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International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearances: CEAS-Sahara urges MINURSO to ensure access to places where there are reports of mass graves

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Madrid, August 30, 2018 (SPS) - The State Coordinating Committee of Associations in Solidarity with the Sahrawi people (CEAS-Sahara) has demanded in a statement on the occasion of  the International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearances that MINURSO (United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara) ensure access to places where there are reports of mass graves or burials of dead or disappeared persons and that independent teams can carry out this identification and return to their families.

Sahrawi issue strongly presented at the Fartia Festival in Finland

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Helsinki (Finland), 29, August 2018 (SPS) - The Sahrawi issue has strongly presented at the festival, hosted by Fartia city in Finland held on 25 - 26 August, according to a source from Frente POLISARIO representive to Finland.
The representative of the Frente POLISARIO in Finland, Ms. Menna Lehbib, along with several members of the diplomatic corps accredited in Finland, the Chairman of the Norwegian Committee for Solidarity with the Saharawi People, Mr. Eric Hagen, as well as the President of the Finnish Peace Society.

Prisoners Protection Association sounds terrifying alarm over Sahrawi detainee situation

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Occupied Aaiun,  29 August 2018 (SPS) - The Association for the Protection of Sahrawi Prisoners in Moroccan Jails has sounded an terrifying alarm an over the  serious health situation of Sahrawi political prisoners who are on hunger strike in Moroccan prisons, especially the prison of Ait Melloul.
Abdel Mawla El Hafedi and Mohamed Dada on hunger strike for more than 38 days, along with thiern political comrade Ali Chargui who spent more than 27 days in his hunger strike

Sahrawi political prisoner in Agdeim Izik Mohammed Bani begins a hunger strike

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Ait Melloul (Morocco), 28 August 2018 (SPS) - The Sahrawi political prisoner in the Agdeim Izik group, Mohamed Bani was arrested on Monday has begun two days  hunger strike.
Mohamed Bani waged  hunger strike in protest against the arbitrary measures that the prison administration Ait Melloul 2 has taken against him and his family.

UN asks Morocco to immediate release Saharawi journalist Mohamed Bambari

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Gienbra, August 29, 2018 (SPS) - The Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions of the United Nations has asked Morocco for the immediate release of Saharawi journalist Mohamed Bambari, member of the Saharawi journalist group Equipe Media, which reported on violations of rights Humans and the struggle for self-determination of the Saharawi people in the occupied city of Dakhla.
The Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions of the United Nations considers that this journalist detained since August 26, 2015 should receive the corresponding medical treatment.

UESARIO reelects its Secretary General

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps), August 27, 2018 (SPS) – Secretary General of Sahrawi Students’ Union (UESARIO), Moulay Amhamed Ibrahim Saleh, was re-elected Monday for a second term at the conclusion of the 3rd Congress held in Dakhla, Sahrawi refugee camps. 
The congress also elected 8 students as members of the Executive Bureau of the UESARIO: Wali Hamma Salama, Tumana Mohammed Salem, Najem Saeed Ghala, Munir Mohammed Fadel, Aali Mahdi, Amini Meni Wali, Ida Abdo, and Hoda Mohammed Lamine.

Third International Conference of Solidarity with Saharawi Students calls for end of Sahrawi people suffering

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Dakhla (refugee camps) August 26, 2018 (SPS) - The Third International Conference of Solidarity with the Saharawi Students held Saturday in Dakhla, refugee camps, under the theme "the respect of international law for the liberation of the last colony in Africa" called for the intervention of the international community to put an end to the suffering of the Sahrawi people by enabling them to exercise their right to self-determination.

President of Republic issues presidential decree includes pardons for prisoners

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Bir-Lehlu, August 20, 2018 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, issued a presidential decree on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, which includes an amnesty order for a number of prisoners of penal institutions sentenced under the terms of force, said Monday a statement of the Presidency of the Republic.

Completion of preparations for new successful agricultural season

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Shaheed El-Hafed, August 20, 2018 (SPS) - Minister of Economic Development, Adda Brahim Ahmaim, confirmed Sunday that his ministry has put in place all the human and material resources to ensure a successful agricultural season and create the right conditions for a good harvest.

South Africa to host SADC Solidarity Conference with SADR

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Windhoek (Namibia), August 19, 2018 (SPS) - South Africa will host the Solidarity Conference with the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) later this year, according to the final communiqué of the 38th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community (SADC).
SADC Summit, held in Windhoek in the Republic of Namibia August 17-18, stated in its final communiqué that the Solidarity Conference with the Sahrawi Republic will be held in October or November.

15 Sahrawi activists attacked by Moroccan authorities in occupied El-Aaiun airport

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El-Aaiun (Occupied Territories), August 18, 2018 (SPS) - Fifteen Saharawi activists have been victims of aggression by Moroccan occupation authorities as soon as they arrived in the airport of the occupied Western Sahara town of El-Aaiun.
The Activists were participating in the ninth Summer University of Polisario Front and SADR (Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic) executives, at the University of Boumerdes (50-km east of Algiers).

Morocco-Polisario talks: Moscow supports Kohler's efforts

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Moscow (Russia), August 18, 2018 (SPS) - Russia has expressed supports for the efforts made by the United Nations Secretary General's special envoy for Western Sahara, Horst Kohler, the spokeswoman of the Russian ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, said, calling for resumption of the direct negotiations between Morocco and the Polisario Front, with the participation of Algeria and Mauritania as observers.

Morocco transforms Western Sahara towns into "real prison"

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Boumerdes (Algeria), August 18, 2018 (SPS) - The minister of the Occupied Territories and Saharawi Community Abroad, Bachir Mustapha Sayed, said Moroccan occupation authorities has transformed the towns of occupied Western Sahara into a "real large prison," where "all kinds of human rights abuses are committed."

Morocco cannot continue impeding negotiations

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Boumerdes (Algeria), August 18, 2018 (SPS) - Morocco, which “does not take any initiative” for a peaceful settlement of the Western Sahara conflict, “cannot continue impeding the UN advocated negotiation process” by imposing same conditions and pursuing the plundering of Western Sahara's wealth, said Wednesday Premier of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), Mohamed Ouali Akik.

Sahrawi Republic takes part at AU experts workshop on raising awareness of Migration Policy framework

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Kigali (Rwanda) August 16, 2018 (SPS) - delegation of Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) has participated in a AU workshop on raising awareness of the Migration Policy framework, in the presence of delegations representing the member countries, experts and officials of the AU Commission.
The workshop focused on the importance of raising awareness of Migration Policy framework and its effectiveness in raising the African economic development index, stressing the necessity of activating the mechanisms included in the AU 2018-2030.

Prime Minister receives OOTT delegation

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Boumerdes (Algeria), August 16, 2018 (SPS) - the Prime Minister of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), Mohamed El Ouali Akik has praised the significant role played by Independence Intifada in spreading the national cause on various fronts during his reception to delegation representing the Sahrawi masses in the occupied territories in the ninth Summer University of POLISARIO and SADR cadres held in Boumerdes from 04 to 15 July.

Khatri Aduh affirms "negotiations objective is to guarantee Saharawi people right to self-determination"

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BOUMERDÈS (Algeria), August 16, 2018 (SPS) - The Speaker of the Saharawi Parliament, Mr. Khatri Aduh has affirmed, Wednesday, that the main objective of the direct negotiations, is to find a solution guaranteeing the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination through the holding  of a referendum leading to the decolonization of the last colony in Africa.

Venezuela renews his country's support to Sahrawi people's struggle

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Boumerdes (Algeria) August 16, 2018 (SPS) – the Venezuelan Ambassador to Algeria José Jesus on Wednesday expressed, on behalf of the accredited diplomatic corps in Algeria his country's support for the right of Saharawi people to self-determination and freedom in his speech during the closing ceremony of the ninth edition of the Summer University