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April 2014

FiSahara 2014: films and documentaries to be screened

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), April 10, 2014 (SPS) - Several films and documentaries, made by both Saharawi and foreign filmamkers, will be screened at 11th edition of the International Film Festival in Western Sahara (known as: the FiSahara), to be celebrated in the Wilaya of Dakhla from April 29th to May 4th, 2014.

According to the organizers, a range of films that deal with family issues will be displayed at this year’s festival, of which

- Ismael by Argentinian Marcelo Piñeyro

Activist Aminatou Haidar visits U.S. State of Minnesota

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Minnesota, April 10, 2014 (SPS) - The Saharawi activist and defender of human rights Mrs. Aminatou Haidar has arrived in the State of Minnesota, as part of her visit to the U.S. to aware about Morocco’s human rights violations in Western Sahara.

At an invitation by the University of Minnesota, one of the famous universities that deal with human rights issues, Aminatou Haidar took part at a conference under the theme “Iberian colonialism: Spanish people of Arab descent and the state of Western Sahara”, held on current April 4th.

Ambassador Habib Boukhreis received by President of Rwandan Senate

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Kigali, April 9, 2014 (SPS) - Saharawi Ambassador in Rwanda Mr. Habib Boukhreis was received Tuesday in the capital Kigali by Dr. Jean Damascene Ntawukuliryayo, President of the Senate of the Republic of Rwanda .

This meeting focuses on the latest developments on the question of Western Sahara, including the violations of human rights perpetuated by Morocco in the occupied Saharawi territories and the need to task the MINURSO with a mechanism to monitor human right in the occupied Western Sahara.

SADR takes part at Rwanda genocide 20th anniversary

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Kigali, April 8, 2014 (SPS) - Ambassador Mr. Habib Mahfud Boukhreis has represented the Saharawi Republic (SADR) at the 20th anniversary of the 1994 genocide carried out against the Tutsi in Rwanda, commemorated on April 6 of each year.

Many heads of state and government as well as dozens of delegations from different countries of the world participated in the remembering of this painful event in the contemporary history of the sisterly Republic of Rwanda.

FiSahara 2014 to honour Nelson Mandela

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), April 8, 2014 (SPS) - The Minister of Culture Mrs. Khadija Hamdi declared Monday that the 14th edition of the International Film Festival in Western Sahara (FiSahara), to be celebrated in the Wilaya of Dajla from 29 April until 4 May 2014, will honour the African and international freedom fighter, Nelson Mandela.

Council of Ministers strongly condemns Morocco’s practices in Western Sahara

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), April 8, 2014 (SPS) - The Council of Ministers has condemned, in the strongest terms, the practices carried out by Moroccan occupying state in the occupied Saharawi territories, calling upon the United Nations to speed up the decolonization of Western Sahara.

Extending Minurso mandate to human rights, a juridical, human urgency (CNASPS)

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Algiers, April 8, 2014 (SPS) - The extension of MINURSO (United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara) prerogatives to protect human rights in the Sahrawi territories occupied by Morocco is “juridical and human urgency,” the Algerian National Committee of Solidarity with Sahrawi People (CNASPS) said in a communiqué Monday.

POLISARIO deeply concerned over Morocco’s ongoing human rights violations in Western Sahara

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Washington, April 7, 2014 (SPS) - Ahead of the Security Council’s forthcoming deliberations on April 17th, the Frente POLISARIO has expressed deep concern over Morocco’s ongoing and systematic violation of the human rights of the Saharawi people, reiterating call on the Security Council to assume responsibility regarding the decolonisation of Western Sahara.

Aminatou Haidar received by ambassadors in United Nations

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New York, April 7, 2014 (SPS) – Sahrawi activist of human rights Aminatou Haidar held Tuesday and Wednesday meetings  meetings with some members of the UN Security Council, the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Luxembourg.


In addition to her meetings with Amnesty International USA and the International Bar Association, she made  an interview with American Channel "Democracy Now", which has more than 500 branches in many countries, especially in Latin America.


Norwegian Green Party urges government to support expanding MINURSO prerogatives to include human rights monitoring

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Oslo (Norway), April 6, 2014 (SPS) – Leader of Norwegian Green Party Mrs. Hanna Marcussen has called on the Norwegian government to support the expansion of the prerogatives  of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to include monitoring and reporting on human rights in Western Sahara.  
 She also affirmed the support of her party to the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination,   during a meeting with Representative of the Polisario Front  Dr.

Demonstration calling for self-determination in occupied Smara

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 Smara (Occupied Territories), April 6, 2014 (SPS) – The Sahrawi citizens in the occupied city of Smara took Saturday to the streets in a 'massive' demonstration to demand the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination and release of Sahrawi political prisoners, according to the Ministry of the Occupied Territories and Community Abroad.   
The Moroccan forces of occupation responded 'violently' to the demonstration, resulting in many casualties among the demonstrators, added the source. (SPS)

President of Republic announces campaign for release of Sahrawi prisoners and reveal fate of disappeared

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Smara (Sahrawi Refugee), April 5, 2014 (SPS) - The President of the Republic Secretary-General of the Polisario Front Mohamed Abdelaziz has announced the launch of a national and international campaign for the release of all Saharawi political prisoners and reveal the fate of those who have disappeared since October 31, 1975.
The President of the Republic announced the campaign during a celebration held Thursday in the Wilaya of Samara, Sahrawi refugee camps, in honour of a delegation of the Algerian Committee of Solidarity with the Sahrawi p

National Council concludes autumn session

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June 9th School (Refugee Camps), April 5, 2014 (SPS) -  The National Council (Parliament) concluded Thursday its autumn session which was devoted to the discussion of the government's program for the year 2014. 
The National Council hashad ratified Tuesday the government’s program for the year 2014, in the presence of Prime Minister Abdelkader Taleb Omar and members of the Government. (SPS)

Minister of Justice and Religious Affairs partakes in second consultative meeting of African Ministers of Justice

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 Johannesburg (South Africa) April 5, 2014 (SPS) – A delegation led by Minister of Justice and Religious Affairs Hamada Salma took part in the second consultative meeting of African Ministers of Justice called for by the African Union for the reform of prisons and penal institutions. 
Minister Hamada Salma intervened during the meeting addressing the efforts made by the Sahrawi state in the field of human rights and reform of the penal institution, deploring the lack of monitoring and observing in the Sahrawi occupied territories at a time wh

President of Republic decorates chairmen of Algerian Solidarity Committee

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Smara (Refugee Camps), April 5, 2014 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary- General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdel Aziz decorated Dr. Saeed Ayashi, chairman of the Algerian Committee of Solidarity with the Saharawi people, and Mohamed Mehrez Ammari, former chairman of the committee, with  the Medal of the Republic during a ceremony  held friday in the Wilaya of Smara, Sahrawi Refugee Camps.


Security Council consultations on Western Sahara scheduled for April 17

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Washington, April 4, 2014 (SPS) - The United Nations Security Council will hold an informal consultation meeting on Western Sahara on 17 April before giving a decision about the draft resolution by the end of April, said Wednesday its President Joy Ogwu at a press conference held at UN's headquarters.


These consultations will focus mainly on the implementation of resolution 2099 relating to the Saharawi question and adopted by the Security Council in April 2013.


FM Ould Salek meets with UN Special Representative in Western Sahara

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), April 3, 2014 (SPS) - Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mohamed Salem Ould Salek met Thursday’s evening with Mr. Wolfgang Weisbrod-Weber, UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Western Sahara, who visits the Saharawi refugee camps.