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April 2015

President of Republic felicitates Zimbabwe counterpart on Independence Day

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Bir Lehlou (liberated zones), April 17, 2015 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has sent congratulatory cable to his counterpart of Zimbabwe, Mr. Robert Mugabe, on the occasion of the celebrations marking the 35th anniversary of the independence of Zimbabwe.

Polisario Front participates in 65th congress of Norwegian Labour Party

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Oslo, April 16, 2015 (SPS) - Frente Polisario Representative in Oslo Dr. Limam Khalil participates in the work of the 65th congress of the Labour Party of Norway, kicked off Thursday.

Lasting until April 19th, the congress comes before the local elections scheduled to take place next September.

The Congress is expected to endorse a motion on international issues, prominent of which the decolonization matter of Western Sahara.

Algerian University of Mostaganem hosts open study days on Saharawi culture

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Mostaganem (Algeria), April 16, 2015 (SPS) - Open study days on Saharawi culture on Thursday morning kicked off in the Department of Communication and Information Sciences at Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University of Mostaganem, Algeria, in the presence of University staff and students as well as representatives of civil society components in the city.

RFK Centre for Justice and Human Rights calls to extend MINURSO mandate to human rights

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Washington, April 16, 2015 (SPS) - President of the Robert F. Kennedy Centre for Justice and Human Rights, Kerry Kennedy, and Executive Director of RFK Partners for Human Rights at the Robert F. Kennedy Centre for Justice and Human Rights, Santiago A. Canton, called on Wednesday the UN Security Council to extend the mandate of the MINURSO (United Nations Mission for Referendum in Western Sahara) to include human rights monitoring in Western Sahara.

The Security Council is expected to vote on the extension of MINURSO’s mandate on 30 April 2015.

President of Tifariti University visits free cathedral of studies on Western Sahara

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Buenos Aires, April 16, 2015 (SPS) - The President of the University of Tifariti, Mr. Jattari Hmudi Andalla, on Wednesday paid a visit to the free cathedral of studies on Western Sahara at the National University of Argentina.

Accompanied by President of Logos International University Mr. Edgar Eduardo Prada Pradilla, Jattari met with the director and staff of the cathedral.

The visit comes within the framework of strengthening cooperation and joint work between Tifariti and Logos universities.

Moroccan occupation forces repress peaceful demonstration of unemployed Saharawis

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El Aiun (Occupied Territories) April 16, 2015 (SPS) - Moroccan occupation forces repressed Tuesday a peaceful protest organized by unemployed Saharawis in the occupied city of El Aaiun, in parallel with the visit of a delegation of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to the occupied territory of Western Sahara.

The Moroccan police forces in civilian and official clothes intervened against them causing the injuring of Ms. Mahjuba Rwaihi.

Zimbabwe renews constant support to legitimate rights of Saharawi people

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Harare, April 15, 2015 (SPS) - Director for Africa, Asia and the Pacific at Zimbabwe Foreign Affairs Ministry, Mr. Jonathan Wutawunashe, on Saturday reiterated his country’s “constant and strict” support to the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence, during a reception granted to Saharawi Ambassador Mr. Deich Mohamed Saleh.

Mr. Wutawunashe said Zimbabwe’s position in defending the legitimate right of the people of the Saharawi Republic (SADR) “is strict and unchangeable”.

At least 40 people injured in Moroccan violent crackdown on Saharawi demonstrators

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El Aiun (Occupied Territories) April 15, 2015 (SPS) - At least 40 people were injured on Tuesday following a violent intervention by the Moroccan occupying forces against Saharawi demonstrators in the occupied city of El Aaiun, capital of Western Sahara, said a right source from the city.

The violent incident took place in parallel with the visit of a delegation of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to the occupied territory of Western Sahara.

SADR attends the signing of ceasefire between Central African Republic factions

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Bangui, April 15, 2015 (SPS) - Saharawi Ambassador to Kenya, Mr. Abah Almad Abdalah, has represented the Saharawi Republic (SADR) in the signing ceremony of a cease-fire between the warring groups in the Central African Republic, as a culmination of mediation efforts led by Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta.

President of Republic condoles family of late writer Eduardo Galeano

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Bir Lehlou (liberated zones), April 15, 2015 (SPS) - President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Frente Polisario Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has offered his condolences to family of the late Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano, who passed away Monday at the age of 80 years.

“It is with deep sadness and sorrow that we received the news of the passing away of one of the prominent friends of the Saharawi people and strong advocate to their just struggle for liberation,” writes President Mohamed Abdelaziz.

MINURSO restricted prerogatives encourage Morocco to commit human rights abuses

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Accra, April 14, 2015 (SPS) - Ghana Forum for Solidarity with Western Sahara said Monday in Accra that restricting the prerogative of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to peacekeeping only has encouraged Morocco to perpetrate, with complete impunity, blatant human rights violations.

“Limiting MINURSO's prerogatives to peacekeeping only has encouraged Morocco, the occupying power, to commit, with impunity, flagrant human rights violations against Saharawi people," said Akopo Ampaw, the Forum’s president.

Polisario representative received at Danish Social Democratic Party

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Copenhagen, April 14, 2015 (SPS) - The Representative of POLISARIO front to Denmark, Mr. Abba Malainin, was received Tuesday by Mr. Simon Redder, the International Secretary at the headquarters of the Danish Social Democratic Party.

The meeting focused on the latest developments in Western Sahara, the recent report of the UN Secretary General and the obstacles and dilatory tactics to maintain the political impasse and to hinder any advance for UN peaceful process for the last colony in Africa.

Ministry of Public Health attends preparatory meeting for African Health Ministers Conference

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Addis Ababa, April 14, 2015 (SPS) - A delegation representing the Ministry of Public Health has attended the meeting of the African Union experts on health, population and drugs control, to prepare for the meeting of African health ministers which set to be held on 15-16 April 2015 at AU headquarters in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia.

“The Last Colony: 40 Years is Enough”, new campaign in Norway

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Oslo, April 14, 2015 (SPS) - The Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund (SAIH) has launched a new campaign throughout Norway under the motto: “the Last Colony: 40 Years is Enough”, in the aim to demand that the Western Sahara referendum is held.

Marking the 40th anniversary of Morocco’s occupation of Western Sahara, the campaign aims to draw attention to Morocco’s human rights violations in the occupied territories of Western Sahara and the need to conduct the referendum, promised 24 years ago.

SAIH publishes report documenting Moroccan human rights violations in Western Sahara

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Oslo, April 14, 2015 (SPS) - The Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund (SAIH) has published a report under the title: “Acting with Impunity” which sheds light on the violations of human rights perpetuated by Morocco in Western Sahara.

The report focuses on the human rights violations that took place in occupied Western Sahara in the period from 1st April 2014 until 1st March 2015.

Saharawi delegation participates in Socialist International Africa Committee seminar

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Bamako, April 14, 2015 (SPS) - A Saharawi delegation, headed by the Minister Delegate for Africa Hamdi Baiha, participated in a seminar organized in Bamako, capital of Mali, by the Socialist International Africa Committee to tackle security situation and development in the African continent.

The meeting was devoted to assess security, conflicts, development and democracy in Africa, and to find ways to consolidate peace and security in the continent.

Uruguayan writer and friend of Saharawi people Eduardo Galeano passes away

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Montevideo, April 14, 2015 (SPS) - Uruguayan writer, Eduardo Galeano, member of the Uruguayan friendship association with the Saharawi people, died on Monday after suffering with illness.

Galeano is one of the most prominent defenders of freedom in the world and a staunch supporter to the rights of oppressed peoples, including of which the Saharawi people.

He published many writings, much of which chronicles the struggle of the Saharawi people and their right to self-determination and independence.