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President of Republic offers condolences to President of Mozambique following the Tropical Cyclone Freddy

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Bir Lehlu (Sahrawi Republic) March 14, 2023 (SPS)- The President of the Republic, Secretary General of POLISARIO Front Mr. Brahim Ghali, sent a message of condolence to his counterpart President of Republic of Mozambique H.E Mr. Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, following the Cyclone of Freddy which causes heavy damages in the infrastructure and losses in human lives.
“With great sadness and sorrow we received in the Saharawi Republic the news of the Tropical Cyclone Freddy hitting our Sisterly Nation the Republic of Mozambique for the second time in two weeks, causing heavy damages in the infrastructure and losses in human lives” said the message of condolence.
The President of Republic added in his message of condolence “In this regard, allow me in my name and on behalf of the Saharawi People and the Saharawi Republic Government to express our strong solidarity with the Government and People of Mozambique in this hard site, conveying in the same time our most sincere condolences to the families for the loss of their beloved ones, material loses, whatever their size, remain humble compared to the horror of losing innocent people’s lives”.
Mr. Brahim Ghali assured to his counterpart President of Republic of Mozambique H.E Mr. Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, that “The government of our country, the Saharawi Republic, makes its modest resources at your disposal, we are quite confident that Mozambique, people and government, will overcome the disaster to move forward more united and recovery”.
It’s worth mentioning that the Sahrawi Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mohamed Sidati, sent a message of condolence to his counterpart Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mozambique Ms. Veronica Nataniel Macamo Dlhovo, following the Cyclone of Freddy.
 SPS 110