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PM felicitates Algerian counterpart following his appointment

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), April 29, 2014 (SPS) - Prime Minister Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar has congratulated his counterpart of Algeria Mr. Abdelmalek Sellal following his appointment by the Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika on Monday.

South African delegation arrives in Saharawi refugee camps for FiSahara 2014

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), April 29, 2014 (SPS) - A very important delegation of the Republic of South Africa arrived Monday night in the Saharawis refugee camps to participate at the 11th edition of the International Film Festival in Western Sahara (FiSahara), to be kicked off tomorrow.

The delegation is composed of an advisor to the South African Minister of Culture, Ambassador in Algiers Mr. Joseph Kotane, iconic anti-apartheid fighter Andrew Mlangeni, actors and journalists in addition to a music jazz band.

Saharawi woman present at meeting of WIDF’s central committee

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Moscow, April 29, 2014 (SPS) - Secretary General of the Saharawi Women Union Mrs. Fatma El-Mehdi takes part at meeting of the central committee of Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF), kicked off Monday in Moscow.

In the presence of 35 countries, the event started with meetings of the regional offices, which debated the situation of women in the corresponding areas.

The meeting focuses on the priorities set forth by WIDF at the level of the African continent, especially those related to women.

British tourists urged to boycott Moroccan occupier (British newspaper)

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London, April 28, 2014 (SPS) - British holidaymakers are being urged to respond to the situation in Western Sahara by boycotting its occupier, Morocco, as a destination, wrote British national daily newspaper the Guardian in its Sunday edition by chief reporter for the Observer Tracy McVeigh.


A leading human rights activist from Western Sahara, Brahmin Dahane, 46, made the appeal after meeting members of the UK parliament to drum up support ahead of a UN security council debate on Tuesday, indicated the newspaper.


SADR takes part in Extraordinary Session of Conference of African Union Ministers of Trade

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Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), April 28, 2014 (SPS) - Minister of Trade Abeida Sheikh took part Sunday in the Extraordinary Session of the Conference of the African Union Ministers of Trade, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, accompanied by Ambassador to the African Union and Ethiopia Lamine Baali, and expert in trade Enguia Mohammed Zergo.  


National Council holds spring session Wednesday

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Shaheed Hafed, April 27, 2014 (SPS) - The Saharawi National Council (SNC) will hold Wednesday its spring session, which will focus on laws and draft laws submitted by the government and members of the Saharawi parliament.


The debates will focus particularly on mining law and reform of prisons law as well as other topics related to the development of the Saharawi issue.


Ghana Forum reaffirms right of Saharawi people to self-determination and independence

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Accra (Ghana), April 27, 2014 (SPS) -  Ghana Forum has reaffirmed the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence, during a conference of solidarity with the Saharawi people in  Accra, under the theme  "Western Sahara: the forgotten struggle against colonialism,".


During the conference, all Speakers expressed the need to include a human rights monitoring mechanism within the mandate of the UN Mission for the Referendum  in Western Sahara (MINURSO).


Minister for Asia Affairs visits Japan

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Tokyo (Japan), April 26, 2014 (SPS) - The Minister for Asia Affairs, Mr Mouloud Said, visited Friday Tokyo, Japan, and on the course of his visit he met at the parliament with Members of Senate and parliament.


The Sahrawi Minister was the guest speaker at a conference under the title of Western Sahara last colony in Africa that took place in the Senate that was organized jointly by Senator Satsuki Eda and SJJA (the Sahara Japan Journalist Association).


FiSahara 11th edition presented in Madrid

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Madrid, April 25, 2014 (SPS) - The 11th edition of the International Film Festival in Western Sahara (FiSahara) presented Thursday in Madrid, capital of Spain, in the presence of Polisario Front’s Representative Mr. Abdallahi Al-Bardi and several Spanish actors, activists and sympathizers with the Saharawi cause.

RFK Center urges UNSC to add human rights monitoring mechanism to MINURSO mandate

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Washington, April 25, 2014 (SPS) - The U.S. Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights (RFK Center) has called upon the Security Council of the UN to add a human rights monitoring mechanism to the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), when the Council votes to renew its mandate.

Installation of Venezuelan-Saharawi friendship parliamentary group

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Caracas, April 25, 2014 (SPS) - A Venezuelan parliamentary group of friendship with the Saharawi people was installed Wednesday, in the presence of the Saharawi ambassador in Caracas Mr. Mohamed Salem Dahi and some Venezuelan officials.

Council of Ministers condemns Morocco’s escalating repression against innocent Saharawis

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), April 24, 2014 (SPS) - The Council of Ministers has strongly condemned Thursday Morocco’s serious escalating repression against innocent Saharawis in the occupied citites of El Aaiun, Smara, Dakhla, Boujdour and others, denouncing the tight siege it imposes over the whole occupied part of Western Sahara.

UNSC's vote on U.S. draft resolution on Western Sahara adjourned to next Tuesday

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New York, April 24, 2014 (SPS) - The Security Council of the United Nations has adjourned to next Tuesday the vote on a U.S. draft resolution on Western Sahara regarding the renewal of the mandate of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), said Reuters on Thursday.

SADR takes part at the Conference of AU Trade Ministers

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Addis Ababa, April 24, 2014 (SPS) - A delegation of the Saharawi Republic (SADR) takes part at the Extraordinary Session of the Conference of the African Union Ministers of Trade, convening from 23rd to 28th April 2014 in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia.

The Saharawi delegation is composed of Enguia Mohamed Zargu, expert in trade, and Maria Saila, from the SADR diplomatic mission in Addis Ababa.

The main goal of this Extraordinary Session is to adopt and study several reports related to the:

Washington Friends of Western Sahara to host 10 Saharawi refugee children this summer

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Spokane (Washington, U.S) April 23, 2014 (SPS) - The Spokane-based ONG “Washington Friends of Western Sahara” has announced its participation in the annual Holidays In Peace programme by hosting 10 Saharawi children from the Saharawi refugee camps for two months this summer.

“This is a great opportunity and a blessing for us to serve these Saharawi children in even a small way” said Nathan Thiry, a director of Washington Friends of Western Sahara, in a statement obtained by SPS.

Young Saharawi dies in landmine explosion in occupied Smara

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Smara (occupied territories), April 23, 2014 (SPS) - A 29-year-old young Saharawi died in a landmine blast, which occurred in the suburbs of the occupied city of Smara, said a Saharawi media source from the city.

Ahmeitu Mahmud was pasturing a herd of camels in a region called Assakn, 30 km south-western of Smara, before being died.

Contaminated with an estimated 7 million mines, Western Sahara is divided by a 2.700 km-long military wall built by Morocco.

Ambassador Ubbi Bachraya warns of new Rwanda genocide in Western Sahara

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Abuja, April 23, 2014 (SPS) - The Sahrawi Ambassador to Nigeria Mr. Ubbi Bacharaya Bachir have warned Tuesday of a new Rwanda genocide in Western Sahara, if the Security Council’s Member States, especially France, do not allow for human rights monitoring being included in the MINURSO mandate.

International community called to respond to human rights violations in Western Sahara

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Bagnolet (France), April 22, 2014 (SPS) - Several international organizations, of which Human Rights Watch, the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) and 114 associations and trade unions from 22 countries have called upon the UN Secretary General and members of the Security Council to give “precise information” on the human rights violations committed by Morocco against Saharawi civilians as, said AFASPA in a statement obtained by SPS.

U.S. ONG voices “continuing support” to Saharawi people’s struggle

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Washington, April 22, 2014 (SPS) - The U.S. non-governmental organization Not Forgotten International has expressed, in a letter sent to the 2nd International Conference in Support of Saharawi Women’s Resistance, held on the current April 17-20 in the occupied city of El Aaiun, “continuing support and commitment” the just struggle of the Saharawi people.