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April 2013

Saharawi Representative Kamal Fadel gives talk on Western Sahara at Sydney University

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Sydney, April 27, 2013 (SPS) - The POLISARIO Representative to Australia Mr. Kamal Fadel gave Friday a talk to the students at the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, which is part of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney, about the issue of Western Sahara under the title “Western Sahara: Decolonisation, Human Rights and Self-Determination.”

The talk is part of the University’s program (United Nations, Peace and Security).

Human rights monitoring should be part of all UN operations, says Norway’s FM

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Oslo, April 27, 2013 (SPS) - The Foreign Minister of Norway Mr. Espen Barth Eide said, in a dispatch published Friday on Norwegian Foreign Ministry website, his country’s fundamental position is that human rights monitoring should be part of all UN operations, stressing that any solution to Western Sahara “must ensure the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination.”

“Norway’s fundamental position is that human rights monitoring should be part of all UN operations,” said Mr. Eide.

Western Sahara: Security Council acknowledges need for improving human rights (ONG)

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London, April 27, 2013 (SPS) - Amnesty International stressed Friday that UN Security Council’s latest resolution on Western Sahara “acknowledges the need for improving human rights” in the occupied territories, dubbing “missed opportunity” the council’s “failure to add human rights monitoring to the mandate” of MINURSO (UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara).

Western Sahara: Security Council reaffirms right to self-determination, insists on human rights

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New York (UN) April25,2013(SPS) - The United Nations Security Council has adopted Thursday a resolution on Western Sahara reiterating its call for a "just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution, which will provide for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara," and stressing the "importance of improving human rights situation" in the occupied Sahrawi territories.

The Security Council also decided to extend the mandate of the UN Mission for Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) until 30 April 2014.

Polisario Front praises US MINURSO initiative despite withdrawal from draft resolution

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New York (United Nations),April25,2013(SPS) - Front Polisario praised the US initiative aiming at including a human rights monitoring component within the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), despite the withdrawal of this measure of the project of the draft resolution which will be submitted on Thursday to the UN Security Council.

African diplomats for "rapid action" for a referendum in Western Sahara

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Addis Ababa, April25,2013(SPS) - African diplomats urged the African Union (AU) for a "rapid action" for the holding a referendum of Western Sahara," in the wake of a working visit paid by Sahrawi ambassador to Ethiopia Lamine Aba Ali to different African embassies accredited to the Ethiopian capital.

This visit focused on the bilateral relations and ways to develop interest common issues, as well as the role of Africa in the decolonization process in Western Sahara, last colony in Africa.

The Norwegian Labour Party called for a "rapid solution”to the Saharawi question

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Oslo, April 24, 2013 (SPS) The Norwegian Labour Party, at the end  of its congress held from 18 to 21 April, has called for  "fast" action in favor of a political solution to  the Western Sahara conflict  on the basis of respect the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.

The party said in a statement received by SPS, the need for increased humanitarian aid towards the Sahrawi refugees and the extension of the mandate of the MINURSO to include the protection of human rights in the region.

General Assembly of the of Saharawi Journalists and Writers Union elects new secretary-general

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Shahid Alhafed (Saharawi refugee camps), April 2013 (SPS) - the General Assembly of the of Saharawi Journalists and Writers Union held from 22 and 23 April, has elected on Tuesday the Journalist Nafi Rais Abdalla, as new Secretary General of the Union for four years , instead of former Secretary General Malainen Lakhal ,after discussed and adopted  the moral report presented by former Secretary General.

Western Sahara: Security Council urged to accelerate negotiation process

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New York (UN) April24, 2013(SPS) - Polisario Front on Monday urged the United Nations Security Council to take the necessary measures to "relaunch and accelerate" the negotiation process between the parties in conflict (Polisario Front and Morocco) for quick settlement of the Western Sahara issue, and insisted on the need to extend the mandate of the UN Mission for Referendum in Western Sahara MINURSO to include human rights monitoring.

Algiers Declaration pleads for "immediate" holding of referendum in Western Sahara

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Algiers,April24,2013(SPS) - Participants in the 3rd International Conference on "Women’s right to resistance: the Saharawi women case" called Sunday in Algiers, at the end of the conference proceedings, for the "immediate" holding of referendum in Western Sahara, emphasizing the need for "expanding" MINURSO  mandate to the compliance with Human Rights in this country.

Call for extending MINURSO mandate, organizing referendum on self-determination in Western Sahara

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Algiers, April 22, 2013 (SPS) - The participants at the third International Conference on Women Right to Resist: Sahrawi Women Case" called on Sunday in Algiers the United Nations to assume their responsibilities in the extension of the MINURSO's mandate and accelerate the organization of a free and fair referendum that allows Sahrawi people to exercise their right to self-determination.

Front Line Welcomes New Draft Resolution calling for implementation of a Human Rights Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism in Western Sahara

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Dublin,April18,2013(SPS) the human rights Organization (Front line Defenders) welcomed  new Draft resolution at the Security Council calling for the implementation  of human rights monitoring and reporting mechanism as part of the mandate of the UN Mission for Referendum in Western Sahara(MINURSO)  according to statement published  on  its website.

President of Republic expresses his condolences to Mauritanian President following the death of his brother

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Bir Lahlu (liberated territories), April18, 2013 (SPS) President of the Republic, Secretary General of the  Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, Wednesday sent a message of condolence to the Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz, following the death of his brother.

President Mohamed Abdelaziz expressed on behalf of the Government and the Saharawi people most sincere condolences to President Ould Abdelaziz and family of the deceased. (SPS)


Sahrawi people need "permanent and independent" mechanism for human rights monitoring

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London, April18,2013(SPS) - The people of Western Sahara need a "permanent and independent" mechanism for human rights monitoring and reporting directly to the United Nations Security Council, in order to shed light on the abuses committed and the take the adequate measures, said Wednesday the Western Sahara Campaign.

Saharawi government denies false dispatch published by AFP (press release)

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 Shahid Al Hafed (Saharawi refugee camps), April 17, 2013 (SPS) The Saharawi government categorically denied on Tuesday about false dispatch published by the office of Agency France Press (AFP) in Bamako on the infiltration of many terrorists from Mali in the Saharawi refugee camps, according to a statement by the  Minister of information Mohamed Tamek  .

(Norway supports the Extension of MINURSO to include human rights monitoring) says FM

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Oslo(Norway ) April17,2013(SPS) “Norway supports the extension of MINURSO (United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara) mandate to include human rights monitoring,” said Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide in his response to a written question by the MP Trine Skei Grande.

  “We work for the Security Council to adopt such a mandate extension.” Foreign Minister said, adding “It is important that the parties to facilitate that MINURSO leverage their existing mandate fully.”