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Launch of campaign "raise your hand for Western Sahara" in Austria

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Vienna (Austria), March 28, 2014 (SPS) - The Volkshilfe Austria and Austrian Friendship Association with Sahrawi People launched Wednesday the campaign ''Raise your hand for the Western Sahara'' to sensitize Austrian citizens about the struggle of the Saharawi people and to empower individuals, who can show their political responsibility by simply raising their hands and voices for the Western Sahara.
The campaign requests the Austrian foreign ministry to support and internationally represent the jointly formulated demands by illustrating tha

Sahrawi issue in agenda of John Kerry during his visit to region next month (Newspaper)

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Shaheed Hafed, March 27, 2014 (SPS) -  One of the most prominent issues that will be raised with the U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, is the decolonization of the last colony in Africa, Western Sahara, which is a "priority" for Washington's policy in the Middle East and North Africa, indicated the Algerian newspaper " Le Quotidien d'Oran"  in its Thursday edition.


15th Anniversary of Sahara Press Service (SPS): “Reinforcing message of credibility, responsibility, professionalism” to confront fallacies of occupation

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Shaheed Hafed, March 27, 2014 (SPS) – Sahara Press Service (SPS) celebrates on March 29, its 15th anniversary in the light of new challenges and stakes, amid the process of confronting the Moroccan occupation and its war against the Saharawi people since October 31, 1975, through old and new fallacies, nevertheless the Sahara Press service remained "determined and adherent" to its initial approach of reinforcing "credibility, responsibility and professionalism," which has always preserved.

AU Commissioner for Political Affairs reiterates support of Sahrawi people right to self-determination

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 Addis Ababa, March 27, 2014 (SPS) - AU Commissioner for Political Affairs Dr. Aisha Abdullahi reaffirmed the commitment of the African Union in favour of the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination, in a statement issued Monday, following a visit to the Sahrawi Republic. 
Mrs. Abdullahi praised  the "good" organization of the Saharawi refugee camps and the services provided by the Sahrawi state to its citizens in various fields, particularly the sponsorship to promote women, youth and culture.

Aminatou Haidar defends Sahrawi cause before U.S. Congress

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Washington, March 27 ,2014 (SPS) - The U.S. Congress has received Monday in Washington the Sahrawi human rights militant, Aminatou Haidar, on a visit to the US capital to defend occupied Western Sahara cause and denounce the constant violations of Sahrawi human rights by Morocco.


Haidar spoke before the Congress as part of the « Emir Abdelkader Lecture » organized by the Defense Forum Foundation, which is an American foundation registered with the Congress endeavoring for democracy and human rights as well as the questions of US National defense.

United Left Party renews support to Saharawis cause

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Murcia (Spain), March 26, 2014 (SPS) - The Regional Coordinator of United Left in the Region of Murcia (Spain) Mr. José Antonio Pujante has reiterated his party’s support to the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence, calling on the Spanish government to assume its political and moral responsibility in Western Sahara.

Aminatou Haidar pleads for Saharawi cause at U.S. Congress

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Washington, March 25, 2014 (SPS) - The U.S. Congress received Monday the prominent Saharawi human rights activist Ms. Aminatou Haidar, who visits the U.S. capital to plead for the Saharawi cause and report about Morocco’s ongoing human rights violations in Western Sahara.

The Sahaarwi activist has appeared before U.S. Congress as part of the Abd El-Kader Lecture organized periodically by the Defense Forum Foundation.

Programme for FiSahara 2014 announced in London

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London, March 25, 2014 (SPS) - Programme of the 11th edition of the International Film Festival in Western Sahara, known as FiSahara, to take place in the Wilaya of Dajla, Saharawis refugee camps, from 29th April to 4th May 2014 was announced in London by the organizers.

In a press relaese issued FiSahara 2014 organising team, Javier Bardem, Julie Christie and Ken Loach joined human rights campaigners in welcoming the programme for FiSahara 2014 and inviting members of the press, film industry and public to attend the event.

Aminatou Haidar presents lecture at U.S. Congress

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Washington, March 24, 2014 (SPS) -  Sahrawi activist of human rights Aminatou Haidar presents Monday a lecture before the U.S. Congress Committee on Foreign Relations on the Moroccan violations of Human Rights in the Western Sahara in the presence of a number of the House of Representatives and the Senate as well as those interested in the Sahrawi issue from the Democratic and Republican parties.

President of Republic recieves Cuban new ambassador

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Shaheed Hafed, March 23, 2014 March (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, recieved Sunday evening the Cuban ambassador, Mr. Raul Barzaga, who presented his credentials as the new ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Cuba to the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.


Sahrawi Committee of human Rights is devoted to respect of human rights (President Mohamed Abdelaziz)

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Boujdour (Refugee Camps), March 23, 2014 (SPS) - President of the Republic Secretary-General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz emphasised that the Sahrawi Committee of Human Rights is devoted to the respect by the Polisario Front the Sahrawi government of human rights and defending them  not only in the refugee camps and liberated territories but also in the occupied territories and southern Morocco. 


President of Republic supervises inauguration of National Human Rights Committee

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Boujdour (Refugee Camps), March 23, 2014 (SPS) - President of the Republic Secretary-General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz supervised Sunday in the Wilaya of Boujdour, refugee camps, the inauguration of the National Committee of Human Rights,  in the presence of members of the Polisario Front National Secretariat and SADR government as well as civil society actors and representatives of the international organizations working with the Saharawi people in addition to the national and foreign media.


Demonstration in front of Moroccan embassy in London to condemn human rights violation in occupied Western Sahara

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London (UK) March 23, 2014 (SPS) -  The Western Sahara Campaign UK organised Saturday a demonstration in front of  the Moroccan embassy in London to denounce the dire human rights situation in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.


The demonstration also called for the expansion of  the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to include human rights monitoring and enabling the Saharawi people of their right to self-determination.


Demonstration in front of Human Rights Council in Geneva to demand expanding prerogatives of MINURSO

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Geneva (Switzerland), March 23, 2014 (SPS) -  The Coordination Committee of the Sahrawi Community in Europe organized Friday a demonstration, in collaboration with the Polisario Front representation in Switzerland and the Committee of Friendship with the Saharawi people, in front of the UN headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, to demand expanding the prerogatives of MINURSO to include human rights monitoring in the occupied Western Sahara. 
During  the demonstration, marked by a massive presence of the Sahrawi diaspora besides supporters of Sa

University of Cartagena in region of Murcia hosts sensitization days on Sahrawi issue

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Murcia (Spain) May 21, 2014 (SPS) - The University of Cartagena in the region of Murcia will host  May 6-8, Sensitization and cultural days on the Sahrawi issue in order to shed light on aspects of the struggle of the Saharawi people.  
 The initiative was announced after a meeting Wednesday between the Polisario Front representative in the region of Murcia and Mr. Francisco Martinez, Vice President of the University of Cartagena and in charge of students’ affairs.

UPyD reiterates support for right of Saharawi people

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 Murcia (Spain), March 21, 2014 (SPS) - The new coordinator of Union, Progress and Democracy Party (UPyD) in the Spanish region of Murcia, Ms. Fuensanta Máximo, expressed the party's firm position in support of the right of the Saharawi people to freedom, self-determination and independence.


National Assembly Committees listen to answers from government members on deputies concerns

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Shaheed Hafed (Refugee Camps), March 21, 2014 (SPS) - The specialized committees of the National Council  will listen Saturday to the responses of the government members on concerns and observations related to the government's program for the year 2014.


According to sources of the National Council, the observations expressed by members of the National Council were constructive and purposeful to find concepts and formulas to implement the projects and manage resources for the benefit of the citizen.