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"Spain must show courage and assume its responsibility with the Saharawi people" (Frente POLISARIO´s Representative to Spain)

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Madrid, Oct 27, 2020 (SPS) - The representative of the Frente POLISARIO in Spain, Abdulah Arabi, regretted the failure of successive Spanish governments to assume the political and legal responsibilities as the former colonial power of Western Sahara, calling for "courage" to solve the current deadlock.
"The fact that the colonial power has not fulfilled its duties and commitments and that the territory has been the object of foreign aggression and occupation cannot justify Spain's failure to assume its political and legal responsibilities," Arabi lamented in a statement to Europa Press.
" POLISARIO and the Sahrawi people have been patiently waiting 29 years for the implementation of the settlement plan by MINURSO to allow them to exercise their internationally recognized right to self-determination and independence," said Abdulah Arabi, who attributed this failure not only to the obstacles from Morocco but also the inaction of the international community.
"Spain, which is still the administering power of the territory, must assume its political and legal responsibilities, with courage and firmness, and demand that Morocco comply with international legality," he insisted.
“The special envoy is necessary due to his direct involvement, since it is his responsibility to meet with "all the involved actors” and prepare reports based on "verified and reliable facts." Arabi considerad
"The current situation in El Guergaràt marked by flagrant violation by the Moroccan occupying forces seriously threatens the ceasefire agreement between both parties," Arabi warned, denouncing the illegal breach which the Moroccan occupation use to loot by land the Sahrawi people natural resources. SPS