in Western Sahara.


In a report on Western Sahara sent Friday to the Security Council, Ban Ki-moon said he is “convinced” that the “Security Council and international community can play a decisive role in resolving the conflict in Western Sahara.”


Brazilian Parliament holds hearing on question of Western Sahara

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 Brasilia (Brazil), April 12, 2015 (SPS) - The Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense at the Brazilian parliament will hold a public hearing this week on the question of Western Sahara, on the eve of the meeting of the Security Council on this long lasting conflict.


 The hearing will examine the latest developments in the Western Sahara issue, the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination, the question of the recognition of the Brazilian government to the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).


Delegation received by vice president of Slovenian parliament

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 Ljubljana (Slovenia), April 12, 2015 (SPS) - A delegation led by Mohamed Sidati, Minister Delegate for Europe,was received by Vice-President of the Slovenian Parliament Primož Hainz, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs Jozef Horvat and Kamal Shaker Isidor, MP from the ruling party (CMC) and in charge of the relations with the EU.


Polisario Front reiterates its request to provide MINURSO human rights monitoring in Western Sahara

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New York, April 11, 2015 (SPS) – The Polisario Front reiterated its appeal to the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon,and the Security Council to extend the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) for the monitoring of human rights in the non-self governing  territory of Western Sahara, like all peacekeeping missions in the world, said the Polisario Front representative to the United Nation, Ahmed Bukhari, in a press statement in response to Ban Ki-Moon's report submitted Friday to the Security Council.


Congressman Pitts Calls on Clinton Foundation to turn down donation

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Washington, April 11, 2015 (SPS) — Congressman Joe Pitts (PA-16) is calling on the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative to turn down a donation reportedly given by a Moroccan-based company that is exploiting resources in Western Sahara.


According to a recent Politico story, Moroccan phosphate exporter OCP is donating $1 million to a Clinton Global Initiative meeting set to take place in Marrakech from May 5-7. OCP operates mines in the illegally occupied Western Sahara by Morocco.


AU PSC decides to place Western Sahara issue on its agenda twice year

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Addis Ababa (AU), April 11, 2015 (SPS) - The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) has now decided to place the issue of Western Sahara on its agenda at least twice a year and regularly review the situation based on updates and recommendations by the AU Commission’s chairperson, indicated the Council in a report Friday on the situation of Western Sahara.  


Spanish judge proposes prosecuting 11 Moroccan officials for "genocide" in Western Sahara

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Madrid, April 11, 2015 (SPS) - A Spanish judge on Thursday proposed referring to a court 11 Moroccan police and military officials for "genocide" and killings between 1975 and 1991 in Western Sahara, the last colony in Africa occupied by Morocco since 1975.


In a decision notifying the conclusion of the investigation made at the request of prosecutors, Judge Baltasar Garzon of the National Court, believes that these Moroccan officials should be prosecuted.


Peoples must support oppressed Saharawi people, says Speaker of Algerian People's National Assembly

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Algiers, April 10, 2015 (SPS) –Speaker of the Algerian People's National Assembly Mohamed Larbi Ould Khelifa has emphasized that "peoples must support the oppressed Saharawi people to decide their own destiny and achieve their free choice."


 Mr. Ould Khalifa, who was hosted Wednesday by Algerian TV program "dialogue of the hour", that Algeria" indicated that Algeria “has no disagreement with brotherly Morocco that are connected by common interests."


Italian MPs pass two motions of support for Western Sahara people

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Rome (Italy), April 10, 2015 (SPS) - The Italian Chamber of Deputies (Parliament), while discussing Italy's participation in the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), has approved recently two motions of support for Western Sahara people.


Algeria, US support Security Council Resolution 2152 on Western Sahara

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Washington (US), April 10, 2015 (SPS) - Algeria and the United States have expressed support to UN Security Council Resolution 2152 about Western Sahara, making commitment to assisting the parties to the conflict (the Polisario Front and Morocco) in reaching a "just, lasting and mutually acceptable (political solution), ensuring self-determination for Western Sahara people."


Saharawi political prisoner EmbarekDaoudi sentenced to six months in prison

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Agadir, April, 09 2015 (SPS) -Court of Moroccan occupation has sentenced to six months in prison the Saharawi political prisoner, Embarek Daoudi, according to The Collective of Sahrawi Human Rights Defenders (CODESA).
The occupation Courthas sentenced EmbarekDaoudi three months in prison, in addition to that he spent more than 18 months in detention.



Mr. Daoudi was detained, as a result of his political opinion regarding the conflict in Western Sahara.(SPS)


Algeria reiterates its support to the Saharawi peopleself-determination

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Washington, April 09, 2015 (SPS) - The AlgerianForeign Minister, Mr.RamtanLamamra, has reiterated on Wednesday in Washington, the support of his country to the UN efforts to reach a political and final solution that allows the Saharawi people to exercise their right of self- determination in conformity  with the UN Charter and resolutions.


National Popular Assembly of Algeria Vice-president starts a visit to the Saharawi refugee camps

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Auserd (refugee camps), April 8, 2015 (SPS) -The vice president of the National Popular Assembly of Algeria, Mr. Jamal Buras has stated today, Wednesday, a visit to the Saharawi refugee camps.


The Algerian delegation headed by Vice President of the NPA, Jamal Buras, will be received by the authorities of the wilaya of Smara and Auserd where they will visit local institutions.