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WFDY calls on UN to assume its responsibilities towards the people of Western Sahara to face COVID-19

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Budapest (Hungary) 17 April 2020 (SPS)- The World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) published a statement indicating its solidarity with the people of Western Shara, calling on the UN to assume its responsibility towards this occupied and partitioned nation to face the COVID-19.
“A few days ago, in the face of the COVID-19, more than 750 organizations from around the world sent a letter demanding that the United Nations assume its responsibility to protect the Saharawi people in the refugee camps, in the occupied territories and the Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan jails”, WFDY “wants to join this call and show all our solidarity to the Saharawi people and youth in these difficult circumstances,” the statement reads.
“We want to reiterate our solidarity with all the peoples of the world in the face of this pandemic, especially those peoples who are suffering from the offensives of Imperialism, occupation, blockades, and other obstacles that increase suffering in the face of this health crisis,” WFDY concluded. (SPS)
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