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FiSahara 11th edition presented in Madrid

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Madrid, April 25, 2014 (SPS) - The 11th edition of the International Film Festival in Western Sahara (FiSahara) presented Thursday in Madrid, capital of Spain, in the presence of Polisario Front’s Representative Mr. Abdallahi Al-Bardi and several Spanish actors, activists and sympathizers with the Saharawi cause.

Speaking during the ceremony, the Spanish actress Mrs. Pilar Bardem, Javier Bardem’s mother, spoke with sorrowfulness about the suffering experienced by the Saharawi people since decades, calling on the international community to shoulder responsibility in this regard.

“This festival is a cultural gathering devoted to the defense of the rights of the Saharawi people,” said Mr. Abdallahi Al-Bardi, Polisario Front’s Representative in Madrid, asking all the participants at this year’s festival to urge their governments, especially the Spanish one, to assume legal, historic, moral and political responsibility towards the Saharawi people.

For his part, Pepe Taboada, who was refused entry into the occupied Western Sahara by Moroccan occupying authorities, indicated that the sympathizers with the Saharawi people will spare no effort so to increase awareness of international public opinion about their plight.

It should be recalled that the 11th edition of FiSahara will be celebrated in the Wilaya of Dahkla in the period from 29th Aptil to 04th May.

The event annually brings together filmmakers, activists of human rights cinema directors from several countries of the world.

Held under the theme “cinema for human rights,” FiSahara will feature a special tribute to late South African freedom fighter Nelson Mandela.

Several short and long films and documentaries, made by both Saharawi and foreign filmmakers, will be screened at the week-long festival. (SPS)
