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Saharawi political prisoner begins hunger strike at Moroccan prison of Ait Melloul

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Ait Melloul (Morocco), April 30, 2016 (SPS) - Saharawi political prisoner Mbarek Daoudi on Friday began a 48 hour hunger strike to express solidarity with the Sahrawi students in the prison of Marrakech, Saharawi political prisoner Abdel Khaleg Merkhi and condemn the crime of the assassination of Saharawi martyr Ibrahim Saika.
In a statement, the family of Mbraek Daoudi held the Moroccan authorities fully responsible for the consequences of the deterioration of his health because of the strike.
The Saharawi family called on the international community to urgently intervene to release all Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan prisons, including their father and the Saharawi students.
The statement also called on all freedom-loving people in the world to express their solidarity with the Saharawi political prisoners.
Mbarek Daoudi has been arrested because of his political position, calling for the right to self-determination of the Saharawi people. He conducted several hunger strikes to demand his freedom, it should be recalled. (SPS)