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Military aircraft crash: President Brahim Gali offers condolences to his Algerian counterpart

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Bir Lahlou (Liberated Areas), April 12, 2018 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Frente POLISARIO, Mr. Brahim Gali, has Wednesday sent a message of condolence to his Algerian counterpart, President, Abdelaziz Bouteflika following the military aircraft crash, which occurred Wednesday morning near the air base of Boufarik .

Special Representative of UN Secretary-General presents his condolences to Polisario Front on passing away of Boukhari Ahmed

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Shaheed El-Hafed (refugee camps), April 7, 2018 (SPS) - The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General for Western Sahara, Head of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), Colin Stewart, was Friday received by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Salem Hamada, at the MFA headquarters.

UN chief's Western Sahara report: Front Polisario strongly committed to peace, UN efforts

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Bir Lahlou (Liberated Territories), April 7, 2018 (SPS) - The Frente Polisario has taken note with satisfaction of the report on Western Sahara the United Nations Secretary-General has submitted to the Security Council late March, reiterating commitment to the peace process and support to the UN efforts to reach a peaceful solution that provides for the self-determination to the Saharawi people.

Algeria has duty of solidarity towards Sahrawi people in quest for legitimate rights

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Algiers, April 7, 2018 (SPS) - The question of Western Sahara is a question of decolonization, as was the case for Algeria during the war for independence, an authorized source of the Foreign Ministry told APS on Thursday. "The Sahrawi question is recognized as such by the United Nations, since the inscription of this territory on the non-self-governing-territories list in 1963."

Lives of Sahrawi prisoners in Morocco in danger

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Paris, April 06, 2018 (SPS) - The lives of the five Sahrawi prisoners, on the 27th day of unlimited hunger strike in Moroccan prisons, "are in danger," warned the Association of Friends of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (AA-RASD), urging Morocco to abide by the international humanitarian law.
"Five Sahrawi political prisoners are on unlimited hunger strike in Moroccan jails since 27 days to demand the respect for their human rights; It is urgent to support them," said the French association.

Western Sahara: Algeria welcomes UN chief willingness to re-launch Morocco-POLISARIO talks

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Algiers, April 06, 2018 (SPS) - Algeria expressed "satisfaction" with the willingness of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, renewed in his report to the Security Council to prelaunch the talks process and facilitate direct negotiations, in " in good faith, and without preconditions" between the conflicting parties, Morocco and Frente POLISARIO, in order to reach just, lasting and mutually acceptable solution, which guarantees self-determination of the Sahrawi people, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abdelaziz Benali Cherif said in a statement to APS.

Biography of the martyr Ahmed Bujari, member of the National Secretariat, Frente POLISARIO Representative to UN

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Bir Lehlu (Liberated Territories), April 05, 2018 (SPS) - Mr. Boukhari Ahmed Barikala was born September 19, 1952 in the town of Dakhla (Western Sahara), married and father of five children.
He received his primary and secondary school in the same town, then he moved to the University of Tenerife (Spain) where he studied Law.
Member of the political leadership of POLISARIO since mid 80s. Boukhari Ahmed joined the struggle in 1973, contributing then in spreading the national awareness among students in Spain.

Brahim Ghali: Morocco's latest provocations show failure of occupation policy

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Boujdour (Saharawi Refugee Camps), April 05, 2018 (SPS) - The president of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, Secretary General of the Frente POLISARIO, Brahim Gali, said Tuesday Morocco's latest provocations show the failure of the occupiers' policy in all fields.
Speaking at a study day on agriculture held by the ministry of Economic Development, President Gali said "All Morocco's schemes have failed,".

Bukhari Ahmed, Frente POLISARIO Representative at UN, passes away

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Bir Lehlu (Liberated Territories), April 04, 2018 (SPS) - The member of the National Secretariat, representative of the Frente POLISARIO at the United Nations, Bujari Ahmed, passed away on Tuesday, following  an illness, according to a statement from the Presidency of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).

Brahim Gali chairs an emergency meeting of SPLA Staff

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Chahid El-Hafed, April 03, 2018 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Brahim Gali, presided on Monday  an emergency meeting of the members of the Army General Staff of the Sahrawi People Liberation Army (SPLA).
The meeting discussed the latest developments of the national cause and the recent Moroccan threats in order to take the necessary measures in the face of all Moroccan eventualities and provocations.

President of Republic congratulates Ethiopia Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed

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Bir-Lehlou, April 2, 2018 (SPS) -  President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, has sent a congratulatory message to His Excellecy Mr. Abiy Ahmed on his investiture as the Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia.

Legitimacy of Sahrawi people fight reaffirmed

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Algiers, April 1, 2018 (SPS) – The participants in the 6th International Algiers Conference on "Peoples’ right to resistance: the case of the Sahrawi people," reaffirmed Saturday the legitimacy of the national liberation struggle of the Sahrawi people and their peaceful resistance against the Moroccan occupation, making a strong appeal to the UN and the international community to reach a just and final solution to Western Sahara conflict through a free and transparent referendum on self-determination.

Human rights in occupied Western Sahara: Kohler on visit to region

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Algiers, April 1, 2018 (SPS) - The United Nations Secretary General's personal Envoy for Western Sahara will visit the region in the coming days to enquire about the serious deterioration of human rights situation in the occupied Sahrawi territories, announced Friday in Algiers Polisario Front's representative to the European Union Mohamed Sidati.

No alternative to referendum on self-determination in Western Sahara

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Algiers, April 1, 2018 (SPS) - The sixth International Conference on Peoples' Right to Resistance: The Case of Sahrawi People is being held in solidarity with the Sahrawi people in their struggle for freedom and independence, said Friday in Algiers the chairman of the Algerian National Committee of Solidarity with Sahrawi People (CNASPS), Said Ayachi.
"The conference is an opportunity to reaffirm that there are no other alternative to a referendum on self-determination for the resolution of Western Sahara conflict," he stressed in his opening address.