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January 2014

POLISARIO hopes that Ross’ tour would increase awareness about Saharawi cause

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Algiers, Jan 9, 2014 (SPS) - Speaker of the Saharawi National Council (Parliament) and Head of the Saharawi delegation to the negotiations with Morocco, Mr. Khatri Addouh, has expressed hope that “Ross’s tour in the region will enable the intensification of efforts in order to increase awareness of the UN Security Council and the international community regarding the Saharawi issue so as to end the suffering and ordeals of the Sahrawi people due the Moroccan occupation.”

Establishment of Nepal-Western Sahara Foundation

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Kathmandu, January 7, 2014 (SPS)- A group composed of members of the civil society of Nepal, has announced today the establishment of Nepal-Western Sahara Foundation “as an expression of support for the Sahrawi people” according to a statement by Mr. Shyam Awale, the general coordinator of the foundation.

Japanese delegation to visit Sahrawi refugee camps

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Tokyo, January 5, 2014 (SPS) -  A Japanese delegation consisting of Member of Parliament Mito Kakizawa, Member of Sahara-Japan Journalist  Association Katsumi Tamura, Representative of Sahara-Japan Journalist  Association Itsuko Hirata, will start on 11 january a visit to Sahrawi refugee camps.

POLISARIO Front denies meeting with Morocco in European country

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Shaheed El Hafed, January 4, 2014 (SPS) - Mr. Mhammed Khadad, member of the National Secretariat , Coordinator with MINURSO , has denied the holding of a meeting between POLISARIO Front and Morocco in an European country.


Mr. Mhammed Khadad affirmed Saturday evening, in an interview with Sahara Press Service (SPS), "Polisario Front denies categorically what has been circulated by some newspapers and media affiliated to Morocco of the holding of a meeting between Polisario Front and Morocco in an European country,"


Sahrawi political prisoners go on hunger strike

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Tiznit (Morocco) January 4, 2014 (SPS) - Sahrawi political prisoners, known as group of Sahrawi national flag, went on indefinite hunger strike on Thursday in the local prison of Tiznit, Morocco, in protest of the “squalid” conditions in the prison, according to the Ministry of Occupied Territories and Community Abroad.



The political prisoners demand medication, open visits, balanced nutrition, sleeping beds, Pursuing study, access to newspapers and exchange of letters abroad, according the same source.


Lamamra asserts Algeria support to Christopher Ross, calls for increased efforts

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ALGIERS, January 4, 2014 (SPS) - Algeria supports the efforts of UN Secretary General Personal Envoy for Western Sahara, Christopher Ross, and calls for increased efforts in the region to organize a self-determination referendum, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ramtane Lamamra said Wednesday in Algiers.


President of Republic congratulates Cuban president

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Bir Lehlu (Liberated Territories), President of Republic, Secretary General of the Frente POLISARIO, congratulated Cuban President  Raul Castro on the occasion of 55th anniversary of Cuban Revolution, in a letter Tuesday.

Christopher Ross to meet Sahrawi, Morrocan parties in January 2014

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Awerd (Sahrawi refugee camps) January 1, 2014 (SPS) - Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Western Sahara Christopher Ross will held a meeting with Sahrawi and Moroccan parties in January 2014, as part of UN efforts to resolve the Western Sahara conflict, said on Tuesday in Awserd, Polisario Front’s coordinator with MINURSO, Mohamed Kheddad.


President of Republic congratulates Sahrawi political prisoners in Moroccan prisons

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Bir Lehlu (Liberated Territories), January 1, 2014 (SPS) -  President of the Republic, Secretary- General of the Frente POLISARIO, Mohamed Abdelaziz, congratulated all Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan prisons for their defiance and endurance, in a letter on the eve of the New Year's 2014.



Eighth Congress of Sahrawi Youth Union elects new Secretary General

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Awserd (Sahrawi refugee camps), 1 January 2014 (SPS) -  The Eighth Congress of Saharawi Youth Union (UJSARIO) concluded on Tuesday with the election of new Secretary General, Zain Sidahmed, and Executive Bureau consisting of 10 members among them four young women.
The Congress adopted a final statement, calling on world youth forces for solidarity and support to Sahrawi youth and people in their legitimate struggle to achieve humanitarian ideals of freedom,  justice and self-determination, and appealing to Moroccan youth to confront injustice